A simpler faster way to log your development process that tweets and pushes commits with screenshots
DevLogger is a command line tool for anyone that wants to update their daily log on Twitter and GitHub: In addition it takes screenshots and is super easy and simple to use from the terminal.
Usage: python main.py [-h] [--append] [--offline] [--text] message
If you need more detailed information just enter tha following in the terminal: python main.py -h
It is under early development and requires the following dependencies:
- gitpython
- mss
Which can be installed using sudo pip install gitpython twitter mss
In order to run the script you need to set up a settings.json file. It contains your password and username for Twitter and other sensitive information.
An example settings.json
"username":"user", // Your Twitter username
"password":"pass", // Your Twitter password
"logpath":"log.md",// The devlog file location relative to base repo dir
"email": "isaak.eriksson@gmail.com", // Your GitHub email
"repo": "url", // Your Github repo url
"gallery", "screenshots/", // Folder to store screenshots
"reponame": "DevLogger", // Name of GitHub repo