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Managing HTTP encryption (HTTPS)

scubamuc edited this page May 25, 2024 · 30 revisions

Lets Encrypt

Nextcloud snap includes a service for automated HTTPS encryption using Lets Encrypt, self-signed certificates, or custom certificates.

Enable HTTPS via Lets Encrypt. HTTP will redirect to HTTPS. Non-custom certificates will automatically be kept up-to-date. See nextcloud.enable-https -h for more information. Note that this requires sudo or root privileges.

Run nextcloud.enable-https -h for more information.

sudo nextcloud.enable-https -h


Enable Lets Encrypt in Nextcloud snap

sudo nextcloud.enable-https lets-encrypt

Enter email address and domain/subdomain. If you need to setup multiple domains then seperate them with a comma.

NOTE: if something went wrong after entering incorrect data, you'll need to correct that data. You may run into a ... permission error because only root may overwrite the data in the file. Simply switch user to root sudo -i and try again as root # nextcloud.enable-https lets-encrypt. If that doesn't work, you'll need to start from scratch.

Disable Lets Encrypt in Nextcloud snap

sudo nextcloud.disable-https lets-encrypt

Disable renew service in Nextcloud snap

Due to a snapd issue it may be necessary to disable the renewal-service manually.

sudo snap stop --disable $SERVICE


sudo snap stop --disable nextcloud.renew-certs

Check renew service in Nextcloud snap

Renew service renew-certs.service is automated in Nextcloud-snap.

Check renewal by issuing:

sudo journalctl -u snap.nextcloud.renew-certs.service

Self signed certificate in Nextcloud snap

Enable self signed certificate:

sudo nextcloud.enable-https self-signed

Change Lets Encrypt domain -- Lets Encrypt from scratch

  1. Disable Lets Encrypt
  2. Remove all current Certificates
  3. Get new Certificates
  • disable HTTPS (this just removes a symlink, it doesn’t remove any certificates):
sudo nextcloud.disable-https
  • remove all/any certificates that are there (this includes self-signed certs, Let’s Encrypt certificates, everything). Make sure you get this command right, you don’t want to delete anything else in the current/ directory:
sudo rm -rf /var/snap/nextcloud/current/certs
  • add required empty directories:
sudo mkdir -p /var/snap/nextcloud/current/certs/certbot
  • pretend you’re enabling HTTPS for the first time, using only the domains you want:
sudo nextcloud.enable-https lets-encrypt

Lets Encrypt Log

View Lets Encrypt log in Netxtcloud snap:

sudo cat /var/snap/nextcloud/current/certs/certbot/logs/letsencrypt.log

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