- Clone the Repository
- Install LIGGGHTS [https://www.cfdem.com/media/DEM/docu/Manual.html]
- GO to scripts folder
- run the file named in.run
- sudo apt install git
- git clone --recursive https://github.com/nishantsikarwar/BTP.git
make sure LIGGGHTS-PUBLIC folder is inside the repo.
- Run Following Commands
- sudo apt install openmpi-bin libopenmpi-dev libvtk6.3 libvtk6-dev
- cd src
- make auto
- sudo ln -s lmp_auto /usr/local/bin
- sudo mv /usr/local/bin/lmp_auto /usr/local/bin/liggghts
- liggghts
- If you see the liggghts version correctly the everthing worked fine press ctrl+c to exit.
- go to BTP/scripts
- Open in Terminal
- liggghts < in.run
- sudo apt install paraview
- paraview
- Open the dump files formed in /post directory