NOTE: Dwolla has released an Official NodeJS Wrapper for Dwolla's API dwolla-node It is a fork of this library with significant refactoring.
Requires your Dwolla application client_id and client_secret.
- basicAccountInfo(client_id, client_secret, id, fn)
- nearby(client_id, client_secret, lat, lon, [, params], fn)
- register(client_id, client_secret, userInfo, fn)
Requires a valid user OAuth2 token. Currently tokens do not expire and may be reused, however this will change March 2015.
NOTE: Dwolla has implemented a new OAuth implementation. (
- fullAccountInfo(oauth_token, fn)
- balance(oauth_token, fn)
- contacts(oauth_token[, params], fn)
- transactions(oauth_token[, params], fn)
- transactionById(oauth_token, id, fn)
- transactionsStats(oauth_token[, params], fn)
- send(oauth_token, pin, destinationId, amount[, params], fn)
- request(oauth_token, pin, sourceId, amount[, params], fn)
- fundingSources(oauth_token, fn)
- fundingSourceById(oauth_token, id, fn)
- addFundingSource(oauth_token, account_number, routing_number, account_type, name, fn)
- verifyFundingSource(oauth_token, deposit1, deposit2, id, fn)
- deposit(oauth_token, pin, sourceId, amount, fn)
- fulfill(oauth_token, pin, sourceId[, params], fn)
- pending(oauth_token, callback)
- withdraw(oauth_token, pin, sourceId, amount, fn)
- createMassPayJob(oauth_token, fundsSource, pin, items[, params], fn)
- getMassPayJob(oauth_token, job_id, fn)
- getMassPayJobItems(oauth_token, job_id[, params], fn)
All optional parameters are passed in as an optional object before the callback.
If you desire to test your application with Dwolla's UAT sandbox, you can dynamically toggle between sandbox and production mode by toggling the sandbox flag.
dwolla = require('dwolla');
dwolla.sandbox = true;
The sandbox environment is disabled by default.
To authenticate a user, follow the examples from one of the following modules.
everyauth is an authentication and authorization module for your node.js Connect and Express apps. See
Passport is authentication middleware for Node.js, popular for being lightweight, modular, and flexible. A strategy for authenticating with Dwolla, along with an example, is available in the passport-dwolla module.
The Dwolla Generate Token tool allows you create a valid OAuth token for testing purposes.
$ npm install dwolla
See more examples in the examples folder.
var dwolla = require('dwolla');
// use the Dwolla Sandbox environment instead of prod
dwolla.sandbox = true;
// get oauth_token, be sure to set the proper scope
// use oauth lib or everyauth to setup OAuth2
// see everyauth for example Dwolla authentication
var token = req.session.oauth_token;
dwolla.fullAccountInfo(token, function(err, data) {
console.log("Full Account Info: " + data);
dwolla.transactions(token, function(err, data) {
console.log("Transactions: " + data);
var params = {}; = 'Ben';
params.types = 'All';
dwolla.contacts(token, params, function(err, data) {
console.log("Contacts: " + data);
Tests use mocha and should.js. Tests were made only for GET requests, as tests of POST requests would be processed just like real requests. Although working examples of each POST request can be found in the examples folder.
$ npm test
$ mocha