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This application demonstrate how to develop and test a lambda function locally


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EventBridge Application With Lambda

This is a small application that will take an event and will increment a counter in a DynamoDB given the event specification.

The purpose of this application is to demonstrate how to develop and test a serverless function locally without the need of building a test environment in the cloud. It aims to reproduce different test approach to validate code changes.

This example was build with testability as a key non-functional requirement and also aims to be lenient when an error occures. Deployments are beyond the scope of this example.

Overview of Architecture

The CloudTrail and DataLake are displayed in the previous diagram as examples, but not actually setup for local testing.

Working With This Project

This project has working components available through localstack.

  • AWS DynamoDB
  • AWS CloudWatch Logs
  • AWS EventBridge with a Rule
  • AWS Lambda

Start Localstack

In this project LocalStack was used to setup the mocked AWS infrastructure locally. In order to validate if your laptop has the required tools to work with this project, you can run the ./ script and it will let you know if something is missing. The script assums that you run MacOS.

Following the successful execution of ./, you can run:

hatch run start
hatch run status
hatch run refresh

It will output the state of localstack and the status of all the mocked services available. From this point on you can use the CLI tool called awslocal which is a wrapper around the aws cli tool but that make sure the --endpoint-url always points to your running instance of localstack. The endpoint url that will be used by awscli is which does not have real authentication and authorization.

Here are the dummy values that will be used for authentication and authorization:


Run Tests Against Lambda Code

From this point on, you can run the different test against the code. Note that only the test marked as infrastructure will leverage localstack at this point.

hatch shell
hatch env prune
hatch env show
hatch run test:all
hatch run +py=3.12 test:all
hatch run test:unit
hatch run test:integration
hatch run test:infrastructure

Clean Resources and Environment From LocalStack

To make sure you start from scratch, you can use the following commands the clean up any leftover resources from previous work in your running instance of localstack. Errors are safe to ignore.

hatch run refresh

Setup Localstack

Running the commands below to create the required resources.

  • AWS DynamoDB
  • AWS EventBridge with a Rule
  • AWS Lambda

Create Lambda

This will create the lambda package and 'upload' it, it will associate the dead letter queue to it as well. We re-package the lambda (the zip file) each time to grab the latest code changes.

hatch run lambda

Test Lambda Invocation

Executing the following will trigger an execution of your lambda and pass the payload as the event. The output of the lambda will be stored in the dist/response.json folder.

mkdir dist
awslocal lambda invoke \
  --cli-binary-format raw-in-base64-out \
  --log-type tail \
  --function-name lambda-testing \
  --payload '{"detail": {"coordinate": {"x": "5", "y": "5"}, "type": "fake"}}' \

See Logs Generated by Lambda

The lambda generates logs, they will be available in the localstack implementation of CloudWatch and can "tail" the logs with the following command.

awslocal logs tail /aws/lambda/lambda-testing --follow

Create Event Bridge

This will create an event bridge with a rule to target any event with cli as srouce to trigger the lambda function.

hatch run eventbridge

Create DynamoDB Table

This will create a simple DDB table with one key and one field. The field will simply be a number that our query will increment.

hatch run dynamodb

Test DynamoDB Table

This is a simple DDB query that will cause the field Distance to be incremented by one. This will validate that our DDB was created properly and seeded with a number as value for the field Distance.

awslocal dynamodb update-item \
  --table-name Distance \
  --key '{"Name": { "S": "Distance" }}' \
  --update-expression "SET Distance = Distance + :incr" --expression-attribute-values '{":incr":{"N":"1"}}' \
  --return-values UPDATED_NEW

Validate DynamoDB data update

With this command you can look at the value of your counter and match it against the amount of events you fired that had the persistance setting set properly. It should be a good indication if you missed events or not. Missing events are most likely in the Dead Letter Queue SQS queue.

awslocal dynamodb scan --table-name Distance

Send Event to EventBridge

This command will grab the content of etc/events/events.json and send it to the eventbridge. You can put as many events in this file as you whish, feel free to experiment and craft events that are edge cases.

awslocal events put-events --entries file://etc/events/events.json

Validate Dead Letter SQS

With this command you can grab the count attribute for the queue. In a ideal production world this should always be zero.

hatch run awslocal sqs get-queue-attributes \
  --attribute-names ApproximateNumberOfMessages \
  --queue-url http://sqs.{env:AWS_DEFAULT_REGION}.{env:LOCALSTACK_HOST}/000000000000/lambda-testing-dlq

Recreate Lambda and Push Events

To recreated the lambda and trigger its execution through events, below is the list of commands:

hatch run relambda
awslocal events put-events --entries file://etc/events/events.json


This application demonstrate how to develop and test a lambda function locally







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