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How to restart from scratch

Olivier Paroz edited this page Oct 7, 2016 · 1 revision

It you need to start from scratch, please follow these steps, but beware, all data on the hard drive will be lost!

  1. Power off the Raspberry Pi 2
  2. Plug the SD card in a card reader connected to a laptop or desktop computer
  3. Open the SD card's 1st partition
  4. Open the cmdline.txt file
  5. Modify "root=/dev/sda2" to "root=/dev/mmcblk0p2"
  6. Plug the SD card back into the Raspberry Pi 2
  7. Power on
  8. Wait up to 10 minutes

The hard drive will be formatted and mounted and you will have access to a fresh installation of Nextcloud.

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