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User FAQ

Jos Poortvliet edited this page Apr 22, 2017 · 10 revisions

Q: I can't connect to my Nextcloud Box any more. What can I do?

A: Connect a monitor/TV/projector to the HDMI port and see what the Box is telling you. As an alternative, try connecting the hard drive to another USB port to see if that helps.

Q: How to switch Nextcloud Box on/off? There is no button :) Is there a way to switch Nextcloud on/off in a friendly way?

A: You need to connect to the Box using SSH and type the following:

$ sudo shutdown -h now

Unfortunately, you then don't know when the process has completed unless the device is connected to a monitor, so you'll have to wait a few minutes and then disconnect the power source.

Q: Is there a "sleep mode"?

A: The hard drive has several sleep modes and spins down automatically after a few hours, but as long as there is some activity, from logs per example, then it won't be able to go to sleep.

Q: Can I change the PHP or Apache configuration?

A: Unfortunately, this is not possible at this time

Q: How can I access other storage locations?

A: This requires some advanced skills. You will need to do the following:

  1. Use SSH to type the following command: $ sudo snap connect nextcloud:removable-media ubuntu-core:removable-media
  2. Mount your storage location inside /media
  3. Use the eternal storage app to mount that folder inside Nextcloud

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