This packages is based on the RocketChat ldap login package
LDAP_Enable: Self explanatory
LDAP_Port: The port of the LDAP server
LDAP_Host: The host server for the LDAP server
LDAP_BaseDN: The base DN for the LDAP Tree
LDAP_Login_Fallback: Fallback on the default authentication method
LDAP_Reconnect: Reconnect to the server if the connection is lost
LDAP_Timeout: self explanatory
LDAP_Idle_Timeout: self explanatory
LDAP_Connect_Timeout: self explanatory
LDAP_Authentication: If the LDAP needs a user account to search
LDAP_Authentication_UserDN: The search user DN
LDAP_Authentication_Password: The password for the search user
LDAP_Internal_Log_Level: The logging level for the module
LDAP_Background_Sync: If the sync of the users should be done in the background
LDAP_Background_Sync_Interval: At which interval does the background task sync
LDAP_Encryption: If using LDAPS, set it to 'ssl', else it will use 'ldap://'
LDAP_CA_Cert: The certification for the LDAPS server
LDAP_Reject_Unauthorized: Reject Unauthorized Certificate
LDAP_User_Search_Field: Which field is used to find the user
LDAP_Group_Filter_Enable: enable group filtering
LDAP_Group_Filter_ObjectClass: The object class for filtering
LDAP_Unique_Identifier_Field: This field is sometimes class GUID ( Globally Unique Identifier)
UTF8_Names_Slugify: Convert the username to utf8
LDAP_Username_Field: Which field contains the ldap username
LDAP_Fullname_Field: Which field contains the ldap full name
LDAP_Email_Match_Enable: Allow existing account matching by e-mail address when username does not match
LDAP_Email_Match_Require: Require existing account matching by e-mail address when username does match
LDAP_Email_Match_Verified: Require existing account email address to be verified for matching
LDAP_Email_Field: Which field contains the LDAP e-mail address
LDAP_Default_Domain: The default domain of the ldap it is used to create email if the field is not map correctly with the LDAP_Sync_User_Data_FieldMap
"LDAP_Port": 389,
"LDAP_Host": "localhost",
"LDAP_BaseDN": "ou=user,dc=example,dc=org",
"LDAP_Login_Fallback": false,
"LDAP_Reconnect": true,
"LDAP_Timeout": 10000,
"LDAP_Idle_Timeout": 10000,
"LDAP_Connect_Timeout": 10000,
"LDAP_Authentication": true,
"LDAP_Authentication_UserDN": "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org",
"LDAP_Authentication_Password": "admin",
"LDAP_Internal_Log_Level": "debug",
"LDAP_Background_Sync": false,
"LDAP_Background_Sync_Interval": "100",
"LDAP_Encryption": false,
"LDAP_Reject_Unauthorized": false,
"LDAP_Group_Filter_Enable": false,
"LDAP_Search_Page_Size": 0,
"LDAP_Search_Size_Limit": 0,
"LDAP_User_Search_Filter": "",
"LDAP_User_Search_Field": "uid",
"LDAP_User_Search_Scope": "",
"LDAP_Unique_Identifier_Field": "guid",
"LDAP_Username_Field": "uid",
"LDAP_Fullname_Field": "cn",
"LDAP_Email_Match_Enable": true,
"LDAP_Email_Match_Require": false,
"LDAP_Email_Match_Verified": false,
"LDAP_Email_Field": "mail",
"LDAP_Sync_User_Data": false,
"LDAP_Sync_User_Data_FieldMap": "{\"cn\":\"name\", \"mail\":\"email\"}",
"LDAP_Merge_Existing_Users": true,
"UTF8_Names_Slugify": true