This app uses Telegram's Bot API to deliver random results based on dice notation. The app sets a webhook as an entry point for Telegram messages.
The app requires two environmental variables to work. It runs as a server receiving requests from Telegram services on the webhook endpoint, and sending callback requests using API methods. For authentication it uses a self-signed certificate in PEM format following API documentation.
It is the external IP Address of the machine where the app is running. It is used to setup the webhook.
It's the port of the service exposed to the webhook callbacks. It is used to set the webhook.
It is the identifier that Telegram's Bot API sets on bot creation. It is used to communicate with the API.
The server runs under HTTPS protocol and uses a keypair with this format: private.key and cert.pem.
The program also expects a JSON formatted file with the messages to display, using error ids as keys. A dummy JSON file could be provided and the error ids would be displayed instead.
Current format:
"cth_skill_limits": "",
"cth_wrong_argument": "",
"dice_number": "",
"faces_number": "",
"no_drop" : "",
"notation_max_length": "",
"repeat_iter_error": "",
"repeat_nodice_error": "",
"unknown_action": "",
"unknown_error": "",
docker build -t <image_name> --build-arg BOT_TOKEN=<bot_token> .
docker run -td -p <endpoint_port>:<endpoint_port> -e ENDPOINT=<endpoint_ip> -e PORT=<endpoint_port> <image_name>
Both keys and the messages file should be available at build time in the following path: