Created to be able to quickly test http request. The script supports GET
Before running this script, ensure Python3 is installed on your system. This script is compatible with Python 3.x versions.
You will also need the requests
Clone the repository or download the script to your local machine.
git clone
Install the Dependencies :
pip install requests
pip install requests PyYAML
To use the script, follow these steps:
cd httpeeper
Run the script from your terminal or command prompt.
Usage: To use this script, you'll run it from the command line, providing the URL as an argument, and optionally specifying -yaml if you want the output in YAML format. Here's how you might call it:
Response Display:
The script outputs the response's status code, headers, and body to help users analyze the application's behavior.
Response output default json if no options are set.
To use yaml use option: -yaml
python3 -yaml
Enter the URL you wish to test when prompted. Ensure you have authorization to interact with this URL.
Select the HTTP method you want to use for the request. The script supports GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH, and OPTIONS methods.
After selecting the HTTP method and entering the URL, the script will perform the selected HTTP request to the given URL and print the status code, response headers, and the first 500 characters of the response body directly in the terminal.
Create an alias to quickly use httpeeper
nano ~/.bashrc
by adding the following line to your .bashrc or .zshrc file
alias httpeeper='python3 /path/to/httpeeper/'
Support for Multiple HTTP Methods: This script allows users to test how a web application responds to different types of HTTP requests. Custom Headers and Data: The script includes an example of sending requests with JSON data and custom headers, demonstrating how to test APIs or web applications that require such inputs.
This script is for educational purposes only and should only be used on web servers or applications where you have explicit permission from the rightful owners. Unauthorized testing against websites, servers, or applications is illegal and unethical.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. Please see the LICENSE file for details.