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nbriz edited this page Feb 4, 2022 · 3 revisions

For those just getting started on their creative coding journeys netnet is here to help you develop your studio practice with hypermedia tutorials, interactive examples and various other beginner-focused tools. To get started learning to code in netnet all you need to do is visit, introduce yourself to netnet and then let it know that you want to learn. Keep in mind that netnet is still in beta (there will be bugs), but it's already being used in the classroom, here's what some students have to say about it.

For creative coding educators netnet can be leveraged in a variety of ways:

  • Our interactive tutorials can be incorporated into a "flipped-classroom" model. We had produced a learning guide for educators which incluced learning goals, sample projects and conversation promts to accompany the first set of interactive tutorials (on the subject of virtual reality) for netnet <BETA-1.0>. We're currently working on new learning guides for the current tutorials on <BETA-2.0>. If you'd like to be added to our contact email list for these, send us an email at:

  • As a code editor, in addition to standard code editor features, it removes many of the hurdles for beginners, as a realtime editor with built in code references and friendly error messages it provides instant feedback. And because it's web based avoids many of the technical issues educators often face when trying to get software installed on student computers running various different systems. netnet also optionally connects to your GitHub account so students can version and publish their sketches online without having to worry about learning how to use GitHub directly (netnet walks them through the process).

  • netnet can also be used to quickly create and share simple code examples with your students, which not only include all of it's beginner-focused helpers, but also the ability to create custom code annotations. Learn how to create simple or annotated code examples here

  • We're also working on tools to make it easier for other educators to create and contribute their own hypermedia tutorials

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