Have you ever wanted to build a chat application, but get stuck on features to add, or just how to build it generally? This repository supports a blog post on building a clone of everyone's favourite chat software, Slack. Using Vue.js, everyone's favourite framework. And, Vonage Conversation API, everyone's favourite conversation service.
Table of Contents
node --version
npm --version
Both Node and NPM need to be installed and at the correct version. Go to nodejs.org, download and install the correct version if you don't have it.
To set up your application, you'll need to install our CLI. Install it using NPM in the terminal.
npm install -g nexmo-cli@beta
You can check you have the right version with this command. At the time of writing, I was using version 0.4.9-beta-3
nexmo --version
Remember to sign up for a free Vonage account and configure the CLI with the API key and secret found on your dashboard.
nexmo setup <your_api_key> <your_api_secret>
You can use git to clone the demo application from GitHub.
For those uncomfortable with git commands, don't worry, I've you covered.
Follow this guide to install git.
Clone or download the demo application. To download, go to the repository and click on the Clone or download button on GitHub.
Note: If you download, make sure you're on the right version number before downloading.
git clone https://github.com/nexmo-community/vuejs-slack-clone.git
Once unzipped or cloned, change into the directory.
cd vuejs-slack-clone
If you cloned the repository, checkout the version you want to set up.
git checkout part-1
Then, use npm to install the dependencies for the server and client apps.
npm install && npm install -C client/
Using our CLI, set up the service and configure the app with credentials to begin.
Create an application with RTC (real-time communication) capabilities. The event URL receives a live log of events happening on the service, like users joining/leaving, sending messages. It's an example URL for the moment.
nexmo app:create "Vue.js Slack Chat" --capabilities=rtc --rtc-event-url=http://example.com --keyfile=private.key
# Application created: 4556dbae-bf...f6e33350d8
# Credentials written to .nexmo-app
# Private Key saved to: private.key
Secondly, create a conversation, which acts like a chatroom. Or, a container for messages and events.
nexmo conversation:create display_name="general"
# Conversation created: CON-a57b0...11e57f56d
Now, create a user for yourself.
nexmo user:create name=USER_NAME display_name=DISPLAY_NAME
# User created: USR-6eaa4...e36b8a47f
Next, add your new user to the conversation. A user can be a member of an application, but they still need to join the conversation.
nexmo member:add CONVERSATION_ID action=join channel='{"type":"app"}' user_id=USER_ID
# Member added: MEM-df772...1ad7fa06
Lastly, generate your new user a token. This token represents the user when accessing the application. This access token identifies them, so anyone using it will be assumed to be the correct user.
In practice, you'll configure the application with this token. In production, these should be guarded, kept secret and very carefully exposed to the client application, if at all.
The token is only usable for 24 hours. After that, you will need to re-run this nexmo jwt:generate
command again to grant access to your client user again.
nexmo jwt:generate ./private.key sub=USER_NAME exp=$(($(date +%s)+86400)) acl='{"paths":{"/*/users/**":{},"/*/conversations/**":{},"/*/sessions/**":{},"/*/devices/**":{},"/*/image/**":{},"/*/media/**":{},"/*/applications/**":{},"/*/push/**":{},"/*/knocking/**":{}}}' application_id=APPLICATION_ID
# eyJhbGciOi...XVCJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE1NzM5M...In0.qn7J6...efWBpemaCDC7HtqA
Now, create a .env
file and add the credentials you've now generated.
# server config
# user config
# USER_NAME from the above commands
# as generated from `nexmo jwt:generate`
# app config
# as generated from `nexmo conversation:create`
For now, there is no build. Later versions will provide build and deployment steps.
Dev will run the server and client concurrently.
npm run dev
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This project is subject to the MIT License