Live C#/MSIL disassembler
Expects peverify
to be available on your PATH.
$ mono path/to/Illness.exe assembly.dll path/to/other/assembly/directories...
The two basic inputs are: the assembly to disassemble and the directories in which to search for references assembly. The current directory and the directory of the target assembly are always included in the search path.
Naviate browser to localhost:2718 to see C#/MSIL. Contents update when the assembly changes.
-v, --verbose print information while running
-p, --port=VALUE port to listen on
-h, --help show help message
Depends on Mono MDK and NuGet.
$ git clone
$ cd illness
$ nuget restore
$ xbuild Illness.csproj
The included illness
script is designed to be symlinked.
$ ln -s "$(pwd)/illness" ~/bin/illness
Illness Copyright (c) 2016 Ramsey Nasser. Provided under the MIT License
Mono.Cecil Copyright (c) 2008 - 2011, Jb Evain, used under the MIT License
ICSharpCode.Decompiler Copyright 2011-2014 AlphaSierraPapa for the SharpDevelop team, used under the MIT License