Tefter is a simple note manager written in Go, inspired by Shiori. New notes can be created (with vim), updated and viewed without exiting the terminal. Notes can also be collected to notebooks and flagged with tags.
- Use it without ever leaving your terminal
- Organize notes per notebook and tags
- Search notes based on notebooks, tags, or by a keyword
- Import/Export from/to a json file.
- All package into one executable file
- Rest API thor 3rd party integration
You can download the latest version from the release page. To build from source, you should have go
installed and then run:
go get github.com/nicolasmanic/tefter
Finally put the binary in your PATH
Note: Vim should be available on your system!
Tefter is a simple memo book application
tefter [command]
Available Commands:
account Add/Delete/Print account
add Create a new note
delete Delete one or more notes based on ID(s)
deleteNotebook Delete one or more notebooks based on title
export Exports notes to json format
help Help about any command
import Import notes from json file
overview Take a quick glance at the available notebooks and notes
print Print notes
search Search notes given a keyword
serve Initiate rest API interface
update Update existing note
updateNotebook Set new title to an existing notebook
-h, --help help for tefter
Use "tefter [command] --help" for more information about a command.
- Create a new account for rest API.
tefter account add
- Delete a account .
tefter account delete
- Print active usernames .
tefter account print
- Create a new note, with title: "Bali 2018", tags: "vacation" & "summer" and insert it into notebook with title: "lists".
tefter add -t "Bali 2018" --tags vacation,summer -n lists
- Delete notes, with id 42 & 23
tefter delete 42,23
- Delete notebooks with title: "lists" and "expenses".
tefter deleteNotebook lists,expenses
- Export notes all notes from "lists" and "expenses" notebooks to a json file
tefter export -n lists,expenses
- Import notes from a json file at path "documents/notes.json"
tefter import documents/notes.json
- Print available notebooks & notes (titles only)
tefter overview -d
- Initiate the graphic interface.
tefter print -a
- Search notes for "2018" keyword
tefter search 2018
- Initiate rest API endpoint on port 8081
tefter serve -p 8081
- Update note with id 42, remove tag "2018" and add tag "2019" also set the title to "Bali 2019"
tefter update 42 -t "Bali 2019" --tags -2018,2019
- Update notebook with title "lists", to title "2018 lists"
tefter updateNotebook "lists" "2018 lists"