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Release strategy

Marc edited this page May 26, 2024 · 48 revisions

This snap makes the following channels available:

Channel Description
latest/stable The latest stable release of Nextcloud (recommended)
(Note that this may not be the latest version of Nextcloud available, but the latest version deemed stable enough for the snap's default channel.)
latest/candidate Release candidates of the snap (not Nextcloud)
latest/beta Trunk of development in the snap
latest/edge Daily build of upstream Nextcloud's master branch
(what's coming in the next major release?)
26/stable The latest v26 stable release of Nextcloud
26/edge Daily build of upstream Nextcloud's stable26 branch
(what's coming in the next v26 release?)
27/stable The latest v27 stable release of Nextcloud
27/edge Daily build of upstream Nextcloud's stable27 branch
(what's coming in the next v27 release?)
28/stable The latest v28 stable release of Nextcloud
28/edge Daily build of upstream Nextcloud's stable28 branch
(what's coming in the next v28 release?)

Note that the only channels that receive significant testing and support are the ones that contain "stable" in their name. The others are only here both for your convenience and so we can run tests against what's coming so we're made aware of any regressions coming from upstream.

You can install any of these with:

$ sudo snap install nextcloud --channel=<channel>

Or, if you already have the snap installed, you can switch channels with:

$ sudo snap refresh nextcloud --channel=<channel>
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