A large scale prediction of bacteriocin gene blocks suggests a wide functional spectrum for bacteriocins.
James T. Morton, Stefan D. Freed, Shaun W. Lee and Iddo Friedberg.
##How to run Boa:
First, you need to install the following things:
- Python2.7 or greater
- biopython
- matplotlib
- numpy
- panda
- bx-python
- blastall
- hmmer
- cdhit
- clustalw
- nltk
- mafft
- transeq
Most of these can be installed with the following command on Ubuntu.
sudo apt-get install python python-biopython python-matplotlib python-panda python-numpy nltk clustalw cd-hit hmmer
You need to also install blastall, mafft, transeq and bx-python.
blast can be downloaded from here-
mafft can be downloaded from here-
For transeq, you need to install emboss, which can be downloaded from here (you might need to also install x11 dev files for this, it will show error while installing if you need this)-
bx-python can be installed through the following link:
If everything is installed properly, now you can run Boa with the file(inside src folder). Following is the command that you can run from your terminal.
- --root-dir is the folder inside which all code and all experimental data reside. My root directory here is "/home/nafizh/Boa_project/Boa", all my code and data is inside this Boa folder.
- --genome-dir is the folder where your bacterial genome files reside.
- --bacteriocin is the file(/bacteriocins/bagel.fa) with bacteriocins that are identified by BAGEL3. It is one part of the "gold standard" data set.
- --intermediate is a directory of your choice where all the files during the process and the result files will be generated.
- --training-labels("data/training/training_proteins.txt") is the literature curated dataset.
- --traning-directory is the directory that contains all of the genbank files for each curated protein.
- --formatdb is required to form a database from experimental bacterial genome files inside --genome-dir. This databased will be run against the --bacteriocin file with blast. This is only required once. So, once run, if you run again, you can ignore it unless your experimental bacterial genome files have changed.
I will try to give a brief overview of what is doing under the hood. It has 5 distinct steps inside the
if __name__ == __main__:
function. They are:
- preprocess
- blast
- blastContextGenes
- hmmerGenes
- cliqueFilter
During the preprocess step, these files will be generated using the files inside --genome-dir: all.faa, all.faaidx, all.fai, all.fna, all.gff, all_trans.fai, all_trans.fna, annotated_genesDB.fa, intergeneDB.fa.
For annotated_genesDB.fa, preprocess is taking the "amino acid translation corresponding to the nucleotide coding sequence(CDS)" from each .gbk(genbank - file and putting it inside annotated_genesDB.fa with the filename, base span, whether it is in complementary strand or not, locus tag and protein id.
The preprocess step also finds the integenic regions and corresponding nucleotides from the .fna(fasta) files and puts it inside the intergeneDB.fa file.
The other files are result of necessary formatting procedures for future steps.
preprocess function is using the and files to do these.
The blast step is creating a database from the all.fna file with a command - "formatdb -i /home/nafizh/temp/all.fna -p F"
It is then running that database against bagel.fa file with blast(tblastn command specifically). blast function inside is using to do all these.
In this step, files with names like "blasted.0.bacteriocins.txt" and "blasted.0.annotated.txt" are produced.
The "blasted.0.bacteriocins.txt" type files are merged into blasted_bacteriocins.fa file. It contains the list of bacteriocins aligned against all of the bacterial genomes provided. It contains the following things(shown with an example from the file)-
Here, 80.3 - bacteriocin name gi|256632183|dbj|AP011121.1 - ncbi id of species blasted against(from .fna file of the species) 2340005 - bacteriocin start 2340748 - bacteriocin end '-' - bacteriocin strand gene - overlaps intergene or gene MNNLHKHLAPISHAAWAEIEQEASRTIRRNLAGR....... - blasted bacteriocin sequence
The "blasted.0.annotated.txt" type files are merged into cand_context_genes.fa file. It contains the list of annotated genes within a radius around all of the blasted bacteriocins. This search radius can be specified in the script. It contains the following things(shown with an example from the file)-
Here, 80.3 - bacteriocin name gi|256632183|dbj|AP011121.1 - ncbi id of anchor gene 2340005 - blast bacteriocin start 2340748 - blast bacteriocin end '-' - blast bacteriocin strand AP011121|APA01_21470|BAI00262.1 - accession id of whole genome 2334839 - anchor gene start 2335451 - anchor gene end '+' - anchor gene strand MVAGCAAFHPLGEARRMGAAARTGSG.... - sequence of bacteriocin
The blastContextGenes step identifies context genes using BLAST.
It first splits up the "cand_context_genes.fa" file to a bunch of context.0 type of files depending on the number of njobs provided to the function. Then thr results are put into contextout.0 type files and then put together into the classify file. So, basically for the blastContextGenes() function- input: cand_context_genes.fa -> conext.0, context.1 ... output: contextout.0, contextout.1 ... -> classify
The hmmerGenes step creates HMMER profiles of all of the blasted context genes and the bacteriocins to find more candidate context genes and bacteriocins.
It is taking the "classify" file and putting the context genes in "modifier.fa", "immunity.fa",
"transport.fa", "regulator.fa" files.Then It is taking the "blasted_bacteriocins.fa" file and putting the toxins into the "toxin.fa" file.
For each type of context genes and bacteriocin, if the number of clusters is equal to or more than the set "min_cluster" variable, then "toxin.fa.cluster0.fa" type files are created with the following line.
Then with the following code, it is taking each "toxin.fa.cluster0.fa" type file, and first, performing multiple alignment with Muscle on each cluster with MAFFT. Then builds an HMM for each cluster. In this step, the "toxin.fa.cluster0.fa.hmm", "toxin.fa.cluster0.fa.sto" and "toxin.fa.cluster0.fa_hmmbuild.log" type files are created.
H.HMMspawn(msa=MAFFT,njobs=njobs) #this function is within the file def HMMspawn(self,msa=MAFFT,njobs=4,maxiters=20): procs = [] i = 0 # number of transport.fa.cluster0.fa type files for each functional category of context genes print len(self.clusterfas) #looping over the transport.fa.cluster0.fa type files for clrfa in self.clusterfas: hmm = HMM(clrfa,module=self.module,threads=self.threads) self.hmms.append(hmm) for hmm in self.hmms: proc = hmm.multipleAlignment(msa=msa,maxiters=maxiters) if proc!=None: procs.append(proc) i+=1 if i==njobs: #make sure jobs don't overload self.wait(procs,fasta=True) procs,i = [],0 self.wait(procs,fasta=True) procs,i = [],0 for hmm in self.hmms: proc = hmm.hmmbuild() procs.append(proc) i+=1 if i==njobs: #make sure jobs don't overload self.wait(procs) procs,i = [],0 self.wait(procs) #this function is within the file """Perform multiple alignment with Muscle on a single cluster""" def multipleAlignment(self,module=subprocess,msa=MAFFT,maxiters=20): if self.seqcount(self.clusterfa)==1: self.sto = self.clusterfa return None else: #mafft class in is being called - Nafiz cw = msa(self.clusterfa,self.sto,module) self.clustal = cw if msa==Muscle: proc =,maxiters=maxiters) else: proc =,maxiters=maxiters,threads=self.threads) #cw.outputSTO() return cw #this function is within the file """Builds an HMM for a cluster""" def hmmbuild(self,module=subprocess): cmd = "hmmbuild %s %s "%(self.hmm,self.sto) #Changed from self.module.Popen -> module.Popen - Nafiz proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stderr=open(self.logs[0],'w+'),shell=True) if self.module==quorum: proc.submit() #proc.wait() return proc
Then with the following code, it is taking the all.faa file and the *.out type files, and performs HMMER using all clusters on the all.faa file. The "toxin.fa.cluster0.fa.table" type files are being created here also. It is writing the results in the *.out files.,self.hmmer_class_out[i],maxpower=True,njobs=njobs) #this function is in the file """Performs HMMER using all clusters on infasta""" def search(self,infasta,out,maxpower=False,njobs=4): procs = [] i = 0 for hmm in self.hmms: proc = hmm.hmmsearch(infasta,maxpower) self.tables.append(hmm.table) procs.append(proc) i+=1 if i==njobs: #make sure jobs don't overload self.wait(procs) procs,i = [],0 self.wait(procs) procs,i = [],0 with open(out, 'w') as outfile: for fname in self.tables: if os.path.exists(fname): with open(fname) as infile: for line in infile: outfile.write(line) #this function is in the file """Runs Viterbi algorithm on an input protein fasta""" def hmmsearch(self,infasta,maxpower=False): if maxpower: cmd = "hmmsearch --noali --notextw --max --domtblout %s %s %s"%(self.table,self.hmm,infasta) else: cmd = "hmmsearch --noali --notextw --domtblout %s %s %s"%(self.table,self.hmm,infasta) print cmd # changed - Nafiz proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd,stderr=open(self.logs[0],'w+'),shell=True) # if self.module==quorum: proc.submit() #Nafiz return proc
5.The cliqueFilter step finds operons by constructing graphs and finding cliques. It takes the *.out files as input and outputs the results in the "operons.txt" and "predicted_operons.txt" files.