- Anaconda
- Use the requirements.txt to install required libraries
conda create --name asl --file requirements.txt
Run create.py to create the dataset. The dataset will be created in C:\Dataset to change this change the path varibale in line 5 accordingly. Parameters given druing runtime are:
- Starting index, from which number the file name will start(Give 1 as default).
- Ending index, till which number the file name will end at.
conda activate asl
python create.py
Upload the data set and the train.ipynb file on ur drive. Things to be noted
- Images of J and Z should be in a folder named MotionSigns in ur drive
- Rest of the images should be in a folder named StationarySigns in ur drive
- Both of the above folder should contain a folder named ^ with images of blank background
Two models are to be made:
- First model is for the sationary signs
change the name of model to keras.StationaryModel
- Second model is for motion signs
change the name of the model to keras.MotionModel
Download the models from ur drive and put in the same folder with run.py.
conda activate asl
python run.py
The pretrained models are given here
Run the run.py file put ur hand in the box provided and the sign will be detected.
Press space bar for space, backspace to delete a character and enter to read the sentence out loud