Qlyniq is an ASP.NET Core MVC application serving as a project for the Databases 2 exam. The app supports CRUD actions on records of patient and employee data, patient files etc. The data is being stored by a MySQL database, while the querying of the data is being performed by Entity Framework Core.
The SQL script that was used to generate the database and reverse engineer it into models contains template instructions for scaffolding dbcontext and aspnet-codegenerator. Also, don't forget to install dotnet ef tool globally as well as dotnet aspnet-codegenerator tool.
Clone the repository on your local computer to a preferred location and navigate to the location. If one desires, they may checkout a branch they wish, for specific changes, features or improvements.
Visit https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet-core/2.2 and download newest version of .NET Core 2.2 SDK for your operating system. Thorough installtion instructions can be found at the previous URL. If necessary reopen your terminal / command prompt or even restart your machine. Runtime configuration can be found in file global.json, which instructs dotnet runtime about required SDK for running the Qlyniq app.
The Qlyniq has been configured to connect to a MySQL server instance, so in order to run Qlyniq one should have a MySQL server instance running on their machine. Database configuration, i.e. ConnecetionString can be found in Qlyniq > appsettings.json. Input your instance-specific ConnectionString details in the appsettings.json file.
Now, when the database is running and the ConnectionString is set up, we can create (i.e. migrate) the Qlyniq's database tables to your local MySQL server. In any case, delete the Qlyniq > Migrations directory by executing:
if running on Windows
del Qlyniq\Migratoins /s /q
if running on Linux / Mac
rm -rf Qlyniq/Migrations -y
Navigate inside the Qlyniq directory inside the Qlyniq solution by running cd Qlyniq
Now migrate the database informations from the Qlyniq to MySQL server by running
dotnet ef migrations add InitialMigration
After the database informations from the Qlyniq have been migrated to your local MySQL server, update / push changes to the database by running:
dotnet ef database update
Before running, on Windows machines you could add the app's certificate to trusted certificates by running:
dotnet dev-certs https --trust
Inside the Qlyniq project directory execute
dotnet run
Now, open your web browser and open https://localhost:5001
and there is the Qlyniq .
In fact, for the first run, the database will be seeded with some values in order to see frontend properties at the first run.