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Prototypes for Schema Extraction of different NoSQL-Databases


You can find the following microservices in the subdirectories:

  • Interaction Service: This service provides an API for normal users. You can start schema extractions and request the results. In the service-settings.yml file you can add/modify schema extraction services. You can view the OpenAPI specification directly in the browser (/docs).

  • Graph DB Extractor: This service enables you to extract database schemas from Neo4j graph databases. Cloud instances of Neo4j AuraDB are also supported. You can view the OpenAPI specification directly in the browser (/docs).

  • Aggregate DB Extractor: This service enables you to extract database schemas from MongoDB and CouchDB databases. Cloud instances of MongoDB Atlas are not supported, because they do not support map-reduce operations. You can view the OpenAPI specification in the subdirectory, it is equal to the API of the Graph DB Extractor.

Run it


  • Docker: tested with Docker Engine v20.10.24
  • docker-compose: tested with Docker Compose version v2.17.2

Default Ports:

  • 80 for the Interaction Service
  • 7000 for the Aggregate DB Extractor
  • 8000 for the Graph DB Extractor

Start the services with the docker-compose.yml and the Dockerfiles in subdirectories.

# attached to the current terminal, recommended while testing (to view all logs)
docker-compose up

# in detached mode
docker-compose up -d

What can I do with the services?

Quickstart your tests with the exported API Tests for the open-source API Testing Tool Insomnia. You can directly import the api_tests_insomnia_v4_export.json inside Insomnia.


You can take a look at the Request Protocol. This protocol contains curl commands and their responses.


View the OpenAPI specs in the subdirectories and use your preferred tools.

Where are the extracted database schemas?

In the docker-compose.yml file the results are mapped to the current directory of the docker host. So, after the first extraction request a ./results/ directory should be created. In this directory you find all successfully extracted database schemas, sorted in subdirectories by their job id.