The Tweteroo NestJS API is a simple social media API that allows users to create accounts, post tweets, and view other users' tweets. This project was developed with the aim of creating a scalable and robust web application using the NestJS framework.
Tweteroo was developed with the following main features:
- User registration and account creation.
- Posting tweets.
- View tweets from other users.
- Pagination support to view more tweets.
Motivation: The idea behind Tweteroo was to create a simple social media API that could be used as a foundation for more complex projects. The focus was to understand and implement NestJS principles to create a scalable back-end application.
Next steps:
- Implement user authentication.
- Add support for likes and retweets.
- Develop a friendly user interface.
Follow these steps to download and configure the project locally:
Clone the GitHub repository: git clone
Access the project directory: cd tweteroo-nestjs-api
Install dependencies: npm install
Configure the MongoDB database in the src/config/database.config.ts file.
Start the server: npm run start
The API will be available at http://localhost:3000. Be sure to follow the MongoDB configuration instructions and set the appropriate environment variables if necessary.
Feel free to contribute to the development of this project. Just follow the steps below:
- Create a fork of this repository.
- Create a branch for your new feature: git checkout -b my-new-feature.
- Make the necessary changes and commit them: git commit -m 'I added a new feature'.
- Push changes to your fork: git push origin my-new-feature.
- Create a pull request on this repository.
Happy coding! 🚀
A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient and scalable server-side applications.
Nest framework TypeScript starter repository.
$ npm install
# development
$ npm run start
# watch mode
$ npm run start:dev
# production mode
$ npm run start:prod
# unit tests
$ npm run test
# e2e tests
$ npm run test:e2e
# test coverage
$ npm run test:cov
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Nest is MIT licensed.