The extended sample-controller implements an operator for a VM resource kind.
docker run -d --name cloud-server --restart unless-stopped --net host nascarsayan/cloud-server:latest
When the docker container starts, it will accept requests on port 9001. Note down the IP of the host machine where we are running the container. Let's assume the private cloud API endpoint is listening to requests at
helm upgrade --install sample-controller helm/ --create-namespace --set cloudApiUrl=""
This simple script can be used to create 10 VMs. yq should be installed on the system.
for i in $(seq -f "%04g" 1 10); do yq e "( |= \"vm-sample-$i\") | (.spec.vmName |= \"vm-sample-$i\")" artifacts/examples/example-vm.yaml | ka -; done
The discussions for all the assignments can be found in Markdown format here.
The PDFs have been generated from these markdown files using md-to-pdf
npm i -g md-to-pdf
md-to-pdf # Creates file.pdf in the same directory where is present.
The root directory should be named sample-controller
and placed under a directory with name
so that the module name
gets resolved into the correct directory by codegen
Run make
. It will download the go modules (GO111MODULE should be on by default in go1.17),
generate the informers, listers and clientset for our custom k8s resources, and create the binary sample-controller
You can run sample-controller
locally, but please copy .env.sample
to .env
and set the environment variables correctly.
The default values for those environment variables should work except for one: CLOUD_API_URL
should be set to the private cloud API URL endpoint.
Currently only very basic golang metrics are exposed in the /metrics
We should add workqueue related metrics, reflector related metrics and k8s client related metrics metrics too.
All these metrics are exposed by default in controller-runtime. A kubernetes operator scaffolded using kubebuilder will have all these metrics exposed.
To keep the sample-controller simple all these metrics were not added. Just the following metrics related to our controller have been added:
- Max Concurrent Reconcilers: The number of worker threads for the controller.
- Workqueue Retries Total: The number of times a workitem was added to the workqueue again for retrying after it failed due to transient errors.
The latency for the REST requests have been added to the instrumentation. This helps us to categorize the latency of the controller, i.e., how much time the controller took in executing the code paths vs how much time was spent by the controller to wait for response from the private cloud server. It gives us more clarity on the performance bottlenecks, so that we can work on improvement of the service as a whole.
- Cloud API Request Latency was added for this purpose.
A sample snapshot from the '/metrics' endpoint has been captured in this file: Sample Metrics