INT10 Junior Python course :)
basics: Python basics and fundamentals
print while if elif else break continue in True False raw_input int str range [:]
= == < > <= >= != + - * / % ' ' " " ''' '''
datastruc: Lists, tuples, dicts, sets
list tuple dict set sorted del in not
list .append() .extend() .insert() .remove() .pop() .index() .count() .sort() .reverse()
dict .clear() .copy() .get() .items() .keys() .values() .pop()
- | & ^ < > <= >= [] () {}
fileio: File reading and writing
open with
file .read() .readline() .readlines() .write() .writelines() .seek() .close()
pickle .load() .dump()
cPickle .load() .dump()
fltkgui: A taste of pyFLTK GUI programming
fltk Fl_Window Fl_Button Fl_Browser fl_file_chooser
.begin() .end() .color() .callback() .show() .redraw() .add()
functions: Assorted functions, generators, and built-ins
def return yield lambda sorted xrange sum max
loops: While and for loops
while for in break
mathy: Math-related programs (e.g., prime finder, Fibonacci, amortization)
int float round
math .log10()
random .randrange()
decimal .Decimal() .getcontext()
misc: Miscellaneous
networking: Networking with socket module clients and servers
socket .socket() .setsockopt()
.bind() .send() .recv() .listen() .accept() .sendto() .recvfrom() .close()
notes: Course notes on various topics
pystdlib: Explorations of the standard library, built-in functions and methods
ord chr
random .randrange() .sample()
urllib.urlopen() sys.argv time.sleep()
str .startswith() .endswith() .lower() .upper() .find() .join() .replace() .split() .strip()
sockreview: Concise review of Python sockets
*Note: Many programs may have poorly formatted, badly written or inefficiently designed code. As this was a beginner's course, these programs will not be modified and will instead be preserved as a record of learning.