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Geocity - build your (geo)-forms easily! Geocity CI

What is Geocity ?

Features and user guide

Setting up full Docker non persistent demo

This will bring up a demo instance with preset fixtures served by the Django development server in reload mode.

git clone && cd geocity
# copy default config
cp -n .env.example .env
# start the stack
docker-compose up --build -d --remove-orphans

Load demo data

Create a file in geocity/apps/submissions/management/commands/fixturize_data/.

There is some examples in same folder and you can create new ones.

The file will automatically appear once it's created.

docker-compose run web python fixturize is interactive and can use some arguments as :

  • --help : Shows description of command and available arguments
  • --list : List available files to be used as fixtures
  • --file : Use a specific file. Example : --file=agenda
  • no args : Asks if you want to run default fixture file
# Load demo data
docker-compose run web python fixturize

Setting up production instance


  1. Create a PostgreSQL database
  2. Install required extensions:
  1. Edit DB connection in .env file

Environment variables

⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️

Set the following variables as follow


And review all other variables in order to fine tune your instance

Deploying changes

New changes are deployed with the following command. ⚠️ WARNING: on PROD, docker-compose up will automatically run migrations, collect static files, compile messages and update integrator permissions in the entrypoint.

# update the stack
docker-compose up --build -d --remove-orphans

Default Site

The default site is automatically created and every PermitAdministrativeEntity is associated to this site.

If you have as domain, you should put

Contribution guideline

Use Gitflow to contribute to the project.


The default configuration is used in this project except for "Version tag prefix", check below:

git flow init
Branch name for production releases: [main]
Branch name for "next release" development: [develop]
Feature branches? [feature/]
Release branches? [release/]
Hotfix branches? [hotfix/]
Support branches? [support/]
Version tag prefix? [v]

⚠️ If your "Version tag prefix" isn't set, edit it in .git/config:

Here is a cheatsheet to use Gitflow.

New feature

To start a new feature:

  • git flow feature start feature_branch (instead of git checkout -b feature_branch)

To finish a feature:

  1. git flow feature publish feature_branch
  2. Then create a PR from feature/feature_branch into develop

New release

To make a release there's many steps:

  1. Develop needs to be up to date

    • git checkout develop
    • git pull
  2. Create the release

    • git flow release start x.x.x
    • git flow release publish x.x.x
    • Create a draft pull request to be able to see the differences with main
  3. Test and fix

    • git flow release track x.x.x (used to track the release if you aren't the owner of it)
    • Squash migrations
    • Fix some issues
    • Change version number if set in any file of the project
    • Test on a pre-prod instance
  4. Finish the release once everything is okay

    • git flow release finish x.x.x
    • Vim will open with some text, write a comment or uncomment the version number. A modification is necessary
    • git push origin --tags
  5. Verify everything is okay

    • Check on GitHub if the last commit for main is release/x.x.x
    • If there's a mistake, make a git push on the branch with the missing commit


  • "x.x.x" represents the version, here is a semantic versioning guide
  • Command line is used instead of the pull request to prevent main and develop diverging

Development tools

Setup your Environment file

Following variable setup in your .env file will setup the development environment for you


Run the tests from within the docker container

Run tests in a the running container

docker-compose exec web python test --settings=geocity.settings_test

Run a specific test in the running container (adding the --keepdb flag speeds up iterations)

docker-compose exec web python test --settings=geocity.settings_test --keepdb geocity.apps.permits.tests.test_a_permit_request.PermitRequestTestCase.test_administrative_entity_is_filtered_by_tag

Test for report generation will fail when run in the running web container, because they spawn a test server to allow other container to communicate with it. You can run them in their own container, but need first to stop the running web container.

docker-compose stop web
docker-compose run --service-ports --name=web --rm --entrypoint="" web python test --settings=geocity.settings_test --keepdb geocity.tests.reports

These tests compare generated PDFs to expected PDFs. To regenerate the expected images, you need to provide the following env var to the docker-compose run command -e TEST_UPDATED_EXPECTED_IMAGES=TRUE. By definition, when doing so, tests will succeed, so don't forget to manually review the changes to the files.

docker-compose run --service-ports --name=web --rm --entrypoint="" -e TEST_UPDATED_EXPECTED_IMAGES=TRUE web python test --settings=geocity.settings_test --keepdb geocity.tests.reports


We use pre-commit as code formatter. Just use the following command to automatically format your code when you commit:

$ pip install pre-commit
$ pre-commit install

If you wish to run it on all files:

$ pre-commit run --all-files

Show urls

We use django-extensions to show urls. Can be used to export models to a file (as text or picture), to display them in terminal and much more things

./ show_urls

Testing emails

A Mailhog container is working on the dev environment, you can access it by going to localhost:8025. Just ensure to setup the following entries in your .env file:

# Set TLS to false for mailhog

Dependency management

Dependencies are managed with pip-tools.

Installing packages

To install a new package, add it to, without pinning it to a specific version unless needed. Then run:

docker-compose exec web pip-compile
docker-compose exec web pip-compile
docker-compose exec web pip install -r requirements.txt
docker-compose exec web pip install -r requirements_dev.txt

Make sure you commit both the and the requirements.txt files. And the and the requirements_dev.txt files.

Upgrading packages

To upgrade all the packages to their latest available version, run:

docker-compose exec web pip-compile -U
docker-compose exec web pip install -r requirements.txt

To upgrade only a specific package, use pip-compile -P <packagename>. The following commands will upgrade Django to its latest version, making sure it's compatible with other packages listed in the file:

docker-compose exec web pip-compile -P django
docker-compose exec web pip install -r requirements.txt

Permissions and authentication


The user belonging to backoffice group can be granted specific permissions:

  • view_private_form, "Voir les demandes restreintes": allows the user to make requests that are not visible by standard user. Typically during the setup stage of a new form configuration
  • amend_submission, "Traiter les demandes": allow the user the process (amend) the requests (fill the backoffice fields), require validation for other departments and print the documents
  • validate_submission, "Valider les demandes": allow the user to fill the validation form
  • classify_submission, "Classer les demandes" allow the user to accept/reject the requests if validations services have all accepted it
  • edit_submission, "Modifier les demandes": allow the user to edit the requests filled by another person
  • read_submission, "Consulter les demandes": allow a trusted user to only read submissions without any other permission
  • edit_submission_validations, "Modifier les validations": allow the pilot to edit the validation to correct spelling mistakes

Two factor authentication

You can enable 2FA by setting the variable ENABLE_2FA to true. Defaults to false.

Access to admin views under 2FA

Super users require to enable 2FA to have access to the admin app.

Follow the following steps:

  1. Go to the /account/login/ and sign in with your super user credentials
  2. Follow the steps to activate 2FA
  3. Open /admin/

Next time you sign in, you will be asked for a token. Once you provided your token go to /admin/ to access the admin app.

Locked failed logins

Django-axes is used to limit login attempts from users. Please read to learn how to use it.

Geocity as a OAuth2 provider

Consuming OAuth2 providers

You can login with a GeoMapFish account if you have one.

  • Create a SocialApp using the GeoMapFish provider
  • Add the fields required for oauth2 process:
  • Save the SocialApp, the GEOMAPFISH login is ready to use

  • Don't create 2 SocialApp with the same provider

  • Redirect URI configuration in oAuth provider for dev



Create a setting SOCIALACCOUNT_PROVIDERS["geomapfish"]["APP"] containing a dict with the same keys, (client_id, secret, key, certificate_key). This will override the data of any SocialApp with provider GeoMapFish.


GeoMapFish login process will raise an error if no App settings and no SocialApp object are present.


To run a migration, for example when the model has changed, execute makemigrations from inside the docker service of the web app. Then execute migrate.

docker-compose exec web python3 makemigrations <app_label>
docker-compose exec web python3 migrate <app_label> <migration_name>

For more information about Django's migrations, help is available at:

docker-compose exec web python3 makemigrations --help
docker-compose exec web python3 migrate --help

Practical example

Note: prepend docker-compose exec web to the following python calls if your app is containerized.

<app_label>: this is set automatically depending on which model file is modified. In Geocity, it will always be "permits" => so there is nothing to specify.

<migration_name>: we try to name it with something meaningful, but there is no convention, for example, this command: python makemigrations -n my_changes_to_the_user_model will automatically create the following migration file for the "permits" app_label:

Finally, you can apply it using: python migrate permits 0056_my_changes_to_the_user_model


Sidebar of wiki to show the new pages is managed by : github-wiki-sidebar.

Used _ instead of : for Define the category separator because the character was not allowed, the other parameters just press enter and keep it has default.

? Define the category separator for multi-level menu: _
? Define the format of the page links: ./%s
? Define the content template: %s
? Select the items to be excluded from menu: (Press <space> to select, <a> to toggle all, <i> to invert selection)
? Change the priority/order of the items in menu <space separated list of ids - ex: 0 2 3>


To manage the planned tasks we use the django-cron extension ( The script to be executed is defined on the permits/ file.

In order to run it on a server instance, modify the following line accordingly and add it to the crontab:

*/10 * * * * <>/ runcrons >/dev/null 2>&1


No packages published


  • Python 84.0%
  • HTML 9.4%
  • JavaScript 5.1%
  • CSS 1.4%
  • Other 0.1%