- Lightweight MQTT client for Embedded Linux
- End-to-End Payload Encryption with symmetric cipher
- Encapsulation in a shell for easy of use and possible modules development
STS is an application-layer protocol on top of MQTT that allows payload E2EE. You can find more information about MQTT payload encryption on this link:
TLS is not available
Dealing with untrusted broker
Use of constrained devices
Need for secure E2EE of application data
Need for an additional layer of security working in addition with TLS
STS uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- paho-mqtt-embedded-c - Eclipse Paho MQTT C/C++ client for Embedded platforms
- mbedtls - Mbed TLS is a C library that implements cryptographic primitives, X.509 certificate manipulation and the SSL/TLS and DTLS protocols.
sudo apt install cmake g++
make deps
- make deps will download and build paho-mqtt and mbedtls
- make will build sts
make build-tests
make run-tests
- make build-tests will build tests
- make run-tests will run tests
STS can be used in 2 modes: with or without encryption: No encryption means a simple MQTT client with minimal features like subscribing to a topic and publishing messages.
With encryption means that an end-2-end encrypted communication is established
MQTT features that aren't implemented are:
- Quality Of Service
- Keep Alive
- Persistent session
- Multiple subscriptions per client
STS needs to use configuration files, those contain parameters for MQTT and STS, the ones provided work just fine, it uses a public broker:
It is also possible to test it in local using mosquitto, launch a mosquitto broker and simply add "localhost" to the url field.
KEY | VALUE (128 char max) |
url | broker url |
port | usually 1883 for TCP |
username | if broker requires login |
password | if broker requires login |
subtop | topic to subscribe |
pubtop | topic to publish |
clientid | mqtt id |
sts_mode | nosec, master, slave |
aes | null, ecb, cbc |
cd bin/
Start a session and send messages
start ../configs/nosec
send my message
Stop a session
2 clients are needed, one in slave mode and the other in master mode. Protocol is designed as so you need to start a session with slave first then with master.
start ../configs/secslave
start ../configs/secmaster
Once encryption is established you can send encrypted message with:
sendenc my message
STS uses MQTT so a STS message is encapsulated in a MQTT message. It has one header which contains the message type and a data. Total size of a STS message is the same as MQTT, in this implementation it is set to 1024 bytes: [--HEADER--][--DATA--]
INITREQ | Initialization request |
INITACK | Initialization acknowledgement |
KEYREQ | Key request |
KEYACK | Key acknowledgement |
ENC | Encrypted message |
KILL | Message that tells remote client to terminate its session |
master sends KEYREQ with its public key, upon receipt slave computes the shared secret and acknowledges with KEYACK. Now it is slave's turn to send its public key with KEYREQ, upon receipt master computes the shared secret and acknowledges with KEYACK. At this point encrypted communication is available and every message will be sent with an ENC header.
If any of the two clients ends its session a KILL message is sent to the remote client to notify it to terminate its session too.
Key exchange agreement protocol used is ECDH, elliptic curve is SECP256K1, finally encryption used is AES-256, 2 block cipher modes operation are available, ECB and CBC.
- maybe sequence number on msg?
- maybe msg integrity with SHA256?
- and maybe digital signature with ECDSA?