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A tool for testing http client capabilities. An implementation of httpbin for Go.


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HTTP Request & Response Testing Tool & Service.

An implementation of httpbin for Go.

This is a http mux handler based on go-chi.

It is useful for testing purposes. Actually, it was created to work with httptest package, because httptest package allows you to run http server for your tests without touching the external server.


This handler follows the original httpbin API but in some cases it is more strict.


Go 1.18


go get -u

The main differences between httpbin and httpbulb

  • args, form, files and headers fields are represented by map[string][]string.
  • /status/{code} endpoint does not handle status codes lesser than 200 or greater than 599.
  • /cookies-list -- a new endpoint that returns a cookie list ([]http.Cookie) in the same order as it was received and parsed on the go http server.
  • /images, /encoding/utf8, /html, /json, /xml endpoints support Range requests.
  • /delete, /get, /patch, /post, /put endpoints also return field proto which can help to detect HTTP protocol version in the client-server connection.


The main approach is to use httpbulb with httptest.Server.

Testing client's http2 support
package h2

import (


func Test_Http2Client(t *testing.T) {
	// This test checks http client configuration to send HTTP/2.0 requests to the server with tls
	type testArgs struct {
		name          string
		client        *http.Client
		wantProto     string
		wantClientErr bool

	// a representation of a response from the testing server,
	// for the test i require only an `url` and a `proto` fields, so i skip the rest.
	type serverResponse struct {
		URL   string `json:"url"`
		Proto string `json:"proto"`

	// starting a tls test server with HTTP/2.0 support
	handleFunc := httpbulb.NewRouter()
	testServer := httptest.NewUnstartedServer(handleFunc)
	testServer.EnableHTTP2 = true
	defer testServer.Close()

	// prepare the url
	u, err := url.Parse(testServer.URL)
	require.NoError(t, err)
	u.Path = "/get"
	testURL := u.String()

	// this client is forced to use HTTP/2.0
	h2Client := testServer.Client()

	// this client is expected to fail, because i didn't install CA certificate for this server
	h1Client := &http.Client{}

	// a client that skips TLS
	h1ClientInsecure := &http.Client{
		Transport: &http.Transport{TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true}},

	tests := []testArgs{
		{name: "HTTP/2.0", client: h2Client, wantProto: "HTTP/2.0"},
		{name: "HTTP/1.1 - Insecure", client: h1ClientInsecure, wantProto: "HTTP/1.1"},
		{name: "HTTP/1.1 - Without CA Certs", client: h1Client, wantClientErr: true},

	for _, tt := range tests {
		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {

			req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", testURL, nil)
			require.NoError(t, err)
			resp, err := tt.client.Do(req)
			if tt.wantClientErr {
				// we expect an error, exit the test
				require.Error(t, err)
			require.NoError(t, err)

			// in this test i always expect 200
			require.Equal(t, http.StatusOK, resp.StatusCode)

			// reading the body, decode the body into result

			body, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
			require.NoError(t, err)

			result := new(serverResponse)

			err = json.Unmarshal(body, result)
			require.NoError(t, err)

			// ensure that we got a secure url
			require.True(t, strings.HasPrefix(result.URL, "https://"))
			// ensure that client's proto is what we expect
			require.Equal(t, tt.wantProto, result.Proto)

It is also possible to use httpbulb as a web-server.

The binary can be built with from

Also you can simply use docker to run a web-server:

docker run -p 8080:8080

Running a web-server using docker-compose
name: httpbulb

    restart: unless-stopped
    # If you require an HTTPS server, you should link the directories with tls certificates.
      - "./data/certs:/certs"
      # map the bulb port to your external port
      - :4443:8080
      # you can set server address as HOST:PORT or just :PORT
      - SERVER_ADDR=:8080
      # If you require an HTTPS server, you should set SERVER_CERT_PATH and SERVER_KEY_PATH.
      # If you work with self-signed certificates, you need to ensure that `root CA` is installed on the requesting machine.
      # Or you need to mark your requests as insecure. (InsecureSkipVerify: true for Go, or --insecure flag for curl)
      # If server unable to load certificates, it will produce a warning, but start serving an HTTP server. 
      - SERVER_CERT_PATH=/certs/server-host.pem
      - SERVER_KEY_PATH=/certs/server-host-key.pem

After starting the server with docker compose its ready to accept requests.

# with no certificates
curl -v http://localhost:4443/get

# with self-signed certificates and installed root CA.
curl -v https://localhost:4443/get

# with self-signed certificates but without installed root CA on requesting machine.
curl -v --insecure https://localhost:4443/get

# with real certificates
curl -v

Live example

Live example is available at codesandbox:

Edit niklak/httpbulb/main


Route Methods Description
These are basic endpoints. They return a response with request's common information. Unlike the original httpbin implementation, this handler doesn't read the request body for DELETE and GET requests. args, files, form, and headers are always represented by a map of string lists (slices).
/basic-auth GET Prompts the user for authorization using HTTP Basic Auth. Returns 401 if authorization is failed.
/hidden-basic-auth GET Prompts the user for authorization using HTTP Basic Auth. Returns 404 if authorization is failed.


GET Prompts the user for authorization using HTTP Digest Auth. Returns 401 or 403 if authorization is failed.
/bearer GET Prompts the user for authorization using bearer authentication. Returns 401 if authorization is failed.
/status/{codes} DELETE
Returns status code or random status code if more than one are given. This handler does not handle status codes lesser than 200 or greater than 599.
/headers GET Return the incoming request's HTTP headers.
/ip GET Returns the requester's IP Address.
/user-agent GET Return the incoming requests's User-Agent header.
/cache GET Returns a 304 if an If-Modified-Since header or If-None-Match is present. Returns the same as a /get otherwise.
/cache/{value} GET Sets a Cache-Control header for n seconds.
/etag/{etag} GET Assumes the resource has the given etag and responds to If-None-Match and If-Match headers appropriately.
/response-headers GET
Returns a set of response headers from the query string.
/brotli GET Returns Brotli-encoded data.
/deflate GET Returns Deflate-encoded data.
/deny GET Returns page denied by robots.txt rules.
/encoding/utf8 GET Returns a UTF-8 encoded body.
/gzip GET Returns Gzip-encoded data.
/html GET Returns a simple HTML document.
/json GET Returns a simple JSON document.
/robots.txt GET Returns some robots.txt rules.
/xml GET Returns a simple XML document.
/base64/{value} GET Decodes base64url-encoded string.
/bytes/{n} GET Returns n random bytes generated with given seed.
/delay/{delay} DELETE
Returns a delayed response (max of 10 seconds).
/drip GET Drips data over a duration after an optional initial delay.
/links/{n}/{offset} GET Generates a page containing n links to other pages which do the same.
/range/{numbytes} GET Streams n random bytes generated with given seed, at given chunk size per packet. Supports Accept-Ranges and Content-Range headers.
/stream-bytes/{n} GET Streams n random bytes generated with given seed, at given chunk size per packet.
/stream/{n} GET Streams n json messages.
/uuid GET Returns a UUID4.
/cookies GET Returns cookie data.
/cookies-list GET Returns a cookie list ([]http.Cookie) in the same order as it was received and parsed on the server.
/cookies/delete GET Deletes cookie(s) as provided by the query string and redirects to cookie list.
/cookies/set GET Sets cookie(s) as provided by the query string and redirects to cookie list.
/cookies/set/{name}/{value} GET Sets a cookie and redirects to cookie list.
/image GET Returns a simple image of the type suggest by the Accept header. Also supports a Range requests
/image/{format:svg|png|jpeg|webp|avif} GET Returns an image with the given format. If the format is not matched it returns 404
/absolute-redirect/{n} GET Absolutely 302 Redirects n times. Location header will be an absolute URL.
/redirect-to DELETE
302/3XX Redirects to the given URL. url parameter is required and status parameter is optional.
/redirect/{n} GET 302 Redirects n times. Location header will be an absolute if absolute=true was sent as a query parameter.
/relative-redirect/{n} GET Relatively 302 Redirects n times. Location header will be a relative URL.

Returns anything passed in request data.


A tool for testing http client capabilities. An implementation of httpbin for Go.






