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A NodeJS RESTful API application

API Guide / How to use

Update here in the future

Install application

  • Make a file .env follow .envsample, make sure you fill the information in .env
  • Open command line, and type:
npm i
npm start


  1. NodeJS (v14.17.4)

Node modules required

  1. cors (2.8.5)
  2. dotenv (10.0.0)
  3. express (4.17.1)
  4. express-async-errors (3.1.1)
  5. helmet (4.6.0)
  6. jsonwebtoken (8.5.1)
  7. sequelize (6.8.0)
  8. morgan (1.10.0)
  9. ajv (8.6.2)
  10. sib-api-v3-sdk (8.2.1)
  11. moment (2.29.1)
  12. cloudinary (1.27.1)
  13. bcrypt (5.0.1)
  14. mysql2 (2.3.0)
  15. multer (1.4.3)
  16. body-parser (1.19.0)
  17. request (2.88.2)
  18. node-cron (3.0.0)
  19. (4.3.2)