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Export and Import

scubamuc edited this page Jun 9, 2024 · 26 revisions

Nextcloud snap includes a CLI utility for exporting and importing data, apps, configuration and database. Issuing the command sudo nextcloud.export will backup the entire instance into a timestamped folder.

Note: SSL Certificates are not included in the backup!

Note: nextcloud.export will ignore data in custom data directories!

This works fine as a cronjob (as root) and for random backups. Compressed backup may be moved wherever.

Alternative backup method: Backup, restore & migrate


Export Nextcloud snap with nextcloud.export

View export options

sudo nextcloud.export -h
    nextcloud.export [OPTIONS]
    Export data suitable for migrating servers. By default this
    includes the Nextcloud database, configuration, and data
    (equivalent to running nextcloud.export -abcd).

Available options:
    -h: Display this help message
    -a: Include the (non-default) apps
    -b: Include the database
    -c: Include the config
    -d: Include the data (can be quite large)

1. Issue command: sudo nextcloud.export -[options]. Export will backup the entire instance into a timestamped folder in the backup directory /var/snap/nextcloud/common/backups/

2. Move, copy or archive the timestamped folder in the backup directory: /var/snap/nextcloud/common/backups/

After the export is complete the Snap will forget about it, so feel free to do whatever you like with it; one option could be to tar it, with a command like this: sudo tar -cvf 202x0x0x-235959_nextcloud-backup.tar /var/snap/nextcloud/common/backups/202x0x0x-235959**

This works as an automatic cronjob (as root) or for random backups. The backup may be moved/copied from /var/snap/nextcloud/common/backups to wherever. Basically there is no downtime. But it is recommended to enable maintenance mode while exporting to freeze the state of your data. Downtime will depend on your system resources and data volume.

Import Nextcloud snap with nextcloud.import

View import options

sudo nextcloud.import -h
    nextcloud.import [OPTIONS] <backup dir>
    Import data exported from another Nextcloud snap instance.
    By default this imports the database, config, and data
    (equivalent to running nextcloud.import -abcd).

Available options:
    -h: Display this help message
    -a: Include the (non-default) apps
    -b: Include the database
    -c: Include the config
    -d: Include the data (can be quite large)


  • When moving to new device, be sure to install Nextcloud snap first
  • nextcloud.import replaces previous installation including apps, config, database and data depending on export/import options

1. Copy/move export to restore directory: /var/snap/nextcloud/common/ or /var/snap/nextcloud/current/ somewhere. Make sure the path is within Snap confinement:

2. Issue command including path to restore directory: sudo nextcloud.import /var/snap/nextcloud/common/202x0x0x-235959

The path needs to be available from within confinement, so copy/move the export into /var/snap/nextcloud/common/ or /var/snap/nextcloud/current/ somewhere. User root needs to be the owner.

Renew HTTPS encryption, renew SSL Certificates. See managing encryption to renew SSL certificate.

Alternative backup method: Backup, restore & migrate

Script Example: rotating Nextcloud snap export script

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