- 第一次實作
- sign up Github
- to know what is Github
- create my own Github
- download and use R&R studio
- HW1_R markdown
- take courses on DataCamp and note it through R markdown
- Introduction to R
- Ch1 運算
- Ch2 vector
- Ch3 matrix
- Ch4 factor
- Ch5 data frame
- Ch6 list
- Intermediate R
- Ch1 Relational operators, Logical operators, Conditional Statements
- Ch2 Loop
- Ch3 Functions, R packages
- Ch4 Lapply, Sapply, Vapply
- Ch5 Useful Functions(mathematical&data Utilities), Regular Expressions, Times and Dates
- Introduction to the tidyverse
- Ch1 Gapminder dataset, filter verb, arrange verb, mutate verb
- Ch2 Visualizing with ggplot2, Log scales, Additional aesthetics---color&size, Faceting
- Ch3 Summarize verb---summarize(), Visualizing summarized data
- Ch4 Line plots, Bar plots, Histograms, Box plots
Data Visualization
- (1) to find the information & pattern behind the data
- (2) data is the new soil
practice using the data from R dataset
學習使用ggmap,ggplot2 + 地圖套件
文字探勘---do text mining through R and make 文字雲
- Exploratory data analysis
- Explore categorical data & numerical data, Numerical summaries, Case Study
- HW2_ggplot2 + 地圖套件_臺灣獨立書店分佈
- Use "Kaggle" to obtain the dataset, read kaggle script and make the report through R markdown
- Text Mining: TFIDF -> PCA -> K-means
- HW3_EDA: Report of Adverse Food Events
- HW3_Text Mining_"Animal Farm"
- 練習文字探勘Text Mining,TFIDF -> PCA -> K-means
- HW3_PTT歐洲旅遊板分析1
- HW3_PTT歐洲旅遊板分析2
- Datacamp: Regression & Correlation
- Intoduction of basic statistics: T test & ANOVA
- Linear regression analysis
- 用R進行EDA的深度分析分析
- 叡揚資訊 Vital CRM 講座
- Shiny教學:互動式的視覺化資料
- Prepare for final project *final資料整理
- oral presentation
- 專題:臺灣青年_就業!失業?創業!
- 簡報連結