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Geocity - a (geo)cyberadministration tool for public administrations Geocity CI

Discover geocity features and usage here

Getting started with the full Docker demo version

Step by step guide to the working full docker non persistent DEMO

This will bring up a demo instance with preset fixtures served by the Django developpment server in reload mode.

git clone && cd geocity
cp -n env.demo .env
docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml build
docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml down --remove-orphans && docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up

This process will create the .env file only if it does not already exist

The demo application is now running on localhost:9095

To debug and view the resulting docker-compose-dev.yml file use (uses the .env file for variables substitution):

docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml config

Run the tests from within the docker container

List running containers:

$ docker ps -a

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                         COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES
de8f58bf2e2c        gms_web                       "/code/entrypoint_de…"   16 hours ago        Up 16 hours>9000/tcp   geocity_web_1
ab542f438d62        camptocamp/qgis-server:3.10   "/usr/local/bin/star…"   16 hours ago        Up 16 hours>80/tcp     geocity_qgisserver_1
ffaa9f6c1b21        camptocamp/postgres:11        "docker-entrypoint.s…"   16 hours ago        Up 16 hours>5432/tcp   geocity_postgres_1

Enter the container:

$ docker exec -it de8f58bf2e2c bash

Run the tests:

root@de8f58bf2e2c:/code# ./

Example to run a single test in container

coverage run --source='.' ./ test --settings=geomapshark.settings_test permits.tests.test_permit_request.PrivateDemandsTest


We use Black as code formatter. Just use the following command to automatically format your code:

$ docker-compose exec web black .

Show urls

We use django-extensions to show urls. Can be used to export models to a file (as text or picture), to display them in terminal and much more things

$ ./ show_urls

Setup for full Docker persistent instance served by gunicorn webserver

Create new PostGIS DB

  1. Create a geocity user
  2. Create a geocity schema owned by geocity user
  3. Edit DB connexion in .env file
  4. Create and edit pg_service.conf file in qgisserver directory

Setup your Environment file

Edit the variables in .env according to your environment. Set the global environment switcher to ENV=DEV in the .env file.

Keep in mind that you are in a Docker environment. Thus you might need to set, on Linux environment something like:


So that the Django container can reach your postgres user on the host machine.

Production containers administrations

git clone && cd geocity
cp -n env.demo .env
docker-compose build
docker-compose down --remove-orphans && docker-compose up

Open the application to the world

Use your favorite webserver to proxypass localhost:9095 to the outside world

Demo accounts

Administrator role (Django superuser): admin:admin

Backoffice role: secretariat-yverdon:admin

Validatation role A: validator-yverdon:admin

Validatation role B: eaux-yverdon:admin


The user belonging to backoffice group can be granted specific permissions:

  • see_private_requests, "Voir les demandes restreintes": allows the user to make requests that are not visible by standard user. Typically during the setup stage of a new form configuration
  • amend_permit_request,"Traiter les demandes de permis": allow the user the process (amend) the requests (fill the backoffice fields), require validation for other departments and print the documents
  • validate_permit_request,"Valider les demandes de permis": allow the user to fill the validation form
  • classify_permit_request,"Classer les demandes de permis" allow the user to accept/reject the requests if validations services have all accepted it.
  • edit_permit_request, "Éditer les demandes de permis": allow the user to edit de requests filled by another person


Use docker-compose logs -f --tail=20 qgisserver to see qgisserver logs

Two factor authentification

You can enable 2FA by setting the variable ENABLE_2FA to true. Defaults to false.

Access to admin views under 2FA

Super users require to enable 2FA to have access to the admin app.

Follow the following steps:

  1. Go to the /account/login/ and sign in with your super user credentials.
  2. Follow the steps to activate 2FA
  3. Open /admin/

Next time you sign in, you will be asked for a token. Once you provided your token go to /admin/ to access the admin app.

Dependency management

Dependencies are managed with pip-tools.

Installing packages

To install a new package, add it to, without pinning it to a specific version unless needed. Then run:

docker-compose exec web pip-compile
docker-compose exec web pip-compile
docker-compose exec web pip install -r requirements.txt
docker-compose exec web pip install -r requirements_dev.txt

Make sure you commit both the and the requirements.txt files. And the and the requirements_dev.txt files.

Upgrading packages

To upgrade all the packages to their latest available version, run:

docker-compose exec web pip-compile -U
docker-compose exec web pip install -r requirements.txt

To upgrade only a specific package, use pip-compile -P <packagename>. The following commands will upgrade Django to its latest version, making sure it's compatible with other packages listed in the file:

docker-compose exec web pip-compile -P django
docker-compose exec web pip install -r requirements.txt


To run a migration, for example when the model has changed, execute makemigrations from inside the docker service of the web app. Then execute migrate.

docker-compose exec web python3 makemigrations <app_label>
docker-compose exec web python3 migrate <app_label> <migration_name>

For more information about django's migrations, help is available at:

docker-compose exec web python3 makemigrations --help
docker-compose exec web python3 migrate --help


Sidebar of wiki to show the new pages is managed by : github-wiki-sidebar.

Used _ instead of : for Define the category separator because the character was not allowed, the other params juste press enter and keep it has default.

? Define the category separator for multi-level menu: _
? Define the format of the page links: ./%s
? Define the content template: %s
? Select the items to be excluded from menu: (Press <space> to select, <a> to toggle all, <i> to invert selection)
? Change the priority/order of the items in menu <space separated list of ids - ex: 0 2 3>


Access to a ressources with QGIS

Access to a ressources with a bearer token


No packages published


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