Simple diff viewer for Google Cloud Storage
Install from
❯ gcs-diff -help
Usage of gcs-diff:
-b string
-conc int
upload cuncurrency (default 4)
-cred string
credential path
-dst string
dst path to compare
-src string
src path to compare
❯ gcs-diff -b example-storage -cred credential.json -src assets1 -dst assets2
bucket: example-storage
credential: credenital.json
source: assets1
destination: assets2
+ gs:/example-storage/assets1/only2.txt
- gs:/example-storage/assets2/only1.txt
~ gs:/example-storage/assets1/samename.txt
: means does not exist in src dir, but exists dst dir-
: means exists in src dir, but does not exist dst dir~
: means exist both dir, but CRC32C is changed(not output)
: means exist both dir, and same CEC32C