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Getting help

scubamuc edited this page Jan 10, 2024 · 60 revisions

Getting Help

There are plenty possibilities why your Nextcloud snap instance suddenly stopped working. Your logs could help figure out a probable cause. Depending on the scenario there is a good chance someone in the community has had a similar issue and knows how to resolve it. That depends on how you ask the community for assistance. Demanding immediate support is not going to get you very far.

Most importantly don't panic! Relax, take a deep breath and consider your options carefully. Recollect and note recent changes and then structure that information. Do the basics, check the logs and try to get a grasp of the situation.

If you're having a Nextcloud snap issue and you've come this far, then you're on the right track!

Disaster recovery

Depending on the type of failure, there is a good chance of recovering your data. By default all the stuff you care about is in the /var/snap/nextcloud directory. So just copy the entire directory to another another drive (or machine). In the worst case you could lose your database, but at least you'll preserve your raw data. Your data can be found in /var/snap/nextcloud/common/nextcloud/data if you haven't changed your data directory.

Not having a backup makes a bad situation worse. There is nothing anyone can do if you don't backup your data. You are responsible for your data! A good backup strategy will enable data recovery in the case of disaster. So depending on your backup frequency and how often you practice restoring your backup, you'll have a good chance of system recovery within a couple of hours with limited data loss. See backup, restore & migrate Nextcloud snap.

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