In order to use avrdude for USBASP-PDI you will also need to patch avrdude to understand how to use it.
1. Download AVRDUDE from official sources
$ wget
2. Extract downloade AVRDUDE
$ tar xvf avrdude-6.3.tar.gz
2. change to avrdude directory
$ cd avrdude-6.3
3. Apply patches
$ patch -i usbasp.c.diff
$ patch -i usbasp.h.diff
$ cp <path/to/xmega_pdi.h> .
$ ./bootstrap
$ ./configure
$ make
4. Now you can run avrdude like this (flash.hex needs to be replaced with your file)
write flash: $ ./avrdude -c usbasp -p x32a4u -U flash:w:flash.hex:i
read flash to file (flash.bin is raw binary here): $ ./avrdude -c usbasp -p x32a4u -U flash:r:flash.hex:r
Caveat: It seems libusb have issues on 64 bit Linux OS, so you may experience that you need to use a Windows box instead of Linux. Compilation for that is available, but I have attached a working binary in releases.