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A simple PHP rèsumè template. Create a resume that lives on the web, but prints like it was born in a word processor. View a live demo here.


  • Easy to update XML format
  • Include links and images for your jobs or projects section
  • Include links to social media (Github, Twitter, etc.)
  • Awesome default theme designed to print perfectly
  • Fully themable...
  • Or just tweakable with simple custom CSS


###With Composer

Add nickswalker/neueresume to your composer.json's require section. Run composer update. You should now have access to \Nickswalker\NeueResume\NeueResume, the main class of the project. Construct a NeueResume object with a complete path to your resume.xml and the complete path to your theme. Here's a base implementation that will function for an installation at the root of a server.

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$themePathFromRoot = realpath('themes/default'); //Where is your theme?
												 //Note that the theme MUST be in a publicly accesible directory!
												 //Otherwise your CSS won't load :(
$resumePathFromRoot = realpath('resume.xml');

$neueresume = new \Nickswalker\NeueResume\NeueResume($resumePathFromRoot, $themePathFromRoot);


You will need to move the index.php, resume.xml, themes folder, and the images folder from the vendor directory where composer puts them into wherever you want to make your resume available, otherwise updating using composer update will overwrite the files. Note that the theme directory must be publicly accessible on your server. Modify the the paths in the index.php with your changes.

###Without Composer

Go to the releases tab above and download the archive of the latest release. Dowloading the source straight from GitHub will not work beacause it won't include a vendor directory and the composer autoload files. Unzip it into your desired install location on a server running PHP 5.3 or above enabled server and you'll be up and running.


###Adding Resume Content

Take a look at the included example resume.xml file. You'll discover that it's 100% human-readable and fairly self explanatory. The bio tag and its nodes are exactly what they sound like, but the section nodes that follow merit some explanation.

Important Note: Be sure to escape any HTML entities that you may include in a tag. You'll get strange errors otherwise. <, >, &, for instance, would become &lt; &gt; &amp;. Here's a great tool for converting to XML safe entities.

####Section Types

A section node has a title and a type attribute. The title can be whatever you like, but there are only a handful of types. They vary by the amount of detail and emphasis you'd like to place on a given section. For instance, a list section is great for bulleted lists of skills, whereas a highlight list section is more well suited for a list of prior work experience (for which you might want to include things like an explanation, a date or even images and links).


The simplest section type. It has item child nodes. The item nodes have no children and their content becomes the bulleted text.

<section title="skills" type="list">
	<item>Adobe Photoshop</item>
	<item>Adobe Illustrator </item>
	<item>Adobe After Effects</item>

#####Detail List

A /little/ more information than a regular old list. Has item child nodes. item child nodes may have title, subtitle, date, linkandtextchildren. This works well for a list of awards where you really just want to show off an award name and a date of reciept. By default, thetext` node will become the rollover text for the entry. If something needs a sentence of explanation or an image, you'll want to use a highlight list instead.

<section title="awards" type="detail-list">
		<title>Outstanding Synergizer</title>
		<subtitle>Board for the Greater Synergy</subtitle>
		<text>Hard to get.</text>
		<title>Achievement in Double Speak</title>
		<subtitle>Commission for California Culture</subtitle>

#####Grouped List

Has group child nodes. Group nodes have item children that are formatted just like the children of a detail list section.

<section title="awards" type="detail-list">
	<group title="work related">
			<title>Outstanding Synergizer</title>
			<subtitle>Board for the Greater Synergy</subtitle>
			<text>Hard to get.</text
	<group title="School">
			<title>Achievement in Double Speak</title>
			<subtitle>Commission for California Culture</subtitle>

#####Highlight List

Has item child nodes. Highlight list item nodes have all of the types of child nodes as the detail list with the addition of an image node, which takes the path (relative from the installation folder or absolute if you like).

<section title="objective" type="text">
		<subtitle>Senior Marketing Engineer</subtitle>
		<text>Designed motivating user incentives through the popular 'carrot and stick' framework.
		<subtitle>Print Designer</subtitle>
		<text>Designed inexpensive, synergistic T-shirt reconcepulizations to morph niche markets into main street main stays. </text>

Additionally, a special feature of the highlight list is the ability to add arbitrary item elements. If you want to include a small snippet of HTML, an anchor element to make a link maybe, you can do so by specifiying an item with a type of arbitrary and wrapping its contents with CDATA tags. This will escape any special characters, so feel free to include whatever you like. Note that the tags contents will be dumped verbatim into the list at the appropiate position with no processing.

<item type="arbitrary">
		<article class="see-more"><a href="">See a gallery of work examples...</a></article>


If you'd like full control over a certain section, maybe you want to put a big bar of links to your portfolios or something, you can dump arbitrary content into a section using the arbitrary section type. If you include HTML, wrap it in CDATA tags.

<section title="links" type="arbitrary">
		<a href="/gallery" class="full-work"> View my photography portfolio.</a>

The section will not be processed using the theme's defined section format.


Good for a mission statement or an objective. No child nodes.

<section title="objective" type="text">
	I seek the opportunity to transform cross-platform concepts to reality through gamification and individual social incentivization.


Within your theme's directory you'll find a settings.php file which selectively overides settings in the root settings file located in the src folder. Do not tweak settings in the root file because all changes will be overwritten during updates.


###"I just want to tweak some things"

Easy! Add a custom-style.css file to the same folder where your resume.xml lives and your styles will be loaded automatically.

###"I want to write an entirely custom theme"

The default theme is an example of how flexible NeueResume is. That being said, the aim of project is to be as light weight as possible, and this means forgoing any dependencies, including a templating engine. The built in parsing and templating are not as robust as many PHP frameworks that are dedicated to that purpose, but they are /decent/.

####Getting Started

Create a folder in the themes directory. Name it as you please. Create a settings.php and a template.php file in your theme's directory and you're in business.

####Changing List Formatting

You can overide the HTML structure that NeueResume puts XML elements into by setting the following indexes in the settings array:

return array(
    'theme' => array(
    	'sectionFormat' => $sectionFormat,
    	'listItemFormat' => $listItemFormat,
    	'detailListItemFormat' => $detailListItemFormat,
    	'highlightListItemFormat' => $highlightListItemFormat,
    	'groupedListGroupFormat' => $groupedListGroupFormat



Note that you can override any settings within this file (or even make up some of your own, which will become accessible through the $settings variable passed into your template when it is processed). The default string for the highlightListItemFormat index (which can be found in the root settings.php file) looks like this:

		<h2>{{Title}}</h2><a class="icon-link"href="{{Link}}"><a class="icon-picture" href="{{ImagePath}}"></a>

Double braced words are replaced by the content of their corresponding node for the item being processed.

Also available is a format for the way the entire section is rendered:

$this->settings['theme']['sectionFormat'] = '
<section class="{{Type}} {{Title}}">
	<div class="left">
	<div class="right">

####Change Page Structure

The template.php in your theme's folder is where you can change the page as a whole. Treat it like an HTML file from which you can call into PHP for some important variables. <?php $this->showResume();?> will output the processed section nodes in the same order that they were specified in XML. You have access to the children of <bio> as strings in $bio. So, for instance, you might specify the page title like this:

<title><?php echo $bio['name'];?> | <?php echo $bio['email'];?></title>

You also have access to any settings you've specified through $settings.

To display the sections of your resume, call $this->displaySections(). All section nodes in your resume.xml will be parsed using the formats you've specified and printed out.


Found a bug? Please create an issue on GitHub at


A simple, powerful, XML-based resume solution






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