emailyzer is a Python package and CLI tool to analyze .eml and .msg email files, extracting the data to a common interface.
Optional: Create a virtual environment
$ virtualenv .env
$ source .env/bin/activate # *nix
$ .\.env\Scripts\activate # win
$ git clone
$ cd emailyzer && pip3 install .
$ pip3 install git+ssh://
$ emailyzer --help
usage: emailyzer (-e .EML FILE | -m .MSG FILE | -f FILE) [-b] [-h] [-a] [-r] [-t] [-o] [-u] [-sa] [-v] [-l]
-e, --eml Parse a .eml file
-m, --msg Parse a .msg file
-f, --file Parse a file (must be either .msg or .eml format)
-b, --body Print the body of the email
-h, --html Print the HTML content of the email
-a, --attachments Print the attachments of the email
-r, --headers Print the headers of the email
-t, --to Print the to of the email
-o, --from Print the from of the email
-u, --subject Print the subject of the email
-sa, --save-attachments Save the attachments to disk
-v, --verbose Increase verbosity (can be used several times, e.g. -vvv)
-l, --log-file Write log events to the file `emailyzer.log`
--help Print this message
// Print the HTML part of the email as plain text (parsed and cleaned)
$ emailyzer -f some_eml.eml -b
// Print the HTML
$ emailyzer -f some_eml.eml -h
$ python3
# Import the module
>>> import emailyzer
# Create an object from .msg
>>> email = emailyzer.from_msg(PATH_TO_MSG)
# Create an object from .eml
>>> email = emailyzer.from_eml(PATH_TO_EML)
# Or simply
>>> email = emailyzer.from_file(PATH_TO_FILE)
# Get all IPs and hosts found in the email
>>> print(email.hosts)
['IPaddr1', 'IPaddr2', 'domain.tld', 'IPaddr3']
# Get sender
>>> print(email.sender)
First Last <address>
# Get HTML
# Get the HTML as plain text (parsed and cleaned)