- FR - Functional requirements
- NRF - Non-functional requirements
- BR - Business rule
- It should be able register a new car.
- It should not be able to register a car with a license plate already registered.
- The card must be registered with availability.
- The user responsible for the registration must be an administrator.
- It should be able to list all available cars.
- It should be able to list all available cars by category name.
- It should be able to list all available cars by brand name.
- It should be able to list all available cars by car name.
- The user does not need to be authenticated to the system.
- It should be able to file a specification for a car.
- It should not be able to register a specification for an unregistered car.
- It should not be able to register a specification already registered for the same car.
- The user responsible for the registration must be an administrator.
- It should be able to register an image of the car.
- Use multer to upload files.
- The user should be able to register more than one image for the same car.
- The user responsible for the registration must be an administrator.
- It should be able to register a rental.
- The rental should have minimum duration of 24 hours.
- It should not be able to register a new rental if there is already one open for the same user.
- It should not be possible to register a new rental if there is already one open for the same car.
- When making a rental, the car's status must be changed to unavailable.
- The user must be authenticated in the application.
- It should be able to devolve the car.
- If the car is returned less than 24 hours later, the full day will be charged.
- When returning, the car must be released for a new rental.
- When returning, the user must be released for a new rental.
- When returning, the total rent must be calculated.
- If the return time is longer than the expected delivery time, a fine shall be charged for the days of delay.
- If there is a fine, it must be added to the total rent.
- The user must be authenticated in the application.
- It should be possible to search for all rentals by users.
- The user must be authenticated in the application.
- It should be able to user to reset his password by informing his e-mail.
- The user should receive an email with the step by step to reset their password.
- The user must be able to enter a new password.
- The user needs to enter a new password.
- The link sent to reset the password must expire in 3 hours.
- node 16.17.0
- npm 8.19.1
- express 4.18.1
- swagger-ui-express 4.5.0
- uuid 9.0.0
If you are using wsl check if docker is running
run sudo service docker status
if the output is Docker is not running
run sudo service docker start
Access the project folder and run docker-compose up
Runs the app in the development mode. Open http://localhost:3333/api-docs to view it in the browser.