Google Developer Profile: natashaval
Juara-Android Indonesia 2022 Season 2 link
Collect 12 badges for beginners + 5 badges for experienced
Android Basics with Compose
- Unit 1: Your first Android app (3 badges)
- MainActivity
- BirthdayActivity, LearnActivity, TaskActivity, QuadrantActivity
- Unit 2: Building app UI (3 badges)
- MainActivity
- DiceActivity, LemonadeActivity
- TipActivity
- Unit 3: Display lists and use Material Design (3 badges)
- MainActivity
- TopicActivity
- WoofActivity, SuperheroActivity, DaysActivity
- Unit 4: Navigation and app architecture (3 badges)
- DessertActivity
Jetpack Compose for Android Developers
Compose essentials
- Write your first Compose app -> BasicsActivity, BasicCodelabActivity, OnboardingActivity
- Basic layouts in Compose -> SootheActivity
- State in Compose -> WellnessActivity
- Migrating to Jetpack Compose -> sunflower.GardenActivity
Layouts, theming, and animation
- Animating Elements in Jetpack Compose -> AnimationActivity
Juara-Android Indonesia 2022 Season 1 link
Collect 16 badges + 3 extra badges from this list
Android Basics in Kotlin
- Unit 1: Kotlin basics (4 badges)
- MainActivity
- Introduction to Kotlin
✅ Introduction to Kotlin - Create your first Android app
✅ First App in Android Studio
- Introduction to Kotlin
- BirthdayActivity
- Build a basic layout
✅ Build a Basic Layout
- Build a basic layout
- DebugActivity, DiceActivity, LemonadeActivity
- Add a button to an app
✅ Dice Roller App - Project: Lemonade App 🍋
- Add a button to an app
- MainActivity
- Unit 2: Layouts (3 badges)
- TipActivity
- Get user input in an app: Part 1
✅ Get user input in an app: Part 1 - Get user input in an app: Part 2
✅ Get user input in an app: Part 2
- Get user input in an app: Part 1
- AffirmationActivity, Dogglers Activity
- Display a scrollable list
✅ Display a Scrollable List - Project: Dogglers App 🐶
- Display a scrollable list
- TipActivity
- Unit 3: Navigation (4 badges)
- WordActivity, DetailActivity, DessertActivity
- Navigate between screens
✅ Navigate between screens - Introduction to the Navigation component
✅ Introduction to the Navigation component
- Navigate between screens
- UnscrambleActivity
- Architecture components
✅ Architecture components
- Architecture components
- CupcakeActivity, LunchActivity
- Advanced navigation app examples
✅ Advanced navigation app examples - Project: Lunch Tray App 🍱
- Advanced navigation app examples
- WordActivity, DetailActivity, DessertActivity
- Unit 4: Connect to the internet (2 badges)
- MarsActivity, AmphibianActivity
- Coroutines
✅ Coroutines - Get and display data from the internet
✅ Get and display data from the internet - Project: Amphibians App 🐸
- Coroutines
- MarsActivity, AmphibianActivity
- Unit 5: Data Persistence (2 badges)
- BusActivity
- Introduction to SQL, Room, and Flow
✅ Introduction to SQL, Room, and Flow
- Introduction to SQL, Room, and Flow
- DevByteActivity, WordActivity, ForageActivity
- Save changes in your app
✅ Room for data persistence - Project: Forage App 🍄
- Save changes in your app
- BusActivity
- Unit 6: WorkManager (1 badge)
- BlurActivity
- Schedule tasks with WorkManager ✅ Schedule tasks with WorkManager
- Project: WaterMe App 💧
- BlurActivity
- XML (layout, user input)
- ViewBinding
- Unit Test (JUnit, Mockito)
- Integration Test (Espresso)
- RecyclerView
- Activity and Fragment Lifecycle
- Android Navigation Components
- ViewModel and LiveData
- Coroutines
- Room database and Flow
- Repository pattern
- Preferences DataStore
- Work Manager