Atom package to enable fuzzy find with rails project. Note that you cannot open select list view while you are not opening a file in rails project, because this package search rails project dynamically for the current active file path.
No default keymaps. You can add on keymap.cson
like this.
'ctrl-o c': 'rails-finder:toggle-controller'
'ctrl-o m': 'rails-finder:toggle-model'
'ctrl-o v': 'rails-finder:toggle-view'
'ctrl-o h': 'rails-finder:toggle-helper'
'ctrl-o i': 'rails-finder:toggle-mailer'
'ctrl-o s': 'rails-finder:toggle-spec'
'ctrl-o l': 'rails-finder:toggle-lib'
'ctrl-o a': 'rails-finder:toggle-asset'
'ctrl-o o': 'rails-finder:toggle-config'
'ctrl-o d': 'rails-finder:toggle-db'
'ctrl-o g': 'rails-finder:toggle-log'
'ctrl-o r': 'rails-finder:toggle-root'
'ctrl-o e': 'rails-finder:toggle-locale'
'ctrl-o j': 'rails-finder:toggle-job'
- xtr3me
- shemerey
Some part of codes are based on atom-recent-finder. Most of the features are based on unite-rails for vim.