Day 1
- Hello World
- The print()
- Variables and data-types
- Operators
- Program(s) - sum and average of three numbers
Day 2
- Boolean and Relational Operators
- Strings
- Branching - if, if-else and if - elif
- Program(s) - greatest of 2 numbers, positive negative or zero
Day 3
- range()
- for loop
- Nested for loop
- While
- Nested while
- Program(s) - find the sum of odd numbers less than 100, print the factors of a number, prime or not, different patterns
Day 4
- Containers
- List
- Iterating list
- List comprehension
- Program(s) - list comprehension example
Day 5
- Containers - Part 2
- Dictionary
- Tuple
- Set
- Program(s) - Remove duplicates in a list
Day 6
- Functoins
- global variables
- Functions calling functions
- Default parameters
- Program(s) - using functions average of 3 numbers, swapping variables, prime or not, print primes