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A chaotic billiard simulator written in C++, with Python bindings for data analysis.

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Chaotic billiard demo

A chaotic billiard simulator written in C++, with Python bindings for data analysis.


  • dt-agnostic collision resolution (can resolve multiple collisions per frame)
  • supports arbitrary parametrized mathematical curves (currently implemented : Line, Segment, Arc, BezierCurve)
  • OpenGL renderer (via SFML) and headless rendering
  • Python bindings to perform data analysis while using the performance of C++

Demo See the a demo

Building the C++ source

Prerequisite : cmake and SFML (for the gui)

cmake -S. -Bbuild
cmake --build ./build --target physics gui

Running the C++ GUI

$ ./build/gui/gui --help
Usage: chaotic billiard [options] worldfile 

Positional arguments:
worldfile       	.json file containing world information

Optional arguments:
-h --help       	shows help message and exits
-v --version    	prints version information and exits
--window        	display a render window [default: false]
--render        	render to file (not recommended when --window is used) [default: false]
--adaptative-dt 	use a flexible dt determined by framerate [default: false]
--duration      	duration of the simulation [default: 100]
--nsamples      	number of steps the simulation has to undergo [default: 100]

Load a worldfile and show the rendering window with adaptative timestep

./build/gui/gui worldfiles/world_circle.json --adaptative-dt --window

Render individual frames (n=100 frames, total duration=1000) (requires ffmpeg to stitch frames together)

mkdir -p frames render
./build/gui/gui worldfiles/world_circle.json --render --duration 1000 --nsamples 100
ffmpeg -framerate 30 -i frames/frame%d.png -c:v libx264 -r 30 -pix_fmt yuv420p render/world_circle.mp4
rm -r frames

Custom world files

Uncomment the export_world_json.cpp target executable from gui/CMakeLists.txt, build and run.

Alternatively this could also be done in Python, using the bindings.

Python bindings

Using pybind11, it is possible to use C++ for the simulation, and use the results directly in Python for data analysis.

Building steps

Prerequisite : install the pybind11 smart_holder branch (see also this demo for instructions)

cd pychaotic_billiard
make build

Run a demo

Prerequisites : pyglet, numpy

Launch a demo with all the curves (Segment, Arc, Bezier)


Launch a demo from a world file

python ../worldfiles/world_circle3.json

Other demos

  • demo_from_worldfile : demonstrates loading a World from a world file
  • demo_to_worldfile : demonstrates saving a World state, generated in Python

Computing a Lyapunov exponent

One example is tracking the distance of two balls as a function of time, which can be use to compute the Lyapunov exponent of the system. See pychaotic_billiard/

world = World()
angle0 = 0.02
delta0 = 0.001

world.add_curve(Segment(vec2(50, 50), vec2(450, 50)))
world.add_curve(Segment(vec2(450, 50), vec2(450, 450)))
world.add_curve(Segment(vec2(450, 450), vec2(50, 450)))
world.add_curve(Segment(vec2(50, 450), vec2(50, 50)))
world.add_curve(Arc(vec2(250, 250), 50, 0, 2*np.pi))
world.add_ball(Ball(vec2(350, 250), vec2(np.cos(angle0-delta0/2), np.sin(angle0-delta0/2))))
world.add_ball(Ball(vec2(350, 250), vec2(np.cos(angle0+delta0/2), np.sin(angle0+delta0/2))))

nsteps = 100_000
nballs = len(world.balls)
pos = np.empty((nsteps, nballs, 2))
for i in range(nsteps):
	for j in range(nballs):
		pos[i, j, 0] = world.get_ball(j).pos.x
		pos[i, j, 1] = world.get_ball(j).pos.y

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# ...
for j in range(pos.shape[1]):
	ax.plot(pos[:, j, 0].T, pos[:, j, 1].T)

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# ...
ax.plot(np.linalg.norm(pos[:20_000, 0, :] - pos[:20_000, 1, :], axis=-1))

Lyapunov XY

Lyapunov Delta

Testing bindings

$ python
>>> initializing segments
Segment(p1=(-1.000000, 0.000000), p2=(1.000000, 0.000000))
Segment(p1=(0.000000, -1.000000), p2=(0.000000, 1.000000))
>>> casting to Line
Line(p=-0.000000, q=2.000000, r=0.000000)
Line(p=-2.000000, q=0.000000, r=-0.000000)
>>> testing coefs
>>> intersecting
collision at [ParamPair(t1=0.500000, t2=0.500000)]
to points (0.000000, 0.000000) (0.000000, 0.000000)
$ python
>>> initial world
	Ball(pos=(-1.000000, 1.000000), vel=(2.000000, 1.000000))
	Ball(pos=(0.000000, 1.000000), vel=(2.000000, 1.000000))
	Segment(p1=(2.000000, 1.000000), p2=(2.000000, 4.000000))
	Segment(p1=(1.000000, 2.000000), p2=(4.000000, 2.000000))
>>> stepping
	Ball(pos=(-15.000000, -7.000000), vel=(-2.000000, -1.000000))
	Ball(pos=(-16.000000, -7.000000), vel=(-2.000000, -1.000000))
	Segment(p1=(2.000000, 1.000000), p2=(2.000000, 4.000000))
	Segment(p1=(1.000000, 2.000000), p2=(4.000000, 2.000000))


  • bugfixes
    • fix collisions with BezierCurve (probably a problem with the third degree polynomial root solver)
  • code improvements
    • put the physics in a namespace
    • move json out of physics library (serializer class)
    • build the python bindings with cmake
  • features


A chaotic billiard simulator written in C++, with Python bindings for data analysis.





