In this repo, you will find out the solution of many different problems asked in technical interviews. All the solutions are in Swift language.
Checkout discussion page:
- FizzBuzz
- Linear Search
- Binary Search
- Common Word
- Fibonacci Series
- Palindrome (Number, String)
- Grading Students (HackerRank's Problem)
- Day of the programmer (HackerRank's Problem)
- Electronics Shop (HackerRank's Problem)
- Picking Numbers (HackerRank's Problem)
- Valid Anagram
- First and last position
- Hurdle Race
- Organizing containers of balls
- Two Sum [Nice Problem]
- Roman To Integer (LeetCode)
- Integer To Roman (LeetCode)
- Defanging an IP Address (LeetCode)
- String to Integer (atoi) (LeetCode)
- Final Value of Variable After Performing Operations (LeetCode)
- Maximum Number of Words Found in Sentences (LeetCode | Easy)
- Find and Replace Pattern (LeetCode | Medium)
- Jewels and Stones (LeetCode | Easy)
- Reverse Words in a String (LeetCode | Medium) [Nice Problem]
- Valid Palindrome II (LeetCode | Easy)
- Reverse Vowels of a String (LeetCode | Easy)
- Fizz Buzz (LeetCode | Easy) [Nice Problem]
- Keyboard Row (LeetCode | Easy)
- Multiply Strings (LeetCode | Medium) [Important Problem]
- Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array (LeetCode | Easy)
- Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II (LeetCode | Easy)
- Rotate Array (LeetCode | Easy)
- Funny String (HackerRank | Easy)
- Ransom Note (LeetCode | Easy)
- Partition Labels (LeetCode | Medium) [Nice Problem]
- Contains Duplicate (LeetCode | Easy)
- Find Digits (HackerRank | Easy)
- The Time in Words (HackerRank | Medium) [Nice Problem]
- Make The String Great (LeetCode | Easy)
- First Missing Positive (LeetCode | Hard)
- Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters (LeetCode | Medium) [Important Problem]
- Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String (LeetCode | Easy)
- Circular Array Rotation (HackerRank | Easy)
- Time Conversion (HackerRank | Easy)
- Find Median from Data Stream (LeetCode | Hard) [Nice Problem]
- Group Anagrams (LeetCode | Medium) [Important Problem]
- Count Complete Tree Nodes (LeetCode | Medium)
- Guess Number Higher or Lower (LeetCode | Easy)
Feel free to reach out if you have questions or if you want to contribute in any way:
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- Medium:
Happy Coding !!