a userscript to make Arduino interact with Chaturbate
- Install TamperMonkey for Chrome from https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tampermonkey/dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo
- Open the script URL with Chrome: https://raw.github.com/nerdguy/chaturbateDuino/master/chaturbateduino.user.js Chrome should ask you if you want to use the script with TamperMonkey. click 'ok'
- Download or install the local server from https://github.com/nerdguy/httpfirmata
- Connect your Arduino
- Start the local server. I prepared a self-contained Mac App so you don't have to deal with python and library dependencies. You can download it from: https://github.com/downloads/nerdguy/httpfirmata/httpfirmata_run.zip Note: You will have to 'Force Quit' the app in order to close it.
- when you are inside a chatroom, you should see a grey rectangle saying 'Firmata Control Panel' on the top left of the page. Click 'fetch ports'
- a dropdown menu will replace the 'fetch ports' link. Select the port your arduino is connected to.
- Set a Goal and hit the 'enter' key
- when you're done, change the dropdown menu back to 'select port' to reset the board and its pins.
- the default handler assumes a pwm connected to pin 3.
- Feel free to fork and modify the handler to suit your needs :)
MIT License.