How to use it:
Clone this repo
Execute command to start node js server (fake remote server)
cd remoteserver
npm install
node index.js
Node server will be started.
- in another terminal instance in root project path
composer install
php bin/console server:run
Symfony will be started
- Use postman to test these routes:
GET localhost:8000
POST localhost:8000/post
PUT localhost:8000/put
DELETE localhost:8000/delete
GET localhost:8000/xyz/123456
You will see JSON-result from remote server and from local controller action.
You can create any middleware and use it in routes
You can use your own routes, using strings or regular expressions
- Proxy can handle 4 http methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE.
- Routes for proxy can be configured in /src/ProxyBundle/config/config.yml
- You can use middleware and write custom code to route request. Middlewares are in /src/ProxyBundle/Middleware folder