Machine Learning REST API in nodejs.
This API implement naivebayes algorithm to classify your data. It is useful to automatically identify category of various data types. Examples:
- Product/Item Category
- Language
- Gender
- etc....
This API also allow for continous training of your data. This will help improve the output quality as you train your model overtime.
A completely independent microservice (with docker) for running Saas style Machine Learning API like Monkey Learn. You can also mount docker volume '/app/data' for data persistence.
post a JSON with array of dataset and labels
"dataset": ["string1", "string2" ... "stringn"],
"labels": [cat1, cat2, ... catn]
post as CSV
- CSV must have a header
- header is either text/label or defined in query string
clear the data - start your training over
pass in 'dataset' array to bulk classify or a single item to classify only one. Results are mapped to input 'dataset' array index.
"dataset": ["sometext1", "sometext2"]
// returns
result: ["cat1", "cat2"]
- [] additional algorithm
- [] twitter sentiment example