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NXGallery is a next-generation gallery manager. It comes with a server module to resize image thumbnails and maintain the database, and a front end module to serve the images and offer a management dashboard.

Demo is accessible at
Dashboard login credentials for testing uploads are test / password; the database will be cleared regularly.

System Requirements

  • Node.js (Tested with node version 8.9.3)
  • Yarn (or NPM)
  • MongoDB (Tested with version 4.0.5)

To Build for deployment

  1. Clone or download the respository
  2. Set up configuration options inside ./config/env.ts
    API_PORT is the port the server will be running on
    CLIENT_PORT is the port the angular client will be served on (when running the compiled version; the dev build follows the rules in angular.json)
    MONGODB_PORT is the port your MongoDB is running on (default is 27017)
    LOCAL_STORAGE is where images will be uploaded relative to the api server code. This path should be publicly accessible. By default the Express api server will expose LOCAL_STORAGE at /images/.
    LOCAL_ORIGINAL_STORAGE is where the original images will be uploaded relative to the api server code (for later retrieval, potentially printing, making new thumbnails, etc). This path should not be publicly accessible!
    LOCAL_UPLOADS_BASE_URL is the absolute public path that will be used to access the image thumbnails (the public path corresponding to LOCAL_STORAGE)
    MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE is the maximum number of megabytes an uploaded image can be
    IMAGE_SIZES is an array of sizes that thumbnails will be generated for. This array can be any length, and the generated image paths will be stored in the database.
    JWT_SECRET is your secret key for generating JWT tokens for user login into the maangement panel. You should generate a random hexadecimal UUID using or something similar and use that.
  3. In the repository root, run the following:
    $ yarn install
    $ yarn build:prod
    $ yarn run:prod
    Note: You can use build instead of build:prod for testing, as it builds a lot faster; but the latter command will build a smaller application.
  4. Use Postman to set up the administrator account. Make a POST request to <IP_ADDRESS>:<API_PORT>/api/users/setup with the following raw JSON payload.
        "username": "test",
        "password": "password"
    Once the administator account is created, the setup route is disabled and will only return an error message. Currently to reset the account or password the users collection needs to be dropped. The password is SHA512 hashed with a salt in the database.

Deploying to production

You can run the yarn install and yarn build commands above locally, the run the following command from the same directory as this README to copy the necessary files to your server:

rsync -avP -e "ssh -p <SSH_PORT (default 22)>" --relative ./ --filter="merge rsync" <REMOTE_USERNAME>@<REMOTE_HOST>:~/<REMOTE_TARGET_DIRECTORY>

That way you can avoid performing the typescript and angular compilations on the server. Then on the server, just run

yarn install --production
yarn run:prod

NODE_ENV should be set to production. Running yarn run:prod will set it automatically for that local script but you will need to set it manually if the apps are run manually; otherwise the configuration files will be loaded incorrectly.

For development

  1. Fork and clone the repository
  2. Set up environments config as in deployment
  3. yarn install in both directories
  4. yarn start (yarn start:prod for testing production settings) in nxgallery-api to run server
  5. yarn start (or yarn start:prod) in nxgallery-ui to run the client
    Note: If you change the API_PORT config, you need to update the path to the local development api server for the dev proxy inside nxgallery-ui/proxy/proxy.conf.json
  • To run unit tests, run yarn test
  • To run e2e tests, run yarn e2e

New Features to add! (rough order of priority)

  • Dragging images to reorder in dashboard
  • Fullscreen lightbox on view
  • Add tags to image database with fulltext search
  • Add captions to images
  • Add album functionality, album ids to images
  • Optionally integrate with AWS, Google Cloud, Azure, etc, adding platform deployment keys and info to the config
  • Setup UI allowing user to set mongodb information, environment variables, and admin account
  • Horizontal gallery option


NXGallery is a next-generation photo gallery manager.






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