Live Environment url:
Test Environment url:
This is the documentation for integrating WibmoPay payment gateway on your website.
The variables below have to be passed using form (in html) with POST action to the url given above with the following field names. The payment page will automatically open up as soon as you submit the form (in html).
- checksum (creation process is described below)
- merchant_name (your merchant username eg-test-name-p2m)
- merchant_txn_id (your unique transaction id eg - 12345ABCDE)
- amount
- payer_mobile (mobile number of the user) - optional
- merchant_message (message that you want to be displayed on the page) - optional
- payer_name (Name of the user) - optional
- payer_email (Email of the user) - optional
- paymentoptions (comma separated payment mode you want eg - upi,paytm,mobikwik,cards,nb) - optional
- callbackurl (your merchant callback) - optional
Please note again that these parameters have to be sent in a POST request. The optional parameters of payer_mobile and payer_email will help skip the first 2 pages of our payment flow where we ask for these details from the consumer.
Your Form will look like this
<form action="" name="payment" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="checksum" value="{{checksum}}">
<input type="hidden" name="amount" value="10">
<input type="hidden" name="merchant_name" value="test-wibmo-p2m">
<input type="hidden" name="merchant_txn_id" value="12345ABCDE">
<input type="hidden" name="merchant_message" value="Test">
<input type="hidden" name="paymentoptions" value = "paytm,mobikwik,upi,cards">
<input type="hidden" name="payer_mobile" value="9599771577">
<input type="hidden" name="payer_email" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="payer_name" value="WibmoPay">
<input type="hidden" name="callbackurl" value="">
Checksum is a field used to validate the parameters of the transaction. To create the checksum we will require the following fields:
- Username (your merchant username)
- Merchant Transaction ID (merchant_txn_id)
- Amount to be requested (amount)
- Secret/API Key (your merchant secret)
We create a verifying string in the following manner:
Here we are using | (pipe) as a separator. Now we will hash this verifying string with sha512 algorithm and pass it in the calls
NOTE: It is a must that you calculate the returning checksum and validate it against the returning checksum passed by WibmoPay Payment Gateway
The merchants are required to submit a redirection url to report the completion of the order. You can pass your desired redirection url by going to the merchant dashboard at in the "my account" section change the redirection url.
"checksum" is the key corresponding to old checksum.
The returning checksum is calculated by using merchant_name|order_id|merchant_txn_id|status|secret
and then creating a hash with sha512 algorithm.
"return_checksum" is the key corresponding to new checksum.
The new returning checksum is calculated by using merchant_name|order_id|merchant_txn_id|status|payment_mode|amount|commission|channel|secret
and then creating a hash with sha512 algorithm.
The use of the redirection url will be done with a GET request in the following manner:<merchant_name>&merchant_txn_id=<MERCHANT TXN ID>&order_id<MYPOOLIN_ORDER_ID>&status=<status_of_transaction>&checksum=<old_returning_checksum>&payment_mode=<mobikwik or PPI or DC or CC or PC or UPI or NB>&amount=<amount>&commission=<commission>&channel=<ANDROID or WEB or IOS>&return_checksum=<new_returning_checksum>
The status can be of the following types:
- COMPLETED (If transaction is successful)
- ABORTED (If checksum sent is invalid)
- FAILED (for cases where there is error in creation)
- RETRIED (for cases where same merchant_txn_id is passed)
- DECLINED (UPI transactions when user clicks on decline on the UPI app)
NOTE: It is a must that you calculate the returning checksum and validate it against the returning checksum passed by WibmoPay Payment Gateway
You can find below the steps to be followed for generating the checksum when making the POST request. Also, pseudo code is written below to give you an idea.
Initialize an array and put in elements as arr = [username, merchant_txn_id, amount, secret]
Concatenate elements in array with pipe(|)
for (data in arr){
checksum_str += str(data) + '|'
}checksum_str = checksum_str[:-1]
Generate hash512
return hashlib.sha512(checksum_str).hexdigest().upper()
for further queries please reach out to the developers on
import hashlib
arr = [username, merchant_txn_id, amount, secret]
checksum_str = ''
for data in arr:
checksum_str += str(data) + '|'
checksum_str = checksum_str[:-1]
return hashlib.sha512(checksum_str).hexdigest().upper()
$arr = array(username, merchant_txn_id, amount, secret);
$checksum_str = '';
foreach ($arr as $data){
$checksum_str .= (string)$data . '|';
$checksum_str = substr($checksum_str, 0, -1);
return strtoupper(hash("sha512", $checksum_str));
var crypto = require('crypto');
var arr = [username, merchant_txn_id, amount, secret];
var checksum_str = '';
for(var i = 0;i<arr.length;i++){
checksum_str += arr[i] + '|';
checksum_str = checksum_str.substring(0, checksum_str.length - 1);
return crypto.createHash('sha512').update(String(checksum_str)).digest('hex').toUpperCase();
static String sha1(String input) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {
MessageDigest mDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-512");
byte[] result = mDigest.digest(input.getBytes());
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
sb.append(Integer.toString((result[i] & 0xff) + 0x100, 16).substring(1));
return sb.toString();
For testing of java checksum code please visti URL -
Live url:
POST request with with following parameters
order_id (The unique id generated by us)
merchant_id (Shared by us on account creation)
merchant_txn_id (your unique transaction id eg - 12345ABCDE)
The status can be one of the following:
- COMPLETED (If transaction is successful)
- PENDING (when the user closes tab without doing any transaction )
- FAILED (for cases where there is an error in creation)
- DECLINED (for UPI transactions when the user declines transaction)
- SETTLED (Amount is settled to your account)
- UNKNOWN (proper POST parameters are not passed)
Test url:
Live url:
POST request with with following parameters
order_id (The unique id generated by us)
checksum (generate checksum format ("order_id|secret" ))
The status can be one of the following:
- On successful statuscode - 200 ("message": "Refund Initiated successfully")
- Wrong order_id statuscode - 400 ("message": "Merchant Transaction Not Found")
- Wrong checksum statuscode - 400 ("message": "Invalid checksum")
- Missing order_id statuscode - 400 ("message": "No merchant found")
- Missing checksum statuscode - 400 ("message": "checksum not passed")
- order_id status not equal to 'COMPLETED' statuscode will be 400 ("message": "Amount already refunded or not paid yet")
POSTman collection -
Documentation Last Updated - 23rd October 2019