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MIT License

The lightweight TON typescript library includes api, subscribers, and clients for interacting with smart contracts.


Go to the documentation for detailed information.


If you need an older version of the library, use the migrate branch.


Component Status
Toncenter API V2
Toncenter API V3
Client for toncenter API V2
Client for toncenter API V3
Block subscriber for toncenter API V2
Block subscriber for toncenter API V3


npm install ton-http-api --save


Some of the examples can be found in the examples directory.

Register your API key in the @tonapibot to get access with higher limits.

Api V3

In most cases, I recommend using toncenter TonHttpApiV3, this is the new and improved version.

import { TonHttpApiV3 } from "ton-http-api";

const api = new TonHttpApiV3({
    endpoint: "",
    apiKey: "" // optional

const masterchainInfo = await api.getMasterchainInfo();

const nftCollections = await api.getNftCollections({
    collection_address: "EQCA14o1-VWhS2efqoh_9M1b_A9DtKTuoqfmkn83AbJzwnPi"

const nftItems = await api.getNftItems({
    collection_address: "EQCA14o1-VWhS2efqoh_9M1b_A9DtKTuoqfmkn83AbJzwnPi"

const jettonWallets = await api.getJettonWallets({
    jetton_address: "EQBynBO23ywHy_CgarY9NK9FTz0yDsG82PtcbSTQgGoXwiuA"

Api V2

You can also use the old toncenter TonHttpApiV2.

import { TonHttpApiV2 } from "ton-http-api";

const api = new TonHttpApiV2({
    endpoint: "",
    apiKey: "" // optional

const data = await api.getMasterchainInfo();

const data = await api.getTransactions("EQCD39VS5jcptHL8vMjEXrzGaRcCVYto7HUn4bpAOg8xqB2N");

Client V2 / V3

TonClientV2 and TonClientV3 provide compatibility with other libraries (e.g. deploy and test smart contracts).

TonClientV2 works in the same way as TonClientV3, but uses TonHttpApiV2.

You can use client.api to work with api methods.

For example, let's do a highload wallet deploy!

npm install ton-highload-wallet-contract @ton/crypto @ton/core --save
import { TonClientV3 } from "ton-http-api";
import { HighloadWalletContractV2 } from "ton-highload-wallet-contract";
import { mnemonicToPrivateKey } from "@ton/crypto";
import { internal } from "@ton/core";

const client = new TonClientV3({
    endpoint: "",
    apiKey: "", // optional

const mnemonic = [ /* ... */ ];

// create contract
const key = await mnemonicToPrivateKey(mnemonic);
const contract ={ publicKey: key.publicKey, workchain: 0 }));
console.log(`send test coins to the address: ${contract.address}`);

// send transfer
await contract.sendTransfer({
    secretKey: key.secretKey,
    messages: [
            to: "EQBYivdc0GAk-nnczaMnYNuSjpeXu2nJS3DZ4KqLjosX5sVC",
            value: "0.2",
            body: "test 1",
            bounce: false,
            to: "EQBYivdc0GAk-nnczaMnYNuSjpeXu2nJS3DZ4KqLjosX5sVC",
            value: "0.2",
            body: "test 2",
            bounce: false,

Subscriber V3

You can use TonSubscriberV3 to listen blocks in the blockchain, it uses the TonHttpApiV3.

The getTransactionsByMasterchainBlock method gets transactions from both masterchain and shardchains.

import { 
    TonHttpApiV3, TonSubscriberV3, 
    TonMemoryBlockStorageV3, SchemaV3 
} from "ton-http-api";

const api = new TonHttpApiV3({
    endpoint: "",
    apiKey: "" // optional

const storage = new TonMemoryBlockStorageV3();

const subscriber = new TonSubscriberV3({
    api: api,
    storage: storage,
    // logger: logger,
    // masterchainTickSleepTime: 3000,
    // startSeqno: 35744539
await subscriber.start();

subscriber.on("block", async (args: { block: SchemaV3.Block }) => {
    try {

        let offset = 0;
        let stopped = false;
        let transactions: any = [];

        do {
            try {
                const data = await api.getTransactionsByMasterchainBlock(args.block.seqno, {
                    limit: 256,
                transactions = [...transactions,];

                if (data.transactions.length < 256) {
                    stopped = true;

                offset += 256;
            } catch (error) {
        } while(!stopped);

        console.log(`seqno: ${args.block.seqno} / transactions: ${transactions.length}`);

    } catch (error) {

Subscriber V2

You can use TonSubscriberV2 to listen blocks in the blockchain, it uses the TonHttpApiV2.

import { 
    TonHttpApiV2, TonSubscriberV2, 
    TonMemoryBlockStorageV2, SchemaV2 
} from "ton-http-api";

const api = new TonHttpApiV2({
    endpoint: "",
    apiKey: "" // optional

const storage = new TonMemoryBlockStorageV2();

const subscriber = new TonSubscriberV2({
    api: api,
    storage: storage,
    // logger: logger,
    // masterchainTickSleepTime: 3000,
    // shardchainTickSleepTime: 100,
    // startSeqno: 35744539

subscriber.on("block", async (args: { block: SchemaV2.BlockHeader, shards?: SchemaV2.BlockShards }) => {
    try {

        const { workchain, shard, seqno } =;

        let stopped = false;
        let transactions: any = [];
        do {
            try {
                const data = await api.getBlockTransactions(workchain, shard, seqno, {
                    count: 1024,
                transactions = [...transactions,];
                stopped = true;
            } catch (error) {
        } while(!stopped);

        console.log(`workchain: ${workchain} / seqno: ${seqno} / transactions: ${transactions.length}`);

    } catch (error) {


If you have any feedback, please reach out to me at telegram @ndatg.