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Included CLI utilities

Kyle Fazzari edited this page Apr 17, 2019 · 3 revisions

There are a few CLI utilities included:

  • nextcloud.occ:
    • Nextcloud's occ configuration tool. You can always edit the config file directly (/var/snap/nextcloud/current/nextcloud/config/config.php) but the configuration tool provides a CLI interface for it. See nextcloud.occ -h for more information. Note that it requires sudo.
  • nextcloud.mysql-client:
    • MySQL client preconfigured to communicate with Nextcloud MySQL server. This may be useful in case you need to migrate Nextcloud installations. Note that it requires sudo.
  • nextcloud.mysqldump:
    • Dump Nextcloud database to stdout. You should probaby redirect its output to a file. Note that it requires sudo.
  • nextcloud.enable-https:
    • Enable HTTPS via self-signed certificates, Let's Encrypt, or custom certificates. HTTP will redirect to HTTPS. Non-custom certificates will automatically be kept up-to-date. See nextcloud.enable-https -h for more information. Note that it requires sudo.
  • nextcloud.disable-https:
    • Disable HTTPS (does not remove certificates). Note that it requires sudo.
  • nextcloud.manual-install:
    • Manually install Nextcloud instead of visiting it in your browser. This allows you to create the admin user via the CLI. Note that it requires sudo.
  • nextcloud.export:
    • Export data suitable for migrating servers. By default this includes the Nextcloud database, configuration, and data. See nextcloud.export -h for more information. Note that it requires sudo.
  • nextcloud.import:
    • Import data exported from another Nextcloud snap instance (via nextcloud.export). By default this imports the database, config, and data. See nextcloud.import -h for more information. Note that it requires sudo.
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