With the PureCloud Platform API, you can control all aspects of your PureCloud environment. With the APIs you can access the system configuration, manage conversations and more.
This PHP package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: v2
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.PhpClientCodegen For more information, please visit https://developer.mypurecloud.com
PHP 5.5 and later
To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json
"repositories": [
"type": "git",
"url": "https://github.com/nmusco/platform-client-sdk-php.git"
"require": {
"nmusco/platform-client-sdk-php": "*@dev"
Then run composer install
Download the files and include autoload.php
To run the unit tests:
composer install
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: PureCloud OAuth
$config = PureCloudPlatform\Client\V2\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setAccessToken('YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN');
$apiInstance = new PureCloudPlatform\Client\V2\Api\AlertingApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$alertId = "alertId_example"; // string | Alert ID
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling AlertingApi->deleteAlertingInteractionstatsAlert: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
All URIs are relative to https://api.mypurecloud.com
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AlertingApi | deleteAlertingInteractionstatsAlert | DELETE /api/v2/alerting/interactionstats/alerts/{alertId} | Delete an interaction stats alert |
AlertingApi | deleteAlertingInteractionstatsRule | DELETE /api/v2/alerting/interactionstats/rules/{ruleId} | Delete an interaction stats rule. |
AlertingApi | getAlertingAlertsActive | GET /api/v2/alerting/alerts/active | Gets active alert count for a user. |
AlertingApi | getAlertingInteractionstatsAlert | GET /api/v2/alerting/interactionstats/alerts/{alertId} | Get an interaction stats alert |
AlertingApi | getAlertingInteractionstatsAlerts | GET /api/v2/alerting/interactionstats/alerts | Get interaction stats alert list. |
AlertingApi | getAlertingInteractionstatsAlertsUnread | GET /api/v2/alerting/interactionstats/alerts/unread | Gets user unread count of interaction stats alerts. |
AlertingApi | getAlertingInteractionstatsRule | GET /api/v2/alerting/interactionstats/rules/{ruleId} | Get an interaction stats rule. |
AlertingApi | getAlertingInteractionstatsRules | GET /api/v2/alerting/interactionstats/rules | Get an interaction stats rule list. |
AlertingApi | postAlertingInteractionstatsRules | POST /api/v2/alerting/interactionstats/rules | Create an interaction stats rule. |
AlertingApi | putAlertingInteractionstatsAlert | PUT /api/v2/alerting/interactionstats/alerts/{alertId} | Update an interaction stats alert read status |
AlertingApi | putAlertingInteractionstatsRule | PUT /api/v2/alerting/interactionstats/rules/{ruleId} | Update an interaction stats rule |
AnalyticsApi | deleteAnalyticsConversationsDetailsJob | DELETE /api/v2/analytics/conversations/details/jobs/{jobId} | Delete/cancel an async request |
AnalyticsApi | deleteAnalyticsReportingSchedule | DELETE /api/v2/analytics/reporting/schedules/{scheduleId} | Delete a scheduled report job. |
AnalyticsApi | getAnalyticsConversationDetails | GET /api/v2/analytics/conversations/{conversationId}/details | Get a conversation by id |
AnalyticsApi | getAnalyticsConversationsDetails | GET /api/v2/analytics/conversations/details | Gets multiple conversations by id |
AnalyticsApi | getAnalyticsConversationsDetailsJob | GET /api/v2/analytics/conversations/details/jobs/{jobId} | Get status for async query for conversation details |
AnalyticsApi | getAnalyticsConversationsDetailsJobResults | GET /api/v2/analytics/conversations/details/jobs/{jobId}/results | Fetch a page of results for an async query |
AnalyticsApi | getAnalyticsReportingExports | GET /api/v2/analytics/reporting/exports | Get all view export requests for a user |
AnalyticsApi | getAnalyticsReportingMetadata | GET /api/v2/analytics/reporting/metadata | Get list of reporting metadata. |
AnalyticsApi | getAnalyticsReportingReportIdMetadata | GET /api/v2/analytics/reporting/{reportId}/metadata | Get a reporting metadata. |
AnalyticsApi | getAnalyticsReportingReportformats | GET /api/v2/analytics/reporting/reportformats | Get a list of report formats |
AnalyticsApi | getAnalyticsReportingSchedule | GET /api/v2/analytics/reporting/schedules/{scheduleId} | Get a scheduled report job. |
AnalyticsApi | getAnalyticsReportingScheduleHistory | GET /api/v2/analytics/reporting/schedules/{scheduleId}/history | Get list of completed scheduled report jobs. |
AnalyticsApi | getAnalyticsReportingScheduleHistoryLatest | GET /api/v2/analytics/reporting/schedules/{scheduleId}/history/latest | Get most recently completed scheduled report job. |
AnalyticsApi | getAnalyticsReportingScheduleHistoryRunId | GET /api/v2/analytics/reporting/schedules/{scheduleId}/history/{runId} | A completed scheduled report job |
AnalyticsApi | getAnalyticsReportingSchedules | GET /api/v2/analytics/reporting/schedules | Get a list of scheduled report jobs |
AnalyticsApi | getAnalyticsReportingTimeperiods | GET /api/v2/analytics/reporting/timeperiods | Get a list of report time periods. |
AnalyticsApi | postAnalyticsConversationDetailsProperties | POST /api/v2/analytics/conversations/{conversationId}/details/properties | Index conversation properties |
AnalyticsApi | postAnalyticsConversationsAggregatesQuery | POST /api/v2/analytics/conversations/aggregates/query | Query for conversation aggregates |
AnalyticsApi | postAnalyticsConversationsDetailsJobs | POST /api/v2/analytics/conversations/details/jobs | Query for conversation details asynchronously |
AnalyticsApi | postAnalyticsConversationsDetailsQuery | POST /api/v2/analytics/conversations/details/query | Query for conversation details |
AnalyticsApi | postAnalyticsEvaluationsAggregatesQuery | POST /api/v2/analytics/evaluations/aggregates/query | Query for evaluation aggregates |
AnalyticsApi | postAnalyticsFlowsAggregatesQuery | POST /api/v2/analytics/flows/aggregates/query | Query for flow aggregates |
AnalyticsApi | postAnalyticsFlowsObservationsQuery | POST /api/v2/analytics/flows/observations/query | Query for flow observations |
AnalyticsApi | postAnalyticsQueuesObservationsQuery | POST /api/v2/analytics/queues/observations/query | Query for queue observations |
AnalyticsApi | postAnalyticsReportingExports | POST /api/v2/analytics/reporting/exports | Generate a view export request |
AnalyticsApi | postAnalyticsReportingScheduleRunreport | POST /api/v2/analytics/reporting/schedules/{scheduleId}/runreport | Place a scheduled report immediately into the reporting queue |
AnalyticsApi | postAnalyticsReportingSchedules | POST /api/v2/analytics/reporting/schedules | Create a scheduled report job |
AnalyticsApi | postAnalyticsSurveysAggregatesQuery | POST /api/v2/analytics/surveys/aggregates/query | Query for survey aggregates |
AnalyticsApi | postAnalyticsUsersAggregatesQuery | POST /api/v2/analytics/users/aggregates/query | Query for user aggregates |
AnalyticsApi | postAnalyticsUsersDetailsQuery | POST /api/v2/analytics/users/details/query | Query for user details |
AnalyticsApi | postAnalyticsUsersObservationsQuery | POST /api/v2/analytics/users/observations/query | Query for user observations |
AnalyticsApi | putAnalyticsReportingSchedule | PUT /api/v2/analytics/reporting/schedules/{scheduleId} | Update a scheduled report job. |
ArchitectApi | deleteArchitectEmergencygroup | DELETE /api/v2/architect/emergencygroups/{emergencyGroupId} | Deletes a emergency group by ID |
ArchitectApi | deleteArchitectIvr | DELETE /api/v2/architect/ivrs/{ivrId} | Delete an IVR Config. |
ArchitectApi | deleteArchitectPrompt | DELETE /api/v2/architect/prompts/{promptId} | Delete specified user prompt |
ArchitectApi | deleteArchitectPromptResource | DELETE /api/v2/architect/prompts/{promptId}/resources/{languageCode} | Delete specified user prompt resource |
ArchitectApi | deleteArchitectPromptResourceAudio | DELETE /api/v2/architect/prompts/{promptId}/resources/{languageCode}/audio | Delete specified user prompt resource audio |
ArchitectApi | deleteArchitectPrompts | DELETE /api/v2/architect/prompts | Batch-delete a list of prompts |
ArchitectApi | deleteArchitectSchedule | DELETE /api/v2/architect/schedules/{scheduleId} | Delete a schedule by id |
ArchitectApi | deleteArchitectSchedulegroup | DELETE /api/v2/architect/schedulegroups/{scheduleGroupId} | Deletes a schedule group by ID |
ArchitectApi | deleteArchitectSystempromptResource | DELETE /api/v2/architect/systemprompts/{promptId}/resources/{languageCode} | Delete a system prompt resource override. |
ArchitectApi | deleteFlow | DELETE /api/v2/flows/{flowId} | Delete flow |
ArchitectApi | deleteFlows | DELETE /api/v2/flows | Batch-delete a list of flows |
ArchitectApi | deleteFlowsDatatable | DELETE /api/v2/flows/datatables/{datatableId} | deletes a specific datatable by id |
ArchitectApi | deleteFlowsDatatableRow | DELETE /api/v2/flows/datatables/{datatableId}/rows/{rowId} | Delete a row entry |
ArchitectApi | getArchitectDependencytracking | GET /api/v2/architect/dependencytracking | Get Dependency Tracking objects that have a given display name |
ArchitectApi | getArchitectDependencytrackingBuild | GET /api/v2/architect/dependencytracking/build | Get Dependency Tracking build status for an organization |
ArchitectApi | getArchitectDependencytrackingConsumedresources | GET /api/v2/architect/dependencytracking/consumedresources | Get resources that are consumed by a given Dependency Tracking object |
ArchitectApi | getArchitectDependencytrackingConsumingresources | GET /api/v2/architect/dependencytracking/consumingresources | Get resources that consume a given Dependency Tracking object |
ArchitectApi | getArchitectDependencytrackingDeletedresourceconsumers | GET /api/v2/architect/dependencytracking/deletedresourceconsumers | Get Dependency Tracking objects that consume deleted resources |
ArchitectApi | getArchitectDependencytrackingObject | GET /api/v2/architect/dependencytracking/object | Get a Dependency Tracking object |
ArchitectApi | getArchitectDependencytrackingType | GET /api/v2/architect/dependencytracking/types/{typeId} | Get a Dependency Tracking type. |
ArchitectApi | getArchitectDependencytrackingTypes | GET /api/v2/architect/dependencytracking/types | Get Dependency Tracking types. |
ArchitectApi | getArchitectDependencytrackingUpdatedresourceconsumers | GET /api/v2/architect/dependencytracking/updatedresourceconsumers | Get Dependency Tracking objects that depend on updated resources |
ArchitectApi | getArchitectEmergencygroup | GET /api/v2/architect/emergencygroups/{emergencyGroupId} | Gets a emergency group by ID |
ArchitectApi | getArchitectEmergencygroups | GET /api/v2/architect/emergencygroups | Get a list of emergency groups. |
ArchitectApi | getArchitectIvr | GET /api/v2/architect/ivrs/{ivrId} | Get an IVR config. |
ArchitectApi | getArchitectIvrs | GET /api/v2/architect/ivrs | Get IVR configs. |
ArchitectApi | getArchitectPrompt | GET /api/v2/architect/prompts/{promptId} | Get specified user prompt |
ArchitectApi | getArchitectPromptHistoryHistoryId | GET /api/v2/architect/prompts/{promptId}/history/{historyId} | Get generated prompt history |
ArchitectApi | getArchitectPromptResource | GET /api/v2/architect/prompts/{promptId}/resources/{languageCode} | Get specified user prompt resource |
ArchitectApi | getArchitectPromptResources | GET /api/v2/architect/prompts/{promptId}/resources | Get a pageable list of user prompt resources |
ArchitectApi | getArchitectPrompts | GET /api/v2/architect/prompts | Get a pageable list of user prompts |
ArchitectApi | getArchitectSchedule | GET /api/v2/architect/schedules/{scheduleId} | Get a schedule by ID |
ArchitectApi | getArchitectSchedulegroup | GET /api/v2/architect/schedulegroups/{scheduleGroupId} | Gets a schedule group by ID |
ArchitectApi | getArchitectSchedulegroups | GET /api/v2/architect/schedulegroups | Get a list of schedule groups. |
ArchitectApi | getArchitectSchedules | GET /api/v2/architect/schedules | Get a list of schedules. |
ArchitectApi | getArchitectSystemprompt | GET /api/v2/architect/systemprompts/{promptId} | Get a system prompt |
ArchitectApi | getArchitectSystempromptHistoryHistoryId | GET /api/v2/architect/systemprompts/{promptId}/history/{historyId} | Get generated prompt history |
ArchitectApi | getArchitectSystempromptResource | GET /api/v2/architect/systemprompts/{promptId}/resources/{languageCode} | Get a system prompt resource. |
ArchitectApi | getArchitectSystempromptResources | GET /api/v2/architect/systemprompts/{promptId}/resources | Get system prompt resources. |
ArchitectApi | getArchitectSystemprompts | GET /api/v2/architect/systemprompts | Get System Prompts |
ArchitectApi | getFlow | GET /api/v2/flows/{flowId} | Get flow |
ArchitectApi | getFlowHistoryHistoryId | GET /api/v2/flows/{flowId}/history/{historyId} | Get generated flow history |
ArchitectApi | getFlowLatestconfiguration | GET /api/v2/flows/{flowId}/latestconfiguration | Get the latest configuration for flow |
ArchitectApi | getFlowVersion | GET /api/v2/flows/{flowId}/versions/{versionId} | Get flow version |
ArchitectApi | getFlowVersionConfiguration | GET /api/v2/flows/{flowId}/versions/{versionId}/configuration | Create flow version configuration |
ArchitectApi | getFlowVersions | GET /api/v2/flows/{flowId}/versions | Get flow version list |
ArchitectApi | getFlows | GET /api/v2/flows | Get a pageable list of flows, filtered by query parameters |
ArchitectApi | getFlowsDatatable | GET /api/v2/flows/datatables/{datatableId} | Returns a specific datatable by id |
ArchitectApi | getFlowsDatatableRow | GET /api/v2/flows/datatables/{datatableId}/rows/{rowId} | Returns a specific row for the datatable |
ArchitectApi | getFlowsDatatableRows | GET /api/v2/flows/datatables/{datatableId}/rows | Returns the rows for the datatable with the given id |
ArchitectApi | getFlowsDatatables | GET /api/v2/flows/datatables | Retrieve a list of datatables for the org |
ArchitectApi | getFlowsDivisionviews | GET /api/v2/flows/divisionviews | Get a pageable list of basic flow information objects filterable by query parameters. |
ArchitectApi | getFlowsOutcome | GET /api/v2/flows/outcomes/{flowOutcomeId} | Get a flow outcome |
ArchitectApi | getFlowsOutcomes | GET /api/v2/flows/outcomes | Get a pageable list of flow outcomes, filtered by query parameters |
ArchitectApi | postArchitectDependencytrackingBuild | POST /api/v2/architect/dependencytracking/build | Rebuild Dependency Tracking data for an organization |
ArchitectApi | postArchitectEmergencygroups | POST /api/v2/architect/emergencygroups | Creates a new emergency group |
ArchitectApi | postArchitectIvrs | POST /api/v2/architect/ivrs | Create IVR config. |
ArchitectApi | postArchitectPromptHistory | POST /api/v2/architect/prompts/{promptId}/history | Generate prompt history |
ArchitectApi | postArchitectPromptResources | POST /api/v2/architect/prompts/{promptId}/resources | Create a new user prompt resource |
ArchitectApi | postArchitectPrompts | POST /api/v2/architect/prompts | Create a new user prompt |
ArchitectApi | postArchitectSchedulegroups | POST /api/v2/architect/schedulegroups | Creates a new schedule group |
ArchitectApi | postArchitectSchedules | POST /api/v2/architect/schedules | Create a new schedule. |
ArchitectApi | postArchitectSystempromptHistory | POST /api/v2/architect/systemprompts/{promptId}/history | Generate system prompt history |
ArchitectApi | postArchitectSystempromptResources | POST /api/v2/architect/systemprompts/{promptId}/resources | Create system prompt resource override. |
ArchitectApi | postFlowVersions | POST /api/v2/flows/{flowId}/versions | Create flow version |
ArchitectApi | postFlows | POST /api/v2/flows | Create flow |
ArchitectApi | postFlowsActionsCheckin | POST /api/v2/flows/actions/checkin | Check-in flow |
ArchitectApi | postFlowsActionsCheckout | POST /api/v2/flows/actions/checkout | Check-out flow |
ArchitectApi | postFlowsActionsDeactivate | POST /api/v2/flows/actions/deactivate | Deactivate flow |
ArchitectApi | postFlowsActionsPublish | POST /api/v2/flows/actions/publish | Publish flow |
ArchitectApi | postFlowsActionsRevert | POST /api/v2/flows/actions/revert | Revert flow |
ArchitectApi | postFlowsActionsUnlock | POST /api/v2/flows/actions/unlock | Unlock flow |
ArchitectApi | postFlowsDatatableRows | POST /api/v2/flows/datatables/{datatableId}/rows | Create a new row entry for the datatable. |
ArchitectApi | postFlowsDatatables | POST /api/v2/flows/datatables | Create a new datatable with the specified json-schema definition |
ArchitectApi | postFlowsOutcomes | POST /api/v2/flows/outcomes | Create a flow outcome |
ArchitectApi | putArchitectEmergencygroup | PUT /api/v2/architect/emergencygroups/{emergencyGroupId} | Updates a emergency group by ID |
ArchitectApi | putArchitectIvr | PUT /api/v2/architect/ivrs/{ivrId} | Update an IVR Config. |
ArchitectApi | putArchitectPrompt | PUT /api/v2/architect/prompts/{promptId} | Update specified user prompt |
ArchitectApi | putArchitectPromptResource | PUT /api/v2/architect/prompts/{promptId}/resources/{languageCode} | Update specified user prompt resource |
ArchitectApi | putArchitectSchedule | PUT /api/v2/architect/schedules/{scheduleId} | Update schedule by ID |
ArchitectApi | putArchitectSchedulegroup | PUT /api/v2/architect/schedulegroups/{scheduleGroupId} | Updates a schedule group by ID |
ArchitectApi | putArchitectSystempromptResource | PUT /api/v2/architect/systemprompts/{promptId}/resources/{languageCode} | Updates a system prompt resource override. |
ArchitectApi | putFlow | PUT /api/v2/flows/{flowId} | Update flow |
ArchitectApi | putFlowsDatatable | PUT /api/v2/flows/datatables/{datatableId} | Updates a specific datatable by id |
ArchitectApi | putFlowsDatatableRow | PUT /api/v2/flows/datatables/{datatableId}/rows/{rowId} | Update a row entry |
ArchitectApi | putFlowsOutcome | PUT /api/v2/flows/outcomes/{flowOutcomeId} | Updates a flow outcome |
AuthorizationApi | deleteAuthorizationDivision | DELETE /api/v2/authorization/divisions/{divisionId} | Delete a division. |
AuthorizationApi | deleteAuthorizationRole | DELETE /api/v2/authorization/roles/{roleId} | Delete an organization role. |
AuthorizationApi | deleteAuthorizationSubjectDivisionRole | DELETE /api/v2/authorization/subjects/{subjectId}/divisions/{divisionId}/roles/{roleId} | Delete a grant of a role in a division |
AuthorizationApi | deleteUserRoles | DELETE /api/v2/users/{userId}/roles | Removes all the roles from the user. |
AuthorizationApi | getAuthorizationDivision | GET /api/v2/authorization/divisions/{divisionId} | Returns an authorization division. |
AuthorizationApi | getAuthorizationDivisions | GET /api/v2/authorization/divisions | Retrieve a list of all divisions defined for the organization |
AuthorizationApi | getAuthorizationDivisionsHome | GET /api/v2/authorization/divisions/home | Retrieve the home division for the organization. |
AuthorizationApi | getAuthorizationDivisionsLimit | GET /api/v2/authorization/divisions/limit | Returns the maximum allowed number of divisions. |
AuthorizationApi | getAuthorizationDivisionspermittedMe | GET /api/v2/authorization/divisionspermitted/me | Returns whether or not current user can perform the specified action(s). |
AuthorizationApi | getAuthorizationDivisionspermittedSubjectId | GET /api/v2/authorization/divisionspermitted/{subjectId} | Returns whether or not specified user can perform the specified action(s). |
AuthorizationApi | getAuthorizationPermissions | GET /api/v2/authorization/permissions | Get all permissions. |
AuthorizationApi | getAuthorizationProducts | GET /api/v2/authorization/products | Get the list of enabled products |
AuthorizationApi | getAuthorizationRole | GET /api/v2/authorization/roles/{roleId} | Get a single organization role. |
AuthorizationApi | getAuthorizationRoleComparedefaultRightRoleId | GET /api/v2/authorization/roles/{leftRoleId}/comparedefault/{rightRoleId} | Get an org role to default role comparison |
AuthorizationApi | getAuthorizationRoleSubjectgrants | GET /api/v2/authorization/roles/{roleId}/subjectgrants | Get the subjects' granted divisions in the specified role. |
AuthorizationApi | getAuthorizationRoleUsers | GET /api/v2/authorization/roles/{roleId}/users | Get a list of the users in a specified role. |
AuthorizationApi | getAuthorizationRoles | GET /api/v2/authorization/roles | Retrieve a list of all roles defined for the organization |
AuthorizationApi | getAuthorizationSubject | GET /api/v2/authorization/subjects/{subjectId} | Returns a listing of roles and permissions for a user. |
AuthorizationApi | getAuthorizationSubjectsMe | GET /api/v2/authorization/subjects/me | Returns a listing of roles and permissions for the currently authenticated user. |
AuthorizationApi | getAuthorizationSubjectsRolecounts | GET /api/v2/authorization/subjects/rolecounts | Get the count of roles granted to a list of subjects |
AuthorizationApi | getUserRoles | GET /api/v2/users/{userId}/roles | Returns a listing of roles and permissions for a user. |
AuthorizationApi | patchAuthorizationRole | PATCH /api/v2/authorization/roles/{roleId} | Patch Organization Role for needsUpdate Field |
AuthorizationApi | postAuthorizationDivisionObject | POST /api/v2/authorization/divisions/{divisionId}/objects/{objectType} | Assign a list of objects to a division |
AuthorizationApi | postAuthorizationDivisions | POST /api/v2/authorization/divisions | Create a division. |
AuthorizationApi | postAuthorizationRole | POST /api/v2/authorization/roles/{roleId} | Bulk-grant subjects and divisions with an organization role. |
AuthorizationApi | postAuthorizationRoleComparedefaultRightRoleId | POST /api/v2/authorization/roles/{leftRoleId}/comparedefault/{rightRoleId} | Get an unsaved org role to default role comparison |
AuthorizationApi | postAuthorizationRoles | POST /api/v2/authorization/roles | Create an organization role. |
AuthorizationApi | postAuthorizationRolesDefault | POST /api/v2/authorization/roles/default | Restores all default roles |
AuthorizationApi | postAuthorizationSubjectBulkadd | POST /api/v2/authorization/subjects/{subjectId}/bulkadd | Bulk-grant roles and divisions to a subject. |
AuthorizationApi | postAuthorizationSubjectBulkremove | POST /api/v2/authorization/subjects/{subjectId}/bulkremove | Bulk-remove grants from a subject. |
AuthorizationApi | postAuthorizationSubjectDivisionRole | POST /api/v2/authorization/subjects/{subjectId}/divisions/{divisionId}/roles/{roleId} | Make a grant of a role in a division |
AuthorizationApi | putAuthorizationDivision | PUT /api/v2/authorization/divisions/{divisionId} | Update a division. |
AuthorizationApi | putAuthorizationRole | PUT /api/v2/authorization/roles/{roleId} | Update an organization role. |
AuthorizationApi | putAuthorizationRoleUsersAdd | PUT /api/v2/authorization/roles/{roleId}/users/add | Sets the users for the role |
AuthorizationApi | putAuthorizationRoleUsersRemove | PUT /api/v2/authorization/roles/{roleId}/users/remove | Removes the users from the role |
AuthorizationApi | putAuthorizationRolesDefault | PUT /api/v2/authorization/roles/default | Restore specified default roles |
AuthorizationApi | putUserRoles | PUT /api/v2/users/{userId}/roles | Sets the user's roles |
BillingApi | getBillingReportsBillableusage | GET /api/v2/billing/reports/billableusage | Get a report of the billable license usages |
BillingApi | getBillingTrusteebillingoverviewTrustorOrgId | GET /api/v2/billing/trusteebillingoverview/{trustorOrgId} | Get the billing overview for an organization that is managed by a partner. |
ContentManagementApi | deleteContentmanagementDocument | DELETE /api/v2/contentmanagement/documents/{documentId} | Delete a document. |
ContentManagementApi | deleteContentmanagementShare | DELETE /api/v2/contentmanagement/shares/{shareId} | Deletes an existing share. |
ContentManagementApi | deleteContentmanagementStatusStatusId | DELETE /api/v2/contentmanagement/status/{statusId} | Cancel the command for this status |
ContentManagementApi | deleteContentmanagementWorkspace | DELETE /api/v2/contentmanagement/workspaces/{workspaceId} | Delete a workspace |
ContentManagementApi | deleteContentmanagementWorkspaceMember | DELETE /api/v2/contentmanagement/workspaces/{workspaceId}/members/{memberId} | Delete a member from a workspace |
ContentManagementApi | deleteContentmanagementWorkspaceTagvalue | DELETE /api/v2/contentmanagement/workspaces/{workspaceId}/tagvalues/{tagId} | Delete workspace tag |
ContentManagementApi | getContentmanagementDocument | GET /api/v2/contentmanagement/documents/{documentId} | Get a document. |
ContentManagementApi | getContentmanagementDocumentAudits | GET /api/v2/contentmanagement/documents/{documentId}/audits | Get a list of audits for a document. |
ContentManagementApi | getContentmanagementDocumentContent | GET /api/v2/contentmanagement/documents/{documentId}/content | Download a document. |
ContentManagementApi | getContentmanagementDocuments | GET /api/v2/contentmanagement/documents | Get a list of documents. |
ContentManagementApi | getContentmanagementQuery | GET /api/v2/contentmanagement/query | Query content |
ContentManagementApi | getContentmanagementSecurityprofile | GET /api/v2/contentmanagement/securityprofiles/{securityProfileId} | Get a Security Profile |
ContentManagementApi | getContentmanagementSecurityprofiles | GET /api/v2/contentmanagement/securityprofiles | Get a List of Security Profiles |
ContentManagementApi | getContentmanagementShare | GET /api/v2/contentmanagement/shares/{shareId} | Retrieve details about an existing share. |
ContentManagementApi | getContentmanagementSharedSharedId | GET /api/v2/contentmanagement/shared/{sharedId} | Get shared documents. Securely download a shared document. |
ContentManagementApi | getContentmanagementShares | GET /api/v2/contentmanagement/shares | Gets a list of shares. You must specify at least one filter (e.g. entityId). |
ContentManagementApi | getContentmanagementStatus | GET /api/v2/contentmanagement/status | Get a list of statuses for pending operations |
ContentManagementApi | getContentmanagementStatusStatusId | GET /api/v2/contentmanagement/status/{statusId} | Get a status. |
ContentManagementApi | getContentmanagementUsage | GET /api/v2/contentmanagement/usage | Get usage details. |
ContentManagementApi | getContentmanagementWorkspace | GET /api/v2/contentmanagement/workspaces/{workspaceId} | Get a workspace. |
ContentManagementApi | getContentmanagementWorkspaceDocuments | GET /api/v2/contentmanagement/workspaces/{workspaceId}/documents | Get a list of documents. |
ContentManagementApi | getContentmanagementWorkspaceMember | GET /api/v2/contentmanagement/workspaces/{workspaceId}/members/{memberId} | Get a workspace member |
ContentManagementApi | getContentmanagementWorkspaceMembers | GET /api/v2/contentmanagement/workspaces/{workspaceId}/members | Get a list workspace members |
ContentManagementApi | getContentmanagementWorkspaceTagvalue | GET /api/v2/contentmanagement/workspaces/{workspaceId}/tagvalues/{tagId} | Get a workspace tag |
ContentManagementApi | getContentmanagementWorkspaceTagvalues | GET /api/v2/contentmanagement/workspaces/{workspaceId}/tagvalues | Get a list of workspace tags |
ContentManagementApi | getContentmanagementWorkspaces | GET /api/v2/contentmanagement/workspaces | Get a list of workspaces. |
ContentManagementApi | postContentmanagementAuditquery | POST /api/v2/contentmanagement/auditquery | Query audits |
ContentManagementApi | postContentmanagementDocument | POST /api/v2/contentmanagement/documents/{documentId} | Update a document. |
ContentManagementApi | postContentmanagementDocumentContent | POST /api/v2/contentmanagement/documents/{documentId}/content | Replace the contents of a document. |
ContentManagementApi | postContentmanagementDocuments | POST /api/v2/contentmanagement/documents | Add a document. |
ContentManagementApi | postContentmanagementQuery | POST /api/v2/contentmanagement/query | Query content |
ContentManagementApi | postContentmanagementShares | POST /api/v2/contentmanagement/shares | Creates a new share or updates an existing share if the entity has already been shared |
ContentManagementApi | postContentmanagementWorkspaceTagvalues | POST /api/v2/contentmanagement/workspaces/{workspaceId}/tagvalues | Create a workspace tag |
ContentManagementApi | postContentmanagementWorkspaceTagvaluesQuery | POST /api/v2/contentmanagement/workspaces/{workspaceId}/tagvalues/query | Perform a prefix query on tags in the workspace |
ContentManagementApi | postContentmanagementWorkspaces | POST /api/v2/contentmanagement/workspaces | Create a group workspace |
ContentManagementApi | putContentmanagementWorkspace | PUT /api/v2/contentmanagement/workspaces/{workspaceId} | Update a workspace |
ContentManagementApi | putContentmanagementWorkspaceMember | PUT /api/v2/contentmanagement/workspaces/{workspaceId}/members/{memberId} | Add a member to a workspace |
ContentManagementApi | putContentmanagementWorkspaceTagvalue | PUT /api/v2/contentmanagement/workspaces/{workspaceId}/tagvalues/{tagId} | Update a workspace tag. Will update all documents with the new tag value. |
ConversationsApi | deleteAnalyticsConversationsDetailsJob | DELETE /api/v2/analytics/conversations/details/jobs/{jobId} | Delete/cancel an async request |
ConversationsApi | deleteConversationParticipantCode | DELETE /api/v2/conversations/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/codes/{addCommunicationCode} | Delete a code used to add a communication to this participant |
ConversationsApi | deleteConversationParticipantFlaggedreason | DELETE /api/v2/conversations/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/flaggedreason | Remove flagged reason from conversation participant. |
ConversationsApi | deleteConversationsCallParticipantConsult | DELETE /api/v2/conversations/calls/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/consult | Cancel the transfer |
ConversationsApi | deleteConversationsEmailMessagesDraftAttachment | DELETE /api/v2/conversations/emails/{conversationId}/messages/draft/attachments/{attachmentId} | Delete attachment from draft |
ConversationsApi | deleteConversationsMessagingIntegrationsFacebookIntegrationId | DELETE /api/v2/conversations/messaging/integrations/facebook/{integrationId} | Delete a Facebook messaging integration |
ConversationsApi | deleteConversationsMessagingIntegrationsLineIntegrationId | DELETE /api/v2/conversations/messaging/integrations/line/{integrationId} | Delete a LINE messenger integration |
ConversationsApi | deleteConversationsMessagingIntegrationsTwitterIntegrationId | DELETE /api/v2/conversations/messaging/integrations/twitter/{integrationId} | Delete a Twitter messaging integration |
ConversationsApi | getAnalyticsConversationDetails | GET /api/v2/analytics/conversations/{conversationId}/details | Get a conversation by id |
ConversationsApi | getAnalyticsConversationsDetails | GET /api/v2/analytics/conversations/details | Gets multiple conversations by id |
ConversationsApi | getAnalyticsConversationsDetailsJob | GET /api/v2/analytics/conversations/details/jobs/{jobId} | Get status for async query for conversation details |
ConversationsApi | getAnalyticsConversationsDetailsJobResults | GET /api/v2/analytics/conversations/details/jobs/{jobId}/results | Fetch a page of results for an async query |
ConversationsApi | getConversation | GET /api/v2/conversations/{conversationId} | Get conversation |
ConversationsApi | getConversationParticipantSecureivrsession | GET /api/v2/conversations/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/secureivrsessions/{secureSessionId} | Fetch info on a secure session |
ConversationsApi | getConversationParticipantSecureivrsessions | GET /api/v2/conversations/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/secureivrsessions | Get a list of secure sessions for this participant. |
ConversationsApi | getConversationParticipantWrapup | GET /api/v2/conversations/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/wrapup | Get the wrap-up for this conversation participant. |
ConversationsApi | getConversationParticipantWrapupcodes | GET /api/v2/conversations/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/wrapupcodes | Get list of wrapup codes for this conversation participant |
ConversationsApi | getConversations | GET /api/v2/conversations | Get active conversations for the logged in user |
ConversationsApi | getConversationsCall | GET /api/v2/conversations/calls/{conversationId} | Get call conversation |
ConversationsApi | getConversationsCallParticipantWrapup | GET /api/v2/conversations/calls/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/wrapup | Get the wrap-up for this conversation participant. |
ConversationsApi | getConversationsCallParticipantWrapupcodes | GET /api/v2/conversations/calls/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/wrapupcodes | Get list of wrapup codes for this conversation participant |
ConversationsApi | getConversationsCallback | GET /api/v2/conversations/callbacks/{conversationId} | Get callback conversation |
ConversationsApi | getConversationsCallbackParticipantWrapup | GET /api/v2/conversations/callbacks/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/wrapup | Get the wrap-up for this conversation participant. |
ConversationsApi | getConversationsCallbackParticipantWrapupcodes | GET /api/v2/conversations/callbacks/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/wrapupcodes | Get list of wrapup codes for this conversation participant |
ConversationsApi | getConversationsCallbacks | GET /api/v2/conversations/callbacks | Get active callback conversations for the logged in user |
ConversationsApi | getConversationsCalls | GET /api/v2/conversations/calls | Get active call conversations for the logged in user |
ConversationsApi | getConversationsCallsHistory | GET /api/v2/conversations/calls/history | Get call history |
ConversationsApi | getConversationsCallsMaximumconferenceparties | GET /api/v2/conversations/calls/maximumconferenceparties | Get the maximum number of participants that this user can have on a conference |
ConversationsApi | getConversationsChat | GET /api/v2/conversations/chats/{conversationId} | Get chat conversation |
ConversationsApi | getConversationsChatMessage | GET /api/v2/conversations/chats/{conversationId}/messages/{messageId} | Get a web chat conversation message |
ConversationsApi | getConversationsChatMessages | GET /api/v2/conversations/chats/{conversationId}/messages | Get the messages of a chat conversation. |
ConversationsApi | getConversationsChatParticipantWrapup | GET /api/v2/conversations/chats/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/wrapup | Get the wrap-up for this conversation participant. |
ConversationsApi | getConversationsChatParticipantWrapupcodes | GET /api/v2/conversations/chats/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/wrapupcodes | Get list of wrapup codes for this conversation participant |
ConversationsApi | getConversationsChats | GET /api/v2/conversations/chats | Get active chat conversations for the logged in user |
ConversationsApi | getConversationsCobrowsesession | GET /api/v2/conversations/cobrowsesessions/{conversationId} | Get cobrowse conversation |
ConversationsApi | getConversationsCobrowsesessionParticipantWrapup | GET /api/v2/conversations/cobrowsesessions/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/wrapup | Get the wrap-up for this conversation participant. |
ConversationsApi | getConversationsCobrowsesessionParticipantWrapupcodes | GET /api/v2/conversations/cobrowsesessions/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/wrapupcodes | Get list of wrapup codes for this conversation participant |
ConversationsApi | getConversationsCobrowsesessions | GET /api/v2/conversations/cobrowsesessions | Get active cobrowse conversations for the logged in user |
ConversationsApi | getConversationsEmail | GET /api/v2/conversations/emails/{conversationId} | Get email conversation |
ConversationsApi | getConversationsEmailMessage | GET /api/v2/conversations/emails/{conversationId}/messages/{messageId} | Get conversation message |
ConversationsApi | getConversationsEmailMessages | GET /api/v2/conversations/emails/{conversationId}/messages | Get conversation messages |
ConversationsApi | getConversationsEmailMessagesDraft | GET /api/v2/conversations/emails/{conversationId}/messages/draft | Get conversation draft reply |
ConversationsApi | getConversationsEmailParticipantWrapup | GET /api/v2/conversations/emails/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/wrapup | Get the wrap-up for this conversation participant. |
ConversationsApi | getConversationsEmailParticipantWrapupcodes | GET /api/v2/conversations/emails/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/wrapupcodes | Get list of wrapup codes for this conversation participant |
ConversationsApi | getConversationsEmails | GET /api/v2/conversations/emails | Get active email conversations for the logged in user |
ConversationsApi | getConversationsMessage | GET /api/v2/conversations/messages/{conversationId} | Get message conversation |
ConversationsApi | getConversationsMessageCommunicationMessagesMediaMediaId | GET /api/v2/conversations/messages/{conversationId}/communications/{communicationId}/messages/media/{mediaId} | Get media |
ConversationsApi | getConversationsMessageMessage | GET /api/v2/conversations/messages/{conversationId}/messages/{messageId} | Get message |
ConversationsApi | getConversationsMessageParticipantWrapup | GET /api/v2/conversations/messages/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/wrapup | Get the wrap-up for this conversation participant. |
ConversationsApi | getConversationsMessageParticipantWrapupcodes | GET /api/v2/conversations/messages/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/wrapupcodes | Get list of wrapup codes for this conversation participant |
ConversationsApi | getConversationsMessages | GET /api/v2/conversations/messages | Get active message conversations for the logged in user |
ConversationsApi | getConversationsMessagingIntegrations | GET /api/v2/conversations/messaging/integrations | Get a list of Integrations |
ConversationsApi | getConversationsMessagingIntegrationsFacebook | GET /api/v2/conversations/messaging/integrations/facebook | Get a list of Facebook Integrations |
ConversationsApi | getConversationsMessagingIntegrationsFacebookIntegrationId | GET /api/v2/conversations/messaging/integrations/facebook/{integrationId} | Get a Facebook messaging integration |
ConversationsApi | getConversationsMessagingIntegrationsLine | GET /api/v2/conversations/messaging/integrations/line | Get a list of LINE messenger Integrations |
ConversationsApi | getConversationsMessagingIntegrationsLineIntegrationId | GET /api/v2/conversations/messaging/integrations/line/{integrationId} | Get a LINE messenger integration |
ConversationsApi | getConversationsMessagingIntegrationsTwitter | GET /api/v2/conversations/messaging/integrations/twitter | Get a list of Twitter Integrations |
ConversationsApi | getConversationsMessagingIntegrationsTwitterIntegrationId | GET /api/v2/conversations/messaging/integrations/twitter/{integrationId} | Get a Twitter messaging integration |
ConversationsApi | getConversationsMessagingIntegrationsWhatsapp | GET /api/v2/conversations/messaging/integrations/whatsapp | Get a list of WhatsApp Integrations |
ConversationsApi | getConversationsMessagingIntegrationsWhatsappIntegrationId | GET /api/v2/conversations/messaging/integrations/whatsapp/{integrationId} | Get a WhatsApp messaging integration |
ConversationsApi | getConversationsMessagingSticker | GET /api/v2/conversations/messaging/stickers/{messengerType} | Get a list of Messaging Stickers |
ConversationsApi | patchConversationParticipant | PATCH /api/v2/conversations/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId} | Update a participant. |
ConversationsApi | patchConversationParticipantAttributes | PATCH /api/v2/conversations/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/attributes | Update the attributes on a conversation participant. |
ConversationsApi | patchConversationsCall | PATCH /api/v2/conversations/calls/{conversationId} | Update a conversation by setting it's recording state, merging in other conversations to create a conference, or disconnecting all of the participants |
ConversationsApi | patchConversationsCallParticipant | PATCH /api/v2/conversations/calls/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId} | Update conversation participant |
ConversationsApi | patchConversationsCallParticipantAttributes | PATCH /api/v2/conversations/calls/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/attributes | Update the attributes on a conversation participant. |
ConversationsApi | patchConversationsCallParticipantCommunication | PATCH /api/v2/conversations/calls/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/communications/{communicationId} | Update conversation participant's communication by disconnecting it. |
ConversationsApi | patchConversationsCallParticipantConsult | PATCH /api/v2/conversations/calls/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/consult | Change who can speak |
ConversationsApi | patchConversationsCallback | PATCH /api/v2/conversations/callbacks/{conversationId} | Update a conversation by disconnecting all of the participants |
ConversationsApi | patchConversationsCallbackParticipant | PATCH /api/v2/conversations/callbacks/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId} | Update conversation participant |
ConversationsApi | patchConversationsCallbackParticipantAttributes | PATCH /api/v2/conversations/callbacks/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/attributes | Update the attributes on a conversation participant. |
ConversationsApi | patchConversationsCallbackParticipantCommunication | PATCH /api/v2/conversations/callbacks/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/communications/{communicationId} | Update conversation participant's communication by disconnecting it. |
ConversationsApi | patchConversationsChat | PATCH /api/v2/conversations/chats/{conversationId} | Update a conversation by disconnecting all of the participants |
ConversationsApi | patchConversationsChatParticipant | PATCH /api/v2/conversations/chats/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId} | Update conversation participant |
ConversationsApi | patchConversationsChatParticipantAttributes | PATCH /api/v2/conversations/chats/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/attributes | Update the attributes on a conversation participant. |
ConversationsApi | patchConversationsChatParticipantCommunication | PATCH /api/v2/conversations/chats/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/communications/{communicationId} | Update conversation participant's communication by disconnecting it. |
ConversationsApi | patchConversationsCobrowsesession | PATCH /api/v2/conversations/cobrowsesessions/{conversationId} | Update a conversation by disconnecting all of the participants |
ConversationsApi | patchConversationsCobrowsesessionParticipant | PATCH /api/v2/conversations/cobrowsesessions/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId} | Update conversation participant |
ConversationsApi | patchConversationsCobrowsesessionParticipantAttributes | PATCH /api/v2/conversations/cobrowsesessions/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/attributes | Update the attributes on a conversation participant. |
ConversationsApi | patchConversationsCobrowsesessionParticipantCommunication | PATCH /api/v2/conversations/cobrowsesessions/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/communications/{communicationId} | Update conversation participant's communication by disconnecting it. |
ConversationsApi | patchConversationsEmail | PATCH /api/v2/conversations/emails/{conversationId} | Update a conversation by disconnecting all of the participants |
ConversationsApi | patchConversationsEmailParticipant | PATCH /api/v2/conversations/emails/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId} | Update conversation participant |
ConversationsApi | patchConversationsEmailParticipantAttributes | PATCH /api/v2/conversations/emails/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/attributes | Update the attributes on a conversation participant. |
ConversationsApi | patchConversationsEmailParticipantCommunication | PATCH /api/v2/conversations/emails/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/communications/{communicationId} | Update conversation participant's communication by disconnecting it. |
ConversationsApi | patchConversationsMessage | PATCH /api/v2/conversations/messages/{conversationId} | Update a conversation by disconnecting all of the participants |
ConversationsApi | patchConversationsMessageParticipant | PATCH /api/v2/conversations/messages/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId} | Update conversation participant |
ConversationsApi | patchConversationsMessageParticipantAttributes | PATCH /api/v2/conversations/messages/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/attributes | Update the attributes on a conversation participant. |
ConversationsApi | patchConversationsMessageParticipantCommunication | PATCH /api/v2/conversations/messages/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/communications/{communicationId} | Update conversation participant's communication by disconnecting it. |
ConversationsApi | patchConversationsMessagingIntegrationsWhatsappIntegrationId | PATCH /api/v2/conversations/messaging/integrations/whatsapp/{integrationId} | Activate a WhatsApp messaging integration. |
ConversationsApi | postAnalyticsConversationDetailsProperties | POST /api/v2/analytics/conversations/{conversationId}/details/properties | Index conversation properties |
ConversationsApi | postAnalyticsConversationsAggregatesQuery | POST /api/v2/analytics/conversations/aggregates/query | Query for conversation aggregates |
ConversationsApi | postAnalyticsConversationsDetailsJobs | POST /api/v2/analytics/conversations/details/jobs | Query for conversation details asynchronously |
ConversationsApi | postAnalyticsConversationsDetailsQuery | POST /api/v2/analytics/conversations/details/query | Query for conversation details |
ConversationsApi | postConversationDisconnect | POST /api/v2/conversations/{conversationId}/disconnect | Performs a full conversation teardown. Issues disconnect requests for any connected media. Applies a system wrap-up code to any participants that are pending wrap-up. This is not intended to be the normal way of ending interactions but is available in the event of problems with the application to allow a resyncronization of state across all components. It is recommended that users submit a support case if they are relying on this endpoint systematically as there is likely something that needs investigation. |
ConversationsApi | postConversationParticipantCallbacks | POST /api/v2/conversations/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/callbacks | Create a new callback for the specified participant on the conversation. |
ConversationsApi | postConversationParticipantDigits | POST /api/v2/conversations/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/digits | Sends DTMF to the participant |
ConversationsApi | postConversationParticipantReplace | POST /api/v2/conversations/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/replace | Replace this participant with the specified user and/or address |
ConversationsApi | postConversationParticipantSecureivrsessions | POST /api/v2/conversations/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/secureivrsessions | Create secure IVR session. Only a participant in the conversation can invoke a secure IVR. |
ConversationsApi | postConversationsCall | POST /api/v2/conversations/calls/{conversationId} | Place a new call as part of a callback conversation. |
ConversationsApi | postConversationsCallParticipantConsult | POST /api/v2/conversations/calls/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/consult | Initiate and update consult transfer |
ConversationsApi | postConversationsCallParticipantMonitor | POST /api/v2/conversations/calls/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/monitor | Listen in on the conversation from the point of view of a given participant. |
ConversationsApi | postConversationsCallParticipantReplace | POST /api/v2/conversations/calls/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/replace | Replace this participant with the specified user and/or address |
ConversationsApi | postConversationsCallParticipants | POST /api/v2/conversations/calls/{conversationId}/participants | Add participants to a conversation |
ConversationsApi | postConversationsCallbackParticipantReplace | POST /api/v2/conversations/callbacks/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/replace | Replace this participant with the specified user and/or address |
ConversationsApi | postConversationsCallbacks | POST /api/v2/conversations/callbacks | Create a Callback |
ConversationsApi | postConversationsCalls | POST /api/v2/conversations/calls | Create a call conversation |
ConversationsApi | postConversationsChatCommunicationMessages | POST /api/v2/conversations/chats/{conversationId}/communications/{communicationId}/messages | Send a message on behalf of a communication in a chat conversation. |
ConversationsApi | postConversationsChatCommunicationTyping | POST /api/v2/conversations/chats/{conversationId}/communications/{communicationId}/typing | Send a typing-indicator on behalf of a communication in a chat conversation. |
ConversationsApi | postConversationsChatParticipantReplace | POST /api/v2/conversations/chats/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/replace | Replace this participant with the specified user and/or address |
ConversationsApi | postConversationsChats | POST /api/v2/conversations/chats | Create a web chat conversation |
ConversationsApi | postConversationsCobrowsesessionParticipantReplace | POST /api/v2/conversations/cobrowsesessions/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/replace | Replace this participant with the specified user and/or address |
ConversationsApi | postConversationsEmailInboundmessages | POST /api/v2/conversations/emails/{conversationId}/inboundmessages | Send an email to an external conversation. An external conversation is one where the provider is not PureCloud based. This endpoint allows the sender of the external email to reply or send a new message to the existing conversation. The new message will be treated as part of the existing conversation and chained to it. |
ConversationsApi | postConversationsEmailMessages | POST /api/v2/conversations/emails/{conversationId}/messages | Send an email reply |
ConversationsApi | postConversationsEmailParticipantReplace | POST /api/v2/conversations/emails/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/replace | Replace this participant with the specified user and/or address |
ConversationsApi | postConversationsEmails | POST /api/v2/conversations/emails | Create an email conversation |
ConversationsApi | postConversationsFaxes | POST /api/v2/conversations/faxes | Create Fax Conversation |
ConversationsApi | postConversationsMessageCommunicationMessages | POST /api/v2/conversations/messages/{conversationId}/communications/{communicationId}/messages | Send message |
ConversationsApi | postConversationsMessageCommunicationMessagesMedia | POST /api/v2/conversations/messages/{conversationId}/communications/{communicationId}/messages/media | Create media |
ConversationsApi | postConversationsMessageMessagesBulk | POST /api/v2/conversations/messages/{conversationId}/messages/bulk | Get messages in batch |
ConversationsApi | postConversationsMessageParticipantReplace | POST /api/v2/conversations/messages/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/replace | Replace this participant with the specified user and/or address |
ConversationsApi | postConversationsMessages | POST /api/v2/conversations/messages | Create an outbound messaging conversation. |
ConversationsApi | postConversationsMessagingIntegrationsFacebook | POST /api/v2/conversations/messaging/integrations/facebook | Create a Facebook Integration |
ConversationsApi | postConversationsMessagingIntegrationsLine | POST /api/v2/conversations/messaging/integrations/line | Create a LINE messenger Integration |
ConversationsApi | postConversationsMessagingIntegrationsTwitter | POST /api/v2/conversations/messaging/integrations/twitter | Create a Twitter Integration |
ConversationsApi | putConversationParticipantFlaggedreason | PUT /api/v2/conversations/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/flaggedreason | Set flagged reason on conversation participant to indicate bad conversation quality. |
ConversationsApi | putConversationsCallParticipantCommunicationUuidata | PUT /api/v2/conversations/calls/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/communications/{communicationId}/uuidata | Set uuiData to be sent on future commands. |
ConversationsApi | putConversationsEmailMessagesDraft | PUT /api/v2/conversations/emails/{conversationId}/messages/draft | Update conversation draft reply |
ConversationsApi | putConversationsMessagingIntegrationsLineIntegrationId | PUT /api/v2/conversations/messaging/integrations/line/{integrationId} | Update a LINE messenger integration |
ExternalContactsApi | deleteExternalcontactsContact | DELETE /api/v2/externalcontacts/contacts/{contactId} | Delete an external contact |
ExternalContactsApi | deleteExternalcontactsContactNote | DELETE /api/v2/externalcontacts/contacts/{contactId}/notes/{noteId} | Delete a note for an external contact |
ExternalContactsApi | deleteExternalcontactsOrganization | DELETE /api/v2/externalcontacts/organizations/{externalOrganizationId} | Delete an external organization |
ExternalContactsApi | deleteExternalcontactsOrganizationNote | DELETE /api/v2/externalcontacts/organizations/{externalOrganizationId}/notes/{noteId} | Delete a note for an external organization |
ExternalContactsApi | deleteExternalcontactsOrganizationTrustor | DELETE /api/v2/externalcontacts/organizations/{externalOrganizationId}/trustor | Unlink the Trustor for this External Organization |
ExternalContactsApi | deleteExternalcontactsRelationship | DELETE /api/v2/externalcontacts/relationships/{relationshipId} | Delete a relationship |
ExternalContactsApi | getExternalcontactsContact | GET /api/v2/externalcontacts/contacts/{contactId} | Fetch an external contact |
ExternalContactsApi | getExternalcontactsContactNote | GET /api/v2/externalcontacts/contacts/{contactId}/notes/{noteId} | Fetch a note for an external contact |
ExternalContactsApi | getExternalcontactsContactNotes | GET /api/v2/externalcontacts/contacts/{contactId}/notes | List notes for an external contact |
ExternalContactsApi | getExternalcontactsContacts | GET /api/v2/externalcontacts/contacts | Search for external contacts |
ExternalContactsApi | getExternalcontactsOrganization | GET /api/v2/externalcontacts/organizations/{externalOrganizationId} | Fetch an external organization |
ExternalContactsApi | getExternalcontactsOrganizationContacts | GET /api/v2/externalcontacts/organizations/{externalOrganizationId}/contacts | Search for external contacts in an external organization |
ExternalContactsApi | getExternalcontactsOrganizationNote | GET /api/v2/externalcontacts/organizations/{externalOrganizationId}/notes/{noteId} | Fetch a note for an external organization |
ExternalContactsApi | getExternalcontactsOrganizationNotes | GET /api/v2/externalcontacts/organizations/{externalOrganizationId}/notes | List notes for an external organization |
ExternalContactsApi | getExternalcontactsOrganizationRelationships | GET /api/v2/externalcontacts/organizations/{externalOrganizationId}/relationships | Fetch a relationship for an external organization |
ExternalContactsApi | getExternalcontactsOrganizations | GET /api/v2/externalcontacts/organizations | Search for external organizations |
ExternalContactsApi | getExternalcontactsRelationship | GET /api/v2/externalcontacts/relationships/{relationshipId} | Fetch a relationship |
ExternalContactsApi | getExternalcontactsReversewhitepageslookup | GET /api/v2/externalcontacts/reversewhitepageslookup | Look up contacts and externalOrganizations based on an attribute. Maximum of 25 values returned. |
ExternalContactsApi | postExternalcontactsContactNotes | POST /api/v2/externalcontacts/contacts/{contactId}/notes | Create a note for an external contact |
ExternalContactsApi | postExternalcontactsContacts | POST /api/v2/externalcontacts/contacts | Create an external contact |
ExternalContactsApi | postExternalcontactsOrganizationNotes | POST /api/v2/externalcontacts/organizations/{externalOrganizationId}/notes | Create a note for an external organization |
ExternalContactsApi | postExternalcontactsOrganizations | POST /api/v2/externalcontacts/organizations | Create an external organization |
ExternalContactsApi | postExternalcontactsRelationships | POST /api/v2/externalcontacts/relationships | Create a relationship |
ExternalContactsApi | putExternalcontactsContact | PUT /api/v2/externalcontacts/contacts/{contactId} | Update an external contact |
ExternalContactsApi | putExternalcontactsContactNote | PUT /api/v2/externalcontacts/contacts/{contactId}/notes/{noteId} | Update a note for an external contact |
ExternalContactsApi | putExternalcontactsConversation | PUT /api/v2/externalcontacts/conversations/{conversationId} | Associate an external contact with a conversation |
ExternalContactsApi | putExternalcontactsOrganization | PUT /api/v2/externalcontacts/organizations/{externalOrganizationId} | Update an external organization |
ExternalContactsApi | putExternalcontactsOrganizationNote | PUT /api/v2/externalcontacts/organizations/{externalOrganizationId}/notes/{noteId} | Update a note for an external organization |
ExternalContactsApi | putExternalcontactsOrganizationTrustorTrustorId | PUT /api/v2/externalcontacts/organizations/{externalOrganizationId}/trustor/{trustorId} | Links a Trustor with an External Organization |
ExternalContactsApi | putExternalcontactsRelationship | PUT /api/v2/externalcontacts/relationships/{relationshipId} | Update a relationship |
FaxApi | deleteFaxDocument | DELETE /api/v2/fax/documents/{documentId} | Delete a fax document. |
FaxApi | getFaxDocument | GET /api/v2/fax/documents/{documentId} | Get a document. |
FaxApi | getFaxDocumentContent | GET /api/v2/fax/documents/{documentId}/content | Download a fax document. |
FaxApi | getFaxDocuments | GET /api/v2/fax/documents | Get a list of fax documents. |
FaxApi | getFaxSummary | GET /api/v2/fax/summary | Get fax summary |
FaxApi | putFaxDocument | PUT /api/v2/fax/documents/{documentId} | Update a fax document. |
FlowsApi | postAnalyticsFlowsAggregatesQuery | POST /api/v2/analytics/flows/aggregates/query | Query for flow aggregates |
FlowsApi | postAnalyticsFlowsObservationsQuery | POST /api/v2/analytics/flows/observations/query | Query for flow observations |
GeneralDataProtectionRegulationApi | getGdprRequest | GET /api/v2/gdpr/requests/{requestId} | Get an existing GDPR request |
GeneralDataProtectionRegulationApi | getGdprRequests | GET /api/v2/gdpr/requests | Get all GDPR requests |
GeneralDataProtectionRegulationApi | getGdprSubjects | GET /api/v2/gdpr/subjects | Get GDPR subjects |
GeneralDataProtectionRegulationApi | postGdprRequests | POST /api/v2/gdpr/requests | Submit a new GDPR request |
GeolocationApi | getGeolocationsSettings | GET /api/v2/geolocations/settings | Get a organization's GeolocationSettings |
GeolocationApi | getUserGeolocation | GET /api/v2/users/{userId}/geolocations/{clientId} | Get a user's Geolocation |
GeolocationApi | patchGeolocationsSettings | PATCH /api/v2/geolocations/settings | Patch a organization's GeolocationSettings |
GeolocationApi | patchUserGeolocation | PATCH /api/v2/users/{userId}/geolocations/{clientId} | Patch a user's Geolocation |
GreetingsApi | deleteGreeting | DELETE /api/v2/greetings/{greetingId} | Deletes a Greeting with the given GreetingId |
GreetingsApi | getGreeting | GET /api/v2/greetings/{greetingId} | Get a Greeting with the given GreetingId |
GreetingsApi | getGreetingMedia | GET /api/v2/greetings/{greetingId}/media | Get media playback URI for this greeting |
GreetingsApi | getGreetings | GET /api/v2/greetings | Gets an Organization's Greetings |
GreetingsApi | getGreetingsDefaults | GET /api/v2/greetings/defaults | Get an Organization's DefaultGreetingList |
GreetingsApi | getGroupGreetings | GET /api/v2/groups/{groupId}/greetings | Get a list of the Group's Greetings |
GreetingsApi | getGroupGreetingsDefaults | GET /api/v2/groups/{groupId}/greetings/defaults | Grabs the list of Default Greetings given a Group's ID |
GreetingsApi | getUserGreetings | GET /api/v2/users/{userId}/greetings | Get a list of the User's Greetings |
GreetingsApi | getUserGreetingsDefaults | GET /api/v2/users/{userId}/greetings/defaults | Grabs the list of Default Greetings given a User's ID |
GreetingsApi | postGreetings | POST /api/v2/greetings | Create a Greeting for an Organization |
GreetingsApi | postGroupGreetings | POST /api/v2/groups/{groupId}/greetings | Creates a Greeting for a Group |
GreetingsApi | postUserGreetings | POST /api/v2/users/{userId}/greetings | Creates a Greeting for a User |
GreetingsApi | putGreeting | PUT /api/v2/greetings/{greetingId} | Updates the Greeting with the given GreetingId |
GreetingsApi | putGreetingsDefaults | PUT /api/v2/greetings/defaults | Update an Organization's DefaultGreetingList |
GreetingsApi | putGroupGreetingsDefaults | PUT /api/v2/groups/{groupId}/greetings/defaults | Updates the DefaultGreetingList of the specified Group |
GreetingsApi | putUserGreetingsDefaults | PUT /api/v2/users/{userId}/greetings/defaults | Updates the DefaultGreetingList of the specified User |
GroupsApi | deleteGroup | DELETE /api/v2/groups/{groupId} | Delete group |
GroupsApi | deleteGroupMembers | DELETE /api/v2/groups/{groupId}/members | Remove members |
GroupsApi | getFieldconfig | GET /api/v2/fieldconfig | Fetch field config for an entity type |
GroupsApi | getGroup | GET /api/v2/groups/{groupId} | Get group |
GroupsApi | getGroupIndividuals | GET /api/v2/groups/{groupId}/individuals | Get all individuals associated with the group |
GroupsApi | getGroupMembers | GET /api/v2/groups/{groupId}/members | Get group members, includes individuals, owners, and dynamically included people |
GroupsApi | getGroupProfile | GET /api/v2/groups/{groupId}/profile | Get group profile |
GroupsApi | getGroups | GET /api/v2/groups | Get a group list |
GroupsApi | getGroupsSearch | GET /api/v2/groups/search | Search groups using the q64 value returned from a previous search |
GroupsApi | getProfilesGroups | GET /api/v2/profiles/groups | Get group profile listing |
GroupsApi | postGroupMembers | POST /api/v2/groups/{groupId}/members | Add members |
GroupsApi | postGroups | POST /api/v2/groups | Create a group |
GroupsApi | postGroupsSearch | POST /api/v2/groups/search | Search groups |
GroupsApi | putGroup | PUT /api/v2/groups/{groupId} | Update group |
IdentityProviderApi | deleteIdentityprovidersAdfs | DELETE /api/v2/identityproviders/adfs | Delete ADFS Identity Provider |
IdentityProviderApi | deleteIdentityprovidersCic | DELETE /api/v2/identityproviders/cic | Delete Customer Interaction Center (CIC) Identity Provider |
IdentityProviderApi | deleteIdentityprovidersGsuite | DELETE /api/v2/identityproviders/gsuite | Delete G Suite Identity Provider |
IdentityProviderApi | deleteIdentityprovidersIdentitynow | DELETE /api/v2/identityproviders/identitynow | Delete IdentityNow Provider |
IdentityProviderApi | deleteIdentityprovidersOkta | DELETE /api/v2/identityproviders/okta | Delete Okta Identity Provider |
IdentityProviderApi | deleteIdentityprovidersOnelogin | DELETE /api/v2/identityproviders/onelogin | Delete OneLogin Identity Provider |
IdentityProviderApi | deleteIdentityprovidersPing | DELETE /api/v2/identityproviders/ping | Delete Ping Identity Provider |
IdentityProviderApi | deleteIdentityprovidersPurecloud | DELETE /api/v2/identityproviders/purecloud | Delete PureCloud Identity Provider |
IdentityProviderApi | deleteIdentityprovidersPureengage | DELETE /api/v2/identityproviders/pureengage | Delete PureEngage Identity Provider |
IdentityProviderApi | deleteIdentityprovidersSalesforce | DELETE /api/v2/identityproviders/salesforce | Delete Salesforce Identity Provider |
IdentityProviderApi | getIdentityproviders | GET /api/v2/identityproviders | The list of identity providers |
IdentityProviderApi | getIdentityprovidersAdfs | GET /api/v2/identityproviders/adfs | Get ADFS Identity Provider |
IdentityProviderApi | getIdentityprovidersCic | GET /api/v2/identityproviders/cic | Get Customer Interaction Center (CIC) Identity Provider |
IdentityProviderApi | getIdentityprovidersGsuite | GET /api/v2/identityproviders/gsuite | Get G Suite Identity Provider |
IdentityProviderApi | getIdentityprovidersIdentitynow | GET /api/v2/identityproviders/identitynow | Get IdentityNow Provider |
IdentityProviderApi | getIdentityprovidersOkta | GET /api/v2/identityproviders/okta | Get Okta Identity Provider |
IdentityProviderApi | getIdentityprovidersOnelogin | GET /api/v2/identityproviders/onelogin | Get OneLogin Identity Provider |
IdentityProviderApi | getIdentityprovidersPing | GET /api/v2/identityproviders/ping | Get Ping Identity Provider |
IdentityProviderApi | getIdentityprovidersPurecloud | GET /api/v2/identityproviders/purecloud | Get PureCloud Identity Provider |
IdentityProviderApi | getIdentityprovidersPureengage | GET /api/v2/identityproviders/pureengage | Get PureEngage Identity Provider |
IdentityProviderApi | getIdentityprovidersSalesforce | GET /api/v2/identityproviders/salesforce | Get Salesforce Identity Provider |
IdentityProviderApi | putIdentityprovidersAdfs | PUT /api/v2/identityproviders/adfs | Update/Create ADFS Identity Provider |
IdentityProviderApi | putIdentityprovidersCic | PUT /api/v2/identityproviders/cic | Update/Create Customer Interaction Center (CIC) Identity Provider |
IdentityProviderApi | putIdentityprovidersGsuite | PUT /api/v2/identityproviders/gsuite | Update/Create G Suite Identity Provider |
IdentityProviderApi | putIdentityprovidersIdentitynow | PUT /api/v2/identityproviders/identitynow | Update/Create IdentityNow Provider |
IdentityProviderApi | putIdentityprovidersOkta | PUT /api/v2/identityproviders/okta | Update/Create Okta Identity Provider |
IdentityProviderApi | putIdentityprovidersOnelogin | PUT /api/v2/identityproviders/onelogin | Update/Create OneLogin Identity Provider |
IdentityProviderApi | putIdentityprovidersPing | PUT /api/v2/identityproviders/ping | Update/Create Ping Identity Provider |
IdentityProviderApi | putIdentityprovidersPurecloud | PUT /api/v2/identityproviders/purecloud | Update/Create PureCloud Identity Provider |
IdentityProviderApi | putIdentityprovidersPureengage | PUT /api/v2/identityproviders/pureengage | Update/Create PureEngage Identity Provider |
IdentityProviderApi | putIdentityprovidersSalesforce | PUT /api/v2/identityproviders/salesforce | Update/Create Salesforce Identity Provider |
IntegrationsApi | deleteIntegration | DELETE /api/v2/integrations/{integrationId} | Delete integration. |
IntegrationsApi | deleteIntegrationsAction | DELETE /api/v2/integrations/actions/{actionId} | Delete an Action |
IntegrationsApi | deleteIntegrationsActionDraft | DELETE /api/v2/integrations/actions/{actionId}/draft | Delete a Draft |
IntegrationsApi | deleteIntegrationsCredential | DELETE /api/v2/integrations/credentials/{credentialId} | Delete a set of credentials |
IntegrationsApi | getIntegration | GET /api/v2/integrations/{integrationId} | Get integration. |
IntegrationsApi | getIntegrationConfigCurrent | GET /api/v2/integrations/{integrationId}/config/current | Get integration configuration. |
IntegrationsApi | getIntegrations | GET /api/v2/integrations | List integrations |
IntegrationsApi | getIntegrationsAction | GET /api/v2/integrations/actions/{actionId} | Retrieves a single Action matching id. |
IntegrationsApi | getIntegrationsActionDraft | GET /api/v2/integrations/actions/{actionId}/draft | Retrieve a Draft |
IntegrationsApi | getIntegrationsActionDraftSchema | GET /api/v2/integrations/actions/{actionId}/draft/schemas/{fileName} | Retrieve schema for a Draft based on filename. |
IntegrationsApi | getIntegrationsActionDraftTemplate | GET /api/v2/integrations/actions/{actionId}/draft/templates/{fileName} | Retrieve templates for a Draft based on filename. |
IntegrationsApi | getIntegrationsActionDraftValidation | GET /api/v2/integrations/actions/{actionId}/draft/validation | Validate current Draft configuration. |
IntegrationsApi | getIntegrationsActionSchema | GET /api/v2/integrations/actions/{actionId}/schemas/{fileName} | Retrieve schema for an action based on filename. |
IntegrationsApi | getIntegrationsActionTemplate | GET /api/v2/integrations/actions/{actionId}/templates/{fileName} | Retrieve text of templates for an action based on filename. |
IntegrationsApi | getIntegrationsActions | GET /api/v2/integrations/actions | Retrieves all actions associated with filters passed in via query param. |
IntegrationsApi | getIntegrationsActionsCategories | GET /api/v2/integrations/actions/categories | Retrieves all categories of available Actions |
IntegrationsApi | getIntegrationsActionsDrafts | GET /api/v2/integrations/actions/drafts | Retrieves all action drafts associated with the filters passed in via query param. |
IntegrationsApi | getIntegrationsClientapps | GET /api/v2/integrations/clientapps | List permitted client app integrations for the logged in user |
IntegrationsApi | getIntegrationsCredential | GET /api/v2/integrations/credentials/{credentialId} | Get a single credential with sensitive fields redacted |
IntegrationsApi | getIntegrationsCredentials | GET /api/v2/integrations/credentials | List multiple sets of credentials |
IntegrationsApi | getIntegrationsCredentialsTypes | GET /api/v2/integrations/credentials/types | List all credential types |
IntegrationsApi | getIntegrationsEventlog | GET /api/v2/integrations/eventlog | List all events |
IntegrationsApi | getIntegrationsEventlogEventId | GET /api/v2/integrations/eventlog/{eventId} | Get a single event |
IntegrationsApi | getIntegrationsSpeechDialogflowAgent | GET /api/v2/integrations/speech/dialogflow/agents/{agentId} | Get details about a Dialogflow agent |
IntegrationsApi | getIntegrationsSpeechDialogflowAgents | GET /api/v2/integrations/speech/dialogflow/agents | Get a list of Dialogflow agents in the customers' Google accounts |
IntegrationsApi | getIntegrationsSpeechLexBotAlias | GET /api/v2/integrations/speech/lex/bot/alias/{aliasId} | Get details about a Lex bot alias |
IntegrationsApi | getIntegrationsSpeechLexBotBotIdAliases | GET /api/v2/integrations/speech/lex/bot/{botId}/aliases | Get a list of aliases for a bot in the customer's AWS accounts |
IntegrationsApi | getIntegrationsSpeechLexBots | GET /api/v2/integrations/speech/lex/bots | Get a list of Lex bots in the customers' AWS accounts |
IntegrationsApi | getIntegrationsSpeechTtsEngine | GET /api/v2/integrations/speech/tts/engines/{engineId} | Get details about a TTS engine |
IntegrationsApi | getIntegrationsSpeechTtsEngineVoice | GET /api/v2/integrations/speech/tts/engines/{engineId}/voices/{voiceId} | Get details about a specific voice for a TTS engine |
IntegrationsApi | getIntegrationsSpeechTtsEngineVoices | GET /api/v2/integrations/speech/tts/engines/{engineId}/voices | Get a list of voices for a TTS engine |
IntegrationsApi | getIntegrationsSpeechTtsEngines | GET /api/v2/integrations/speech/tts/engines | Get a list of TTS engines enabled for org |
IntegrationsApi | getIntegrationsSpeechTtsSettings | GET /api/v2/integrations/speech/tts/settings | Get TTS settings for an org |
IntegrationsApi | getIntegrationsType | GET /api/v2/integrations/types/{typeId} | Get integration type. |
IntegrationsApi | getIntegrationsTypeConfigschema | GET /api/v2/integrations/types/{typeId}/configschemas/{configType} | Get properties config schema for an integration type. |
IntegrationsApi | getIntegrationsTypes | GET /api/v2/integrations/types | List integration types |
IntegrationsApi | patchIntegration | PATCH /api/v2/integrations/{integrationId} | Update an integration. |
IntegrationsApi | patchIntegrationsAction | PATCH /api/v2/integrations/actions/{actionId} | Patch an Action |
IntegrationsApi | patchIntegrationsActionDraft | PATCH /api/v2/integrations/actions/{actionId}/draft | Update an existing Draft |
IntegrationsApi | postIntegrations | POST /api/v2/integrations | Create an integration. |
IntegrationsApi | postIntegrationsActionDraft | POST /api/v2/integrations/actions/{actionId}/draft | Create a new Draft from existing Action |
IntegrationsApi | postIntegrationsActionDraftPublish | POST /api/v2/integrations/actions/{actionId}/draft/publish | Publish a Draft and make it the active Action configuration |
IntegrationsApi | postIntegrationsActionDraftTest | POST /api/v2/integrations/actions/{actionId}/draft/test | Test the execution of a draft. Responses will show execution steps broken out with intermediate results to help in debugging. |
IntegrationsApi | postIntegrationsActionExecute | POST /api/v2/integrations/actions/{actionId}/execute | Execute Action and return response from 3rd party. Responses will follow the schemas defined on the Action for success and error. |
IntegrationsApi | postIntegrationsActionTest | POST /api/v2/integrations/actions/{actionId}/test | Test the execution of an action. Responses will show execution steps broken out with intermediate results to help in debugging. |
IntegrationsApi | postIntegrationsActions | POST /api/v2/integrations/actions | Create a new Action |
IntegrationsApi | postIntegrationsActionsDrafts | POST /api/v2/integrations/actions/drafts | Create a new Draft |
IntegrationsApi | postIntegrationsCredentials | POST /api/v2/integrations/credentials | Create a set of credentials |
IntegrationsApi | postIntegrationsWorkforcemanagementVendorconnection | POST /api/v2/integrations/workforcemanagement/vendorconnection | Add a vendor connection |
IntegrationsApi | putIntegrationConfigCurrent | PUT /api/v2/integrations/{integrationId}/config/current | Update integration configuration. |
IntegrationsApi | putIntegrationsCredential | PUT /api/v2/integrations/credentials/{credentialId} | Update a set of credentials |
IntegrationsApi | putIntegrationsSpeechTtsSettings | PUT /api/v2/integrations/speech/tts/settings | Update TTS settings for an org |
LanguagesApi | deleteLanguage | DELETE /api/v2/languages/{languageId} | Delete Language (Deprecated) |
LanguagesApi | deleteRoutingLanguage | DELETE /api/v2/routing/languages/{languageId} | Delete Language |
LanguagesApi | getLanguage | GET /api/v2/languages/{languageId} | Get language (Deprecated) |
LanguagesApi | getLanguages | GET /api/v2/languages | Get the list of supported languages. (Deprecated) |
LanguagesApi | getLanguagesTranslations | GET /api/v2/languages/translations | Get all available languages for translation |
LanguagesApi | getLanguagesTranslationsBuiltin | GET /api/v2/languages/translations/builtin | Get the builtin translation for a language |
LanguagesApi | getLanguagesTranslationsOrganization | GET /api/v2/languages/translations/organization | Get effective translation for an organization by language |
LanguagesApi | getLanguagesTranslationsUser | GET /api/v2/languages/translations/users/{userId} | Get effective language translation for a user |
LanguagesApi | getRoutingLanguage | GET /api/v2/routing/languages/{languageId} | Get language |
LanguagesApi | postLanguages | POST /api/v2/languages | Create Language (Deprecated) |
LicenseApi | getLicenseDefinition | GET /api/v2/license/definitions/{licenseId} | Get PureCloud license definition. |
LicenseApi | getLicenseDefinitions | GET /api/v2/license/definitions | Get all PureCloud license definitions available for the organization. |
LicenseApi | getLicenseToggle | GET /api/v2/license/toggles/{featureName} | Get PureCloud license feature toggle value. |
LicenseApi | getLicenseUser | GET /api/v2/license/users/{userId} | Get licenses for specified user. |
LicenseApi | getLicenseUsers | GET /api/v2/license/users | Get a page of users and their licenses |
LicenseApi | postLicenseOrganization | POST /api/v2/license/organization | Update the organization's license assignments in a batch. |
LicenseApi | postLicenseToggle | POST /api/v2/license/toggles/{featureName} | Switch PureCloud license feature toggle value. |
LicenseApi | postLicenseUsers | POST /api/v2/license/users | Fetch user licenses in a batch. |
LocationsApi | deleteLocation | DELETE /api/v2/locations/{locationId} | Delete a location |
LocationsApi | getLocation | GET /api/v2/locations/{locationId} | Get Location by ID. |
LocationsApi | getLocationSublocations | GET /api/v2/locations/{locationId}/sublocations | Get sublocations for location ID. |
LocationsApi | getLocations | GET /api/v2/locations | Get a list of all locations. |
LocationsApi | getLocationsSearch | GET /api/v2/locations/search | Search locations using the q64 value returned from a previous search |
LocationsApi | patchLocation | PATCH /api/v2/locations/{locationId} | Update a location |
LocationsApi | postLocations | POST /api/v2/locations | Create a location |
LocationsApi | postLocationsSearch | POST /api/v2/locations/search | Search locations |
MessagingApi | deleteMessagingIntegrationsFacebookIntegrationId | DELETE /api/v2/messaging/integrations/facebook/{integrationId} | Delete a Facebook messaging integration |
MessagingApi | deleteMessagingIntegrationsLineIntegrationId | DELETE /api/v2/messaging/integrations/line/{integrationId} | Delete a LINE messenger integration |
MessagingApi | deleteMessagingIntegrationsTwitterIntegrationId | DELETE /api/v2/messaging/integrations/twitter/{integrationId} | Delete a Twitter messaging integration |
MessagingApi | getMessagingIntegrations | GET /api/v2/messaging/integrations | Get a list of Integrations |
MessagingApi | getMessagingIntegrationsFacebook | GET /api/v2/messaging/integrations/facebook | Get a list of Facebook Integrations |
MessagingApi | getMessagingIntegrationsFacebookIntegrationId | GET /api/v2/messaging/integrations/facebook/{integrationId} | Get a Facebook messaging integration |
MessagingApi | getMessagingIntegrationsLine | GET /api/v2/messaging/integrations/line | Get a list of LINE messenger Integrations |
MessagingApi | getMessagingIntegrationsLineIntegrationId | GET /api/v2/messaging/integrations/line/{integrationId} | Get a LINE messenger integration |
MessagingApi | getMessagingIntegrationsTwitter | GET /api/v2/messaging/integrations/twitter | Get a list of Twitter Integrations |
MessagingApi | getMessagingIntegrationsTwitterIntegrationId | GET /api/v2/messaging/integrations/twitter/{integrationId} | Get a Twitter messaging integration |
MessagingApi | getMessagingSticker | GET /api/v2/messaging/stickers/{messengerType} | Get a list of Messaging Stickers |
MessagingApi | postMessagingIntegrationsFacebook | POST /api/v2/messaging/integrations/facebook | Create a Facebook Integration |
MessagingApi | postMessagingIntegrationsLine | POST /api/v2/messaging/integrations/line | Create a LINE messenger Integration |
MessagingApi | postMessagingIntegrationsTwitter | POST /api/v2/messaging/integrations/twitter | Create a Twitter Integration |
MessagingApi | putMessagingIntegrationsLineIntegrationId | PUT /api/v2/messaging/integrations/line/{integrationId} | Update a LINE messenger integration |
MobileDevicesApi | deleteMobiledevice | DELETE /api/v2/mobiledevices/{deviceId} | Delete device |
MobileDevicesApi | getMobiledevice | GET /api/v2/mobiledevices/{deviceId} | Get device |
MobileDevicesApi | getMobiledevices | GET /api/v2/mobiledevices | Get a list of all devices. |
MobileDevicesApi | postMobiledevices | POST /api/v2/mobiledevices | Create User device |
MobileDevicesApi | putMobiledevice | PUT /api/v2/mobiledevices/{deviceId} | Update device |
NotificationsApi | deleteNotificationsChannelSubscriptions | DELETE /api/v2/notifications/channels/{channelId}/subscriptions | Remove all subscriptions |
NotificationsApi | getNotificationsAvailabletopics | GET /api/v2/notifications/availabletopics | Get available notification topics. |
NotificationsApi | getNotificationsChannelSubscriptions | GET /api/v2/notifications/channels/{channelId}/subscriptions | The list of all subscriptions for this channel |
NotificationsApi | getNotificationsChannels | GET /api/v2/notifications/channels | The list of existing channels |
NotificationsApi | postNotificationsChannelSubscriptions | POST /api/v2/notifications/channels/{channelId}/subscriptions | Add a list of subscriptions to the existing list of subscriptions |
NotificationsApi | postNotificationsChannels | POST /api/v2/notifications/channels | Create a new channel |
NotificationsApi | putNotificationsChannelSubscriptions | PUT /api/v2/notifications/channels/{channelId}/subscriptions | Replace the current list of subscriptions with a new list. |
OAuthApi | deleteOauthClient | DELETE /api/v2/oauth/clients/{clientId} | Delete OAuth Client |
OAuthApi | getOauthClient | GET /api/v2/oauth/clients/{clientId} | Get OAuth Client |
OAuthApi | getOauthClients | GET /api/v2/oauth/clients | The list of OAuth clients |
OAuthApi | postOauthClientSecret | POST /api/v2/oauth/clients/{clientId}/secret | Regenerate Client Secret |
OAuthApi | postOauthClients | POST /api/v2/oauth/clients | Create OAuth client |
OAuthApi | putOauthClient | PUT /api/v2/oauth/clients/{clientId} | Update OAuth Client |
ObjectsApi | deleteAuthorizationDivision | DELETE /api/v2/authorization/divisions/{divisionId} | Delete a division. |
ObjectsApi | getAuthorizationDivision | GET /api/v2/authorization/divisions/{divisionId} | Returns an authorization division. |
ObjectsApi | getAuthorizationDivisions | GET /api/v2/authorization/divisions | Retrieve a list of all divisions defined for the organization |
ObjectsApi | getAuthorizationDivisionsHome | GET /api/v2/authorization/divisions/home | Retrieve the home division for the organization. |
ObjectsApi | getAuthorizationDivisionsLimit | GET /api/v2/authorization/divisions/limit | Returns the maximum allowed number of divisions. |
ObjectsApi | postAuthorizationDivisionObject | POST /api/v2/authorization/divisions/{divisionId}/objects/{objectType} | Assign a list of objects to a division |
ObjectsApi | postAuthorizationDivisions | POST /api/v2/authorization/divisions | Create a division. |
ObjectsApi | putAuthorizationDivision | PUT /api/v2/authorization/divisions/{divisionId} | Update a division. |
OrganizationApi | getFieldconfig | GET /api/v2/fieldconfig | Fetch field config for an entity type |
OrganizationApi | getOrganizationsEmbeddedintegration | GET /api/v2/organizations/embeddedintegration | Get the list of domains that will be allowed to embed PureCloud applications |
OrganizationApi | getOrganizationsMe | GET /api/v2/organizations/me | Get organization. |
OrganizationApi | getOrganizationsWhitelist | GET /api/v2/organizations/whitelist | Use PUT /api/v2/organizations/embeddedintegration instead |
OrganizationApi | patchOrganizationsFeature | PATCH /api/v2/organizations/features/{featureName} | Update organization |
OrganizationApi | putOrganizationsEmbeddedintegration | PUT /api/v2/organizations/embeddedintegration | Update the list of domains that will be allowed to embed PureCloud applications |
OrganizationApi | putOrganizationsMe | PUT /api/v2/organizations/me | Update organization. |
OrganizationApi | putOrganizationsWhitelist | PUT /api/v2/organizations/whitelist | Use PUT /api/v2/organizations/embeddedintegration instead |
OrganizationAuthorizationApi | deleteOrgauthorizationTrustee | DELETE /api/v2/orgauthorization/trustees/{trusteeOrgId} | Delete Org Trust |
OrganizationAuthorizationApi | deleteOrgauthorizationTrusteeUser | DELETE /api/v2/orgauthorization/trustees/{trusteeOrgId}/users/{trusteeUserId} | Delete Trustee User |
OrganizationAuthorizationApi | deleteOrgauthorizationTrusteeUserRoles | DELETE /api/v2/orgauthorization/trustees/{trusteeOrgId}/users/{trusteeUserId}/roles | Delete Trustee User Roles |
OrganizationAuthorizationApi | deleteOrgauthorizationTrustor | DELETE /api/v2/orgauthorization/trustors/{trustorOrgId} | Delete Org Trust |
OrganizationAuthorizationApi | deleteOrgauthorizationTrustorUser | DELETE /api/v2/orgauthorization/trustors/{trustorOrgId}/users/{trusteeUserId} | Delete Trustee User |
OrganizationAuthorizationApi | getOrgauthorizationPairing | GET /api/v2/orgauthorization/pairings/{pairingId} | Get Pairing Info |
OrganizationAuthorizationApi | getOrgauthorizationTrustee | GET /api/v2/orgauthorization/trustees/{trusteeOrgId} | Get Org Trust |
OrganizationAuthorizationApi | getOrgauthorizationTrusteeUser | GET /api/v2/orgauthorization/trustees/{trusteeOrgId}/users/{trusteeUserId} | Get Trustee User |
OrganizationAuthorizationApi | getOrgauthorizationTrusteeUserRoles | GET /api/v2/orgauthorization/trustees/{trusteeOrgId}/users/{trusteeUserId}/roles | Get Trustee User Roles |
OrganizationAuthorizationApi | getOrgauthorizationTrusteeUsers | GET /api/v2/orgauthorization/trustees/{trusteeOrgId}/users | The list of trustee users for this organization (i.e. users granted access to this organization). |
OrganizationAuthorizationApi | getOrgauthorizationTrustees | GET /api/v2/orgauthorization/trustees | The list of trustees for this organization (i.e. organizations granted access to this organization). |
OrganizationAuthorizationApi | getOrgauthorizationTrustor | GET /api/v2/orgauthorization/trustors/{trustorOrgId} | Get Org Trust |
OrganizationAuthorizationApi | getOrgauthorizationTrustorUser | GET /api/v2/orgauthorization/trustors/{trustorOrgId}/users/{trusteeUserId} | Get Trustee User |
OrganizationAuthorizationApi | getOrgauthorizationTrustorUsers | GET /api/v2/orgauthorization/trustors/{trustorOrgId}/users | The list of users in the trustor organization (i.e. users granted access). |
OrganizationAuthorizationApi | getOrgauthorizationTrustors | GET /api/v2/orgauthorization/trustors | The list of organizations that have authorized/trusted your organization. |
OrganizationAuthorizationApi | postOrgauthorizationPairings | POST /api/v2/orgauthorization/pairings | A pairing id is created by the trustee and given to the trustor to create a trust. |
OrganizationAuthorizationApi | postOrgauthorizationTrusteeUsers | POST /api/v2/orgauthorization/trustees/{trusteeOrgId}/users | Add a user to the trust. |
OrganizationAuthorizationApi | postOrgauthorizationTrustees | POST /api/v2/orgauthorization/trustees | Create a new organization authorization trust. This is required to grant other organizations access to your organization. |
OrganizationAuthorizationApi | postOrgauthorizationTrusteesAudits | POST /api/v2/orgauthorization/trustees/audits | Get Org Trustee Audits |
OrganizationAuthorizationApi | postOrgauthorizationTrustorAudits | POST /api/v2/orgauthorization/trustor/audits | Get Org Trustor Audits |
OrganizationAuthorizationApi | putOrgauthorizationTrustee | PUT /api/v2/orgauthorization/trustees/{trusteeOrgId} | Update Org Trust |
OrganizationAuthorizationApi | putOrgauthorizationTrusteeUserRoles | PUT /api/v2/orgauthorization/trustees/{trusteeOrgId}/users/{trusteeUserId}/roles | Update Trustee User Roles |
OrganizationAuthorizationApi | putOrgauthorizationTrustorUser | PUT /api/v2/orgauthorization/trustors/{trustorOrgId}/users/{trusteeUserId} | Add a Trustee user to the trust. |
OutboundApi | deleteOutboundAttemptlimit | DELETE /api/v2/outbound/attemptlimits/{attemptLimitsId} | Delete attempt limits |
OutboundApi | deleteOutboundCallabletimeset | DELETE /api/v2/outbound/callabletimesets/{callableTimeSetId} | Delete callable time set |
OutboundApi | deleteOutboundCallanalysisresponseset | DELETE /api/v2/outbound/callanalysisresponsesets/{callAnalysisSetId} | Delete a dialer call analysis response set. |
OutboundApi | deleteOutboundCampaign | DELETE /api/v2/outbound/campaigns/{campaignId} | Delete a campaign. |
OutboundApi | deleteOutboundCampaignProgress | DELETE /api/v2/outbound/campaigns/{campaignId}/progress | Reset campaign progress and recycle the campaign |
OutboundApi | deleteOutboundCampaignrule | DELETE /api/v2/outbound/campaignrules/{campaignRuleId} | Delete Campaign Rule |
OutboundApi | deleteOutboundContactlist | DELETE /api/v2/outbound/contactlists/{contactListId} | Delete a contact list. |
OutboundApi | deleteOutboundContactlistContact | DELETE /api/v2/outbound/contactlists/{contactListId}/contacts/{contactId} | Delete a contact. |
OutboundApi | deleteOutboundContactlistContacts | DELETE /api/v2/outbound/contactlists/{contactListId}/contacts | Delete contacts from a contact list. |
OutboundApi | deleteOutboundContactlistfilter | DELETE /api/v2/outbound/contactlistfilters/{contactListFilterId} | Delete Contact List Filter |
OutboundApi | deleteOutboundContactlists | DELETE /api/v2/outbound/contactlists | Delete multiple contact lists. |
OutboundApi | deleteOutboundDnclist | DELETE /api/v2/outbound/dnclists/{dncListId} | Delete dialer DNC list |
OutboundApi | deleteOutboundRuleset | DELETE /api/v2/outbound/rulesets/{ruleSetId} | Delete a Rule set. |
OutboundApi | deleteOutboundSchedulesCampaign | DELETE /api/v2/outbound/schedules/campaigns/{campaignId} | Delete a dialer campaign schedule. |
OutboundApi | deleteOutboundSchedulesSequence | DELETE /api/v2/outbound/schedules/sequences/{sequenceId} | Delete a dialer sequence schedule. |
OutboundApi | deleteOutboundSequence | DELETE /api/v2/outbound/sequences/{sequenceId} | Delete a dialer campaign sequence. |
OutboundApi | getOutboundAttemptlimit | GET /api/v2/outbound/attemptlimits/{attemptLimitsId} | Get attempt limits |
OutboundApi | getOutboundAttemptlimits | GET /api/v2/outbound/attemptlimits | Query attempt limits list |
OutboundApi | getOutboundCallabletimeset | GET /api/v2/outbound/callabletimesets/{callableTimeSetId} | Get callable time set |
OutboundApi | getOutboundCallabletimesets | GET /api/v2/outbound/callabletimesets | Query callable time set list |
OutboundApi | getOutboundCallanalysisresponseset | GET /api/v2/outbound/callanalysisresponsesets/{callAnalysisSetId} | Get a dialer call analysis response set. |
OutboundApi | getOutboundCallanalysisresponsesets | GET /api/v2/outbound/callanalysisresponsesets | Query a list of dialer call analysis response sets. |
OutboundApi | getOutboundCampaign | GET /api/v2/outbound/campaigns/{campaignId} | Get dialer campaign. |
OutboundApi | getOutboundCampaignDiagnostics | GET /api/v2/outbound/campaigns/{campaignId}/diagnostics | Get campaign diagnostics |
OutboundApi | getOutboundCampaignInteractions | GET /api/v2/outbound/campaigns/{campaignId}/interactions | Get dialer campaign interactions. |
OutboundApi | getOutboundCampaignProgress | GET /api/v2/outbound/campaigns/{campaignId}/progress | Get campaign progress |
OutboundApi | getOutboundCampaignStats | GET /api/v2/outbound/campaigns/{campaignId}/stats | Get statistics about a Dialer Campaign |
OutboundApi | getOutboundCampaignrule | GET /api/v2/outbound/campaignrules/{campaignRuleId} | Get Campaign Rule |
OutboundApi | getOutboundCampaignrules | GET /api/v2/outbound/campaignrules | Query Campaign Rule list |
OutboundApi | getOutboundCampaigns | GET /api/v2/outbound/campaigns | Query a list of dialer campaigns. |
OutboundApi | getOutboundCampaignsDivisionview | GET /api/v2/outbound/campaigns/divisionviews/{campaignId} | Get a basic Campaign information object |
OutboundApi | getOutboundCampaignsDivisionviews | GET /api/v2/outbound/campaigns/divisionviews | Query a list of basic Campaign information objects |
OutboundApi | getOutboundContactlist | GET /api/v2/outbound/contactlists/{contactListId} | Get a dialer contact list. |
OutboundApi | getOutboundContactlistContact | GET /api/v2/outbound/contactlists/{contactListId}/contacts/{contactId} | Get a contact. |
OutboundApi | getOutboundContactlistExport | GET /api/v2/outbound/contactlists/{contactListId}/export | Get the URI of a contact list export. |
OutboundApi | getOutboundContactlistImportstatus | GET /api/v2/outbound/contactlists/{contactListId}/importstatus | Get dialer contactList import status. |
OutboundApi | getOutboundContactlistTimezonemappingpreview | GET /api/v2/outbound/contactlists/{contactListId}/timezonemappingpreview | Preview the result of applying Automatic Time Zone Mapping to a contact list |
OutboundApi | getOutboundContactlistfilter | GET /api/v2/outbound/contactlistfilters/{contactListFilterId} | Get Contact list filter |
OutboundApi | getOutboundContactlistfilters | GET /api/v2/outbound/contactlistfilters | Query Contact list filters |
OutboundApi | getOutboundContactlists | GET /api/v2/outbound/contactlists | Query a list of contact lists. |
OutboundApi | getOutboundContactlistsDivisionview | GET /api/v2/outbound/contactlists/divisionviews/{contactListId} | Get a basic ContactList information object |
OutboundApi | getOutboundContactlistsDivisionviews | GET /api/v2/outbound/contactlists/divisionviews | Query a list of simplified contact list objects. |
OutboundApi | getOutboundDnclist | GET /api/v2/outbound/dnclists/{dncListId} | Get dialer DNC list |
OutboundApi | getOutboundDnclistExport | GET /api/v2/outbound/dnclists/{dncListId}/export | Get the URI of a DNC list export. |
OutboundApi | getOutboundDnclistImportstatus | GET /api/v2/outbound/dnclists/{dncListId}/importstatus | Get dialer dncList import status. |
OutboundApi | getOutboundDnclists | GET /api/v2/outbound/dnclists | Query dialer DNC lists |
OutboundApi | getOutboundDnclistsDivisionview | GET /api/v2/outbound/dnclists/divisionviews/{dncListId} | Get a basic DncList information object |
OutboundApi | getOutboundDnclistsDivisionviews | GET /api/v2/outbound/dnclists/divisionviews | Query a list of simplified dnc list objects. |
OutboundApi | getOutboundEvent | GET /api/v2/outbound/events/{eventId} | Get Dialer Event |
OutboundApi | getOutboundEvents | GET /api/v2/outbound/events | Query Event Logs |
OutboundApi | getOutboundRuleset | GET /api/v2/outbound/rulesets/{ruleSetId} | Get a Rule Set by ID. |
OutboundApi | getOutboundRulesets | GET /api/v2/outbound/rulesets | Query a list of Rule Sets. |
OutboundApi | getOutboundSchedulesCampaign | GET /api/v2/outbound/schedules/campaigns/{campaignId} | Get a dialer campaign schedule. |
OutboundApi | getOutboundSchedulesCampaigns | GET /api/v2/outbound/schedules/campaigns | Query for a list of dialer campaign schedules. |
OutboundApi | getOutboundSchedulesSequence | GET /api/v2/outbound/schedules/sequences/{sequenceId} | Get a dialer sequence schedule. |
OutboundApi | getOutboundSchedulesSequences | GET /api/v2/outbound/schedules/sequences | Query for a list of dialer sequence schedules. |
OutboundApi | getOutboundSequence | GET /api/v2/outbound/sequences/{sequenceId} | Get a dialer campaign sequence. |
OutboundApi | getOutboundSequences | GET /api/v2/outbound/sequences | Query a list of dialer campaign sequences. |
OutboundApi | getOutboundSettings | GET /api/v2/outbound/settings | Get the outbound settings for this organization |
OutboundApi | getOutboundWrapupcodemappings | GET /api/v2/outbound/wrapupcodemappings | Get the Dialer wrap up code mapping. |
OutboundApi | patchOutboundSettings | PATCH /api/v2/outbound/settings | Update the outbound settings for this organization |
OutboundApi | postOutboundAttemptlimits | POST /api/v2/outbound/attemptlimits | Create attempt limits |
OutboundApi | postOutboundAudits | POST /api/v2/outbound/audits | Retrieves audits for dialer. |
OutboundApi | postOutboundCallabletimesets | POST /api/v2/outbound/callabletimesets | Create callable time set |
OutboundApi | postOutboundCallanalysisresponsesets | POST /api/v2/outbound/callanalysisresponsesets | Create a dialer call analysis response set. |
OutboundApi | postOutboundCampaignCallbackSchedule | POST /api/v2/outbound/campaigns/{campaignId}/callback/schedule | Schedule a Callback for a Dialer Campaign (Deprecated) |
OutboundApi | postOutboundCampaignrules | POST /api/v2/outbound/campaignrules | Create Campaign Rule |
OutboundApi | postOutboundCampaigns | POST /api/v2/outbound/campaigns | Create a campaign. |
OutboundApi | postOutboundCampaignsProgress | POST /api/v2/outbound/campaigns/progress | Get progress for a list of campaigns |
OutboundApi | postOutboundContactlistClear | POST /api/v2/outbound/contactlists/{contactListId}/clear | Deletes all contacts out of a list. All outstanding recalls or rule-scheduled callbacks for non-preview campaigns configured with the contactlist will be cancelled. |
OutboundApi | postOutboundContactlistContacts | POST /api/v2/outbound/contactlists/{contactListId}/contacts | Add contacts to a contact list. |
OutboundApi | postOutboundContactlistContactsBulk | POST /api/v2/outbound/contactlists/{contactListId}/contacts/bulk | Get contacts from a contact list. |
OutboundApi | postOutboundContactlistExport | POST /api/v2/outbound/contactlists/{contactListId}/export | Initiate the export of a contact list. |
OutboundApi | postOutboundContactlistfilters | POST /api/v2/outbound/contactlistfilters | Create Contact List Filter |
OutboundApi | postOutboundContactlistfiltersPreview | POST /api/v2/outbound/contactlistfilters/preview | Get a preview of the output of a contact list filter |
OutboundApi | postOutboundContactlists | POST /api/v2/outbound/contactlists | Create a contact List. |
OutboundApi | postOutboundConversationDnc | POST /api/v2/outbound/conversations/{conversationId}/dnc | Add phone numbers to a Dialer DNC list. |
OutboundApi | postOutboundDnclistExport | POST /api/v2/outbound/dnclists/{dncListId}/export | Initiate the export of a dnc list. |
OutboundApi | postOutboundDnclistPhonenumbers | POST /api/v2/outbound/dnclists/{dncListId}/phonenumbers | Add phone numbers to a Dialer DNC list. |
OutboundApi | postOutboundDnclists | POST /api/v2/outbound/dnclists | Create dialer DNC list |
OutboundApi | postOutboundRulesets | POST /api/v2/outbound/rulesets | Create a Dialer Call Analysis Response Set. |
OutboundApi | postOutboundSequences | POST /api/v2/outbound/sequences | Create a new campaign sequence. |
OutboundApi | putOutboundAttemptlimit | PUT /api/v2/outbound/attemptlimits/{attemptLimitsId} | Update attempt limits |
OutboundApi | putOutboundCallabletimeset | PUT /api/v2/outbound/callabletimesets/{callableTimeSetId} | Update callable time set |
OutboundApi | putOutboundCallanalysisresponseset | PUT /api/v2/outbound/callanalysisresponsesets/{callAnalysisSetId} | Update a dialer call analysis response set. |
OutboundApi | putOutboundCampaign | PUT /api/v2/outbound/campaigns/{campaignId} | Update a campaign. |
OutboundApi | putOutboundCampaignAgent | PUT /api/v2/outbound/campaigns/{campaignId}/agents/{userId} | Send notification that an agent's state changed |
OutboundApi | putOutboundCampaignrule | PUT /api/v2/outbound/campaignrules/{campaignRuleId} | Update Campaign Rule |
OutboundApi | putOutboundContactlist | PUT /api/v2/outbound/contactlists/{contactListId} | Update a contact list. |
OutboundApi | putOutboundContactlistContact | PUT /api/v2/outbound/contactlists/{contactListId}/contacts/{contactId} | Update a contact. |
OutboundApi | putOutboundContactlistfilter | PUT /api/v2/outbound/contactlistfilters/{contactListFilterId} | Update Contact List Filter |
OutboundApi | putOutboundDnclist | PUT /api/v2/outbound/dnclists/{dncListId} | Update dialer DNC list |
OutboundApi | putOutboundRuleset | PUT /api/v2/outbound/rulesets/{ruleSetId} | Update a RuleSet. |
OutboundApi | putOutboundSchedulesCampaign | PUT /api/v2/outbound/schedules/campaigns/{campaignId} | Update a new campaign schedule. |
OutboundApi | putOutboundSchedulesSequence | PUT /api/v2/outbound/schedules/sequences/{sequenceId} | Update a new sequence schedule. |
OutboundApi | putOutboundSequence | PUT /api/v2/outbound/sequences/{sequenceId} | Update a new campaign sequence. |
OutboundApi | putOutboundWrapupcodemappings | PUT /api/v2/outbound/wrapupcodemappings | Update the Dialer wrap up code mapping. |
PresenceApi | deletePresencedefinition | DELETE /api/v2/presencedefinitions/{presenceId} | Delete a Presence Definition |
PresenceApi | getPresencedefinition | GET /api/v2/presencedefinitions/{presenceId} | Get a Presence Definition |
PresenceApi | getPresencedefinitions | GET /api/v2/presencedefinitions | Get an Organization's list of Presence Definitions |
PresenceApi | getSystempresences | GET /api/v2/systempresences | Get the list of SystemPresences |
PresenceApi | getUserPresence | GET /api/v2/users/{userId}/presences/{sourceId} | Get a user's Presence |
PresenceApi | patchUserPresence | PATCH /api/v2/users/{userId}/presences/{sourceId} | Patch a user's Presence |
PresenceApi | postPresencedefinitions | POST /api/v2/presencedefinitions | Create a Presence Definition |
PresenceApi | putPresencedefinition | PUT /api/v2/presencedefinitions/{presenceId} | Update a Presence Definition |
PresenceApi | putUsersPresencesBulk | PUT /api/v2/users/presences/bulk | Update bulk user Presences |
QualityApi | deleteQualityCalibration | DELETE /api/v2/quality/calibrations/{calibrationId} | Delete a calibration by id. |
QualityApi | deleteQualityConversationEvaluation | DELETE /api/v2/quality/conversations/{conversationId}/evaluations/{evaluationId} | Delete an evaluation |
QualityApi | deleteQualityForm | DELETE /api/v2/quality/forms/{formId} | Delete an evaluation form. |
QualityApi | deleteQualityFormsEvaluation | DELETE /api/v2/quality/forms/evaluations/{formId} | Delete an evaluation form. |
QualityApi | deleteQualityFormsSurvey | DELETE /api/v2/quality/forms/surveys/{formId} | Delete a survey form. |
QualityApi | deleteQualityKeywordset | DELETE /api/v2/quality/keywordsets/{keywordSetId} | Delete a keywordSet by id. |
QualityApi | deleteQualityKeywordsets | DELETE /api/v2/quality/keywordsets | Delete keyword sets |
QualityApi | getQualityAgentsActivity | GET /api/v2/quality/agents/activity | Gets a list of Agent Activities |
QualityApi | getQualityCalibration | GET /api/v2/quality/calibrations/{calibrationId} | Get a calibration by id. Requires either calibrator id or conversation id |
QualityApi | getQualityCalibrations | GET /api/v2/quality/calibrations | Get the list of calibrations |
QualityApi | getQualityConversationAudits | GET /api/v2/quality/conversations/{conversationId}/audits | Get audits for conversation or recording |
QualityApi | getQualityConversationEvaluation | GET /api/v2/quality/conversations/{conversationId}/evaluations/{evaluationId} | Get an evaluation |
QualityApi | getQualityConversationSurveys | GET /api/v2/quality/conversations/{conversationId}/surveys | Get the surveys for a conversation |
QualityApi | getQualityEvaluationsQuery | GET /api/v2/quality/evaluations/query | Queries Evaluations and returns a paged list |
QualityApi | getQualityEvaluatorsActivity | GET /api/v2/quality/evaluators/activity | Get an evaluator activity |
QualityApi | getQualityForm | GET /api/v2/quality/forms/{formId} | Get an evaluation form |
QualityApi | getQualityFormVersions | GET /api/v2/quality/forms/{formId}/versions | Gets all the revisions for a specific evaluation. |
QualityApi | getQualityForms | GET /api/v2/quality/forms | Get the list of evaluation forms |
QualityApi | getQualityFormsEvaluation | GET /api/v2/quality/forms/evaluations/{formId} | Get an evaluation form |
QualityApi | getQualityFormsEvaluationVersions | GET /api/v2/quality/forms/evaluations/{formId}/versions | Gets all the revisions for a specific evaluation. |
QualityApi | getQualityFormsEvaluations | GET /api/v2/quality/forms/evaluations | Get the list of evaluation forms |
QualityApi | getQualityFormsSurvey | GET /api/v2/quality/forms/surveys/{formId} | Get a survey form |
QualityApi | getQualityFormsSurveyVersions | GET /api/v2/quality/forms/surveys/{formId}/versions | Gets all the revisions for a specific survey. |
QualityApi | getQualityFormsSurveys | GET /api/v2/quality/forms/surveys | Get the list of survey forms |
QualityApi | getQualityFormsSurveysBulk | GET /api/v2/quality/forms/surveys/bulk | Retrieve a list of survey forms by their ids |
QualityApi | getQualityFormsSurveysBulkContexts | GET /api/v2/quality/forms/surveys/bulk/contexts | Retrieve a list of the latest form versions by context ids |
QualityApi | getQualityKeywordset | GET /api/v2/quality/keywordsets/{keywordSetId} | Get a keywordSet by id. |
QualityApi | getQualityKeywordsets | GET /api/v2/quality/keywordsets | Get the list of keyword sets |
QualityApi | getQualityPublishedform | GET /api/v2/quality/publishedforms/{formId} | Get the published evaluation forms. |
QualityApi | getQualityPublishedforms | GET /api/v2/quality/publishedforms | Get the published evaluation forms. |
QualityApi | getQualityPublishedformsEvaluation | GET /api/v2/quality/publishedforms/evaluations/{formId} | Get the most recent published version of an evaluation form. |
QualityApi | getQualityPublishedformsEvaluations | GET /api/v2/quality/publishedforms/evaluations | Get the published evaluation forms. |
QualityApi | getQualityPublishedformsSurvey | GET /api/v2/quality/publishedforms/surveys/{formId} | Get the most recent published version of a survey form. |
QualityApi | getQualityPublishedformsSurveys | GET /api/v2/quality/publishedforms/surveys | Get the published survey forms. |
QualityApi | getQualitySurvey | GET /api/v2/quality/surveys/{surveyId} | Get a survey for a conversation |
QualityApi | getQualitySurveysScorable | GET /api/v2/quality/surveys/scorable | Get a survey as an end-customer, for the purposes of scoring it. |
QualityApi | patchQualityFormsSurvey | PATCH /api/v2/quality/forms/surveys/{formId} | Disable a particular version of a survey form and invalidates any invitations that have already been sent to customers using this version of the form. |
QualityApi | postAnalyticsEvaluationsAggregatesQuery | POST /api/v2/analytics/evaluations/aggregates/query | Query for evaluation aggregates |
QualityApi | postAnalyticsSurveysAggregatesQuery | POST /api/v2/analytics/surveys/aggregates/query | Query for survey aggregates |
QualityApi | postQualityCalibrations | POST /api/v2/quality/calibrations | Create a calibration |
QualityApi | postQualityConversationEvaluations | POST /api/v2/quality/conversations/{conversationId}/evaluations | Create an evaluation |
QualityApi | postQualityEvaluationsScoring | POST /api/v2/quality/evaluations/scoring | Score evaluation |
QualityApi | postQualityForms | POST /api/v2/quality/forms | Create an evaluation form. |
QualityApi | postQualityFormsEvaluations | POST /api/v2/quality/forms/evaluations | Create an evaluation form. |
QualityApi | postQualityFormsSurveys | POST /api/v2/quality/forms/surveys | Create a survey form. |
QualityApi | postQualityKeywordsets | POST /api/v2/quality/keywordsets | Create a Keyword Set |
QualityApi | postQualityPublishedforms | POST /api/v2/quality/publishedforms | Publish an evaluation form. |
QualityApi | postQualityPublishedformsEvaluations | POST /api/v2/quality/publishedforms/evaluations | Publish an evaluation form. |
QualityApi | postQualityPublishedformsSurveys | POST /api/v2/quality/publishedforms/surveys | Publish a survey form. |
QualityApi | postQualitySpotability | POST /api/v2/quality/spotability | Retrieve the spotability statistic |
QualityApi | postQualitySurveysScoring | POST /api/v2/quality/surveys/scoring | Score survey |
QualityApi | putQualityCalibration | PUT /api/v2/quality/calibrations/{calibrationId} | Update a calibration to the specified calibration via PUT. Editable fields include: evaluators, expertEvaluator, and scoringIndex |
QualityApi | putQualityConversationEvaluation | PUT /api/v2/quality/conversations/{conversationId}/evaluations/{evaluationId} | Update an evaluation |
QualityApi | putQualityForm | PUT /api/v2/quality/forms/{formId} | Update an evaluation form. |
QualityApi | putQualityFormsEvaluation | PUT /api/v2/quality/forms/evaluations/{formId} | Update an evaluation form. |
QualityApi | putQualityFormsSurvey | PUT /api/v2/quality/forms/surveys/{formId} | Update a survey form. |
QualityApi | putQualityKeywordset | PUT /api/v2/quality/keywordsets/{keywordSetId} | Update a keywordSet to the specified keywordSet via PUT. |
QualityApi | putQualitySurveysScorable | PUT /api/v2/quality/surveys/scorable | Update a survey as an end-customer, for the purposes of scoring it. |
RecordingApi | deleteConversationRecordingAnnotation | DELETE /api/v2/conversations/{conversationId}/recordings/{recordingId}/annotations/{annotationId} | Delete annotation |
RecordingApi | deleteOrphanrecording | DELETE /api/v2/orphanrecordings/{orphanId} | Deletes a single orphan recording |
RecordingApi | deleteRecordingJob | DELETE /api/v2/recording/jobs/{jobId} | Delete the recording bulk job |
RecordingApi | deleteRecordingMediaretentionpolicies | DELETE /api/v2/recording/mediaretentionpolicies | Delete media retention policies |
RecordingApi | deleteRecordingMediaretentionpolicy | DELETE /api/v2/recording/mediaretentionpolicies/{policyId} | Delete a media retention policy |
RecordingApi | getConversationRecording | GET /api/v2/conversations/{conversationId}/recordings/{recordingId} | Gets a specific recording. |
RecordingApi | getConversationRecordingAnnotation | GET /api/v2/conversations/{conversationId}/recordings/{recordingId}/annotations/{annotationId} | Get annotation |
RecordingApi | getConversationRecordingAnnotations | GET /api/v2/conversations/{conversationId}/recordings/{recordingId}/annotations | Get annotations for recording |
RecordingApi | getConversationRecordingmetadata | GET /api/v2/conversations/{conversationId}/recordingmetadata | Get recording metadata for a conversation. Does not return playable media. |
RecordingApi | getConversationRecordingmetadataRecordingId | GET /api/v2/conversations/{conversationId}/recordingmetadata/{recordingId} | Get metadata for a specific recording. Does not return playable media. |
RecordingApi | getConversationRecordings | GET /api/v2/conversations/{conversationId}/recordings | Get all of a Conversation's Recordings. |
RecordingApi | getOrphanrecording | GET /api/v2/orphanrecordings/{orphanId} | Gets a single orphan recording |
RecordingApi | getOrphanrecordingMedia | GET /api/v2/orphanrecordings/{orphanId}/media | Gets the media of a single orphan recording |
RecordingApi | getOrphanrecordings | GET /api/v2/orphanrecordings | Gets all orphan recordings |
RecordingApi | getRecordingBatchrequest | GET /api/v2/recording/batchrequests/{jobId} | Get the status and results for a batch request job, only the user that submitted the job may retrieve results |
RecordingApi | getRecordingJob | GET /api/v2/recording/jobs/{jobId} | Get the status of the job associated with the job id. |
RecordingApi | getRecordingJobs | GET /api/v2/recording/jobs | Get the status of all jobs within the user's organization |
RecordingApi | getRecordingLocalkeysSetting | GET /api/v2/recording/localkeys/settings/{settingsId} | Get the local encryption settings |
RecordingApi | getRecordingLocalkeysSettings | GET /api/v2/recording/localkeys/settings | gets a list local key settings data |
RecordingApi | getRecordingMediaretentionpolicies | GET /api/v2/recording/mediaretentionpolicies | Gets media retention policy list with query options to filter on name and enabled. |
RecordingApi | getRecordingMediaretentionpolicy | GET /api/v2/recording/mediaretentionpolicies/{policyId} | Get a media retention policy |
RecordingApi | getRecordingRecordingkeys | GET /api/v2/recording/recordingkeys | Get encryption key list |
RecordingApi | getRecordingRecordingkeysRotationschedule | GET /api/v2/recording/recordingkeys/rotationschedule | Get key rotation schedule |
RecordingApi | getRecordingSettings | GET /api/v2/recording/settings | Get the Recording Settings for the Organization |
RecordingApi | getRecordingsScreensessions | GET /api/v2/recordings/screensessions | Retrieves a paged listing of screen recording sessions |
RecordingApi | patchRecordingMediaretentionpolicy | PATCH /api/v2/recording/mediaretentionpolicies/{policyId} | Patch a media retention policy |
RecordingApi | patchRecordingsScreensession | PATCH /api/v2/recordings/screensessions/{recordingSessionId} | Update a screen recording session |
RecordingApi | postConversationRecordingAnnotations | POST /api/v2/conversations/{conversationId}/recordings/{recordingId}/annotations | Create annotation |
RecordingApi | postRecordingBatchrequests | POST /api/v2/recording/batchrequests | Submit a batch download request for recordings. Recordings in response will be in their original format/codec - configured in the Trunk configuration. |
RecordingApi | postRecordingJobs | POST /api/v2/recording/jobs | Create a recording bulk job |
RecordingApi | postRecordingLocalkeys | POST /api/v2/recording/localkeys | create a local recording key |
RecordingApi | postRecordingLocalkeysSettings | POST /api/v2/recording/localkeys/settings | create settings for local key creation |
RecordingApi | postRecordingMediaretentionpolicies | POST /api/v2/recording/mediaretentionpolicies | Create media retention policy |
RecordingApi | postRecordingRecordingkeys | POST /api/v2/recording/recordingkeys | Create encryption key |
RecordingApi | postRecordingsDeletionprotection | POST /api/v2/recordings/deletionprotection | Get a list of conversations with protected recordings |
RecordingApi | putConversationRecording | PUT /api/v2/conversations/{conversationId}/recordings/{recordingId} | Updates the retention records on a recording. |
RecordingApi | putConversationRecordingAnnotation | PUT /api/v2/conversations/{conversationId}/recordings/{recordingId}/annotations/{annotationId} | Update annotation |
RecordingApi | putOrphanrecording | PUT /api/v2/orphanrecordings/{orphanId} | Updates an orphan recording to a regular recording with retention values |
RecordingApi | putRecordingJob | PUT /api/v2/recording/jobs/{jobId} | Execute the recording bulk job |
RecordingApi | putRecordingLocalkeysSetting | PUT /api/v2/recording/localkeys/settings/{settingsId} | Update the local encryption settings |
RecordingApi | putRecordingMediaretentionpolicy | PUT /api/v2/recording/mediaretentionpolicies/{policyId} | Update a media retention policy |
RecordingApi | putRecordingRecordingkeysRotationschedule | PUT /api/v2/recording/recordingkeys/rotationschedule | Update key rotation schedule |
RecordingApi | putRecordingSettings | PUT /api/v2/recording/settings | Update the Recording Settings for the Organization |
RecordingApi | putRecordingsDeletionprotection | PUT /api/v2/recordings/deletionprotection | Apply or revoke recording protection for conversations |
ResponseManagementApi | deleteResponsemanagementLibrary | DELETE /api/v2/responsemanagement/libraries/{libraryId} | Delete an existing response library. |
ResponseManagementApi | deleteResponsemanagementResponse | DELETE /api/v2/responsemanagement/responses/{responseId} | Delete an existing response. |
ResponseManagementApi | getResponsemanagementLibraries | GET /api/v2/responsemanagement/libraries | Gets a list of existing response libraries. |
ResponseManagementApi | getResponsemanagementLibrary | GET /api/v2/responsemanagement/libraries/{libraryId} | Get details about an existing response library. |
ResponseManagementApi | getResponsemanagementResponse | GET /api/v2/responsemanagement/responses/{responseId} | Get details about an existing response. |
ResponseManagementApi | getResponsemanagementResponses | GET /api/v2/responsemanagement/responses | Gets a list of existing responses. |
ResponseManagementApi | postResponsemanagementLibraries | POST /api/v2/responsemanagement/libraries | Create a response library. |
ResponseManagementApi | postResponsemanagementResponses | POST /api/v2/responsemanagement/responses | Create a response. |
ResponseManagementApi | postResponsemanagementResponsesQuery | POST /api/v2/responsemanagement/responses/query | Query responses |
ResponseManagementApi | putResponsemanagementLibrary | PUT /api/v2/responsemanagement/libraries/{libraryId} | Update an existing response library. |
ResponseManagementApi | putResponsemanagementResponse | PUT /api/v2/responsemanagement/responses/{responseId} | Update an existing response. |
RoutingApi | deleteRoutingEmailDomain | DELETE /api/v2/routing/email/domains/{domainId} | Delete a domain |
RoutingApi | deleteRoutingEmailDomainRoute | DELETE /api/v2/routing/email/domains/{domainName}/routes/{routeId} | Delete a route |
RoutingApi | deleteRoutingQueue | DELETE /api/v2/routing/queues/{queueId} | Delete a queue |
RoutingApi | deleteRoutingQueueUser | DELETE /api/v2/routing/queues/{queueId}/users/{memberId} | Delete queue member |
RoutingApi | deleteRoutingQueueWrapupcode | DELETE /api/v2/routing/queues/{queueId}/wrapupcodes/{codeId} | Delete a wrap-up code from a queue |
RoutingApi | deleteRoutingSkill | DELETE /api/v2/routing/skills/{skillId} | Delete Routing Skill |
RoutingApi | deleteRoutingSmsPhonenumber | DELETE /api/v2/routing/sms/phonenumbers/{addressId} | Delete a phone number provisioned for SMS. |
RoutingApi | deleteRoutingUtilization | DELETE /api/v2/routing/utilization | Delete utilization settings and revert to system defaults. |
RoutingApi | deleteRoutingWrapupcode | DELETE /api/v2/routing/wrapupcodes/{codeId} | Delete wrap-up code |
RoutingApi | deleteUserRoutinglanguage | DELETE /api/v2/users/{userId}/routinglanguages/{languageId} | Remove routing language from user |
RoutingApi | deleteUserRoutingskill | DELETE /api/v2/users/{userId}/routingskills/{skillId} | Remove routing skill from user |
RoutingApi | getRoutingEmailDomain | GET /api/v2/routing/email/domains/{domainId} | Get domain |
RoutingApi | getRoutingEmailDomainRoute | GET /api/v2/routing/email/domains/{domainName}/routes/{routeId} | Get a route |
RoutingApi | getRoutingEmailDomainRoutes | GET /api/v2/routing/email/domains/{domainName}/routes | Get routes |
RoutingApi | getRoutingEmailDomains | GET /api/v2/routing/email/domains | Get domains |
RoutingApi | getRoutingEmailSetup | GET /api/v2/routing/email/setup | Get email setup |
RoutingApi | getRoutingLanguages | GET /api/v2/routing/languages | Get the list of supported languages. |
RoutingApi | getRoutingMessageRecipient | GET /api/v2/routing/message/recipients/{recipientId} | Get a recipient |
RoutingApi | getRoutingMessageRecipients | GET /api/v2/routing/message/recipients | Get recipients |
RoutingApi | getRoutingQueue | GET /api/v2/routing/queues/{queueId} | Get details about this queue. |
RoutingApi | getRoutingQueueEstimatedwaittime | GET /api/v2/routing/queues/{queueId}/estimatedwaittime | Get Estimated Wait Time |
RoutingApi | getRoutingQueueMediatypeEstimatedwaittime | GET /api/v2/routing/queues/{queueId}/mediatypes/{mediaType}/estimatedwaittime | Get Estimated Wait Time |
RoutingApi | getRoutingQueueUsers | GET /api/v2/routing/queues/{queueId}/users | Get the members of this queue |
RoutingApi | getRoutingQueueWrapupcodes | GET /api/v2/routing/queues/{queueId}/wrapupcodes | Get the wrap-up codes for a queue |
RoutingApi | getRoutingQueues | GET /api/v2/routing/queues | Get list of queues. |
RoutingApi | getRoutingQueuesDivisionviews | GET /api/v2/routing/queues/divisionviews | Get a paged listing of simplified queue objects, filterable by name, queue ID(s), or division ID(s). |
RoutingApi | getRoutingQueuesDivisionviewsAll | GET /api/v2/routing/queues/divisionviews/all | Get a paged listing of simplified queue objects. Can be used to get a digest of all queues in an organization. |
RoutingApi | getRoutingQueuesMe | GET /api/v2/routing/queues/me | Get a paged listing of queues the user is a member of. |
RoutingApi | getRoutingSkill | GET /api/v2/routing/skills/{skillId} | Get Routing Skill |
RoutingApi | getRoutingSkills | GET /api/v2/routing/skills | Get the list of routing skills. |
RoutingApi | getRoutingSmsAddress | GET /api/v2/routing/sms/addresses/{addressId} | Get an Address by Id for SMS |
RoutingApi | getRoutingSmsAddresses | GET /api/v2/routing/sms/addresses | Get a list of Addresses for SMS |
RoutingApi | getRoutingSmsAvailablephonenumbers | GET /api/v2/routing/sms/availablephonenumbers | Get a list of available phone numbers for SMS provisioning. |
RoutingApi | getRoutingSmsPhonenumber | GET /api/v2/routing/sms/phonenumbers/{addressId} | Get a phone number provisioned for SMS. |
RoutingApi | getRoutingSmsPhonenumbers | GET /api/v2/routing/sms/phonenumbers | Get a list of provisioned phone numbers. |
RoutingApi | getRoutingUtilization | GET /api/v2/routing/utilization | Get the utilization settings. |
RoutingApi | getRoutingWrapupcode | GET /api/v2/routing/wrapupcodes/{codeId} | Get details about this wrap-up code. |
RoutingApi | getRoutingWrapupcodes | GET /api/v2/routing/wrapupcodes | Get list of wrapup codes. |
RoutingApi | getUserRoutinglanguages | GET /api/v2/users/{userId}/routinglanguages | List routing language for user |
RoutingApi | getUserRoutingskills | GET /api/v2/users/{userId}/routingskills | List routing skills for user |
RoutingApi | patchRoutingQueueUser | PATCH /api/v2/routing/queues/{queueId}/users/{memberId} | Update the ring number OR joined status for a User in a Queue |
RoutingApi | patchRoutingQueueUsers | PATCH /api/v2/routing/queues/{queueId}/users | Join or unjoin a set of users for a queue |
RoutingApi | patchUserRoutinglanguage | PATCH /api/v2/users/{userId}/routinglanguages/{languageId} | Update routing language proficiency or state. |
RoutingApi | patchUserRoutinglanguagesBulk | PATCH /api/v2/users/{userId}/routinglanguages/bulk | Add bulk routing language to user. Max limit 50 languages |
RoutingApi | patchUserRoutingskillsBulk | PATCH /api/v2/users/{userId}/routingskills/bulk | Bulk add routing skills to user |
RoutingApi | postAnalyticsQueuesObservationsQuery | POST /api/v2/analytics/queues/observations/query | Query for queue observations |
RoutingApi | postRoutingEmailDomainRoutes | POST /api/v2/routing/email/domains/{domainName}/routes | Create a route |
RoutingApi | postRoutingEmailDomains | POST /api/v2/routing/email/domains | Create a domain |
RoutingApi | postRoutingLanguages | POST /api/v2/routing/languages | Create Language |
RoutingApi | postRoutingQueueUsers | POST /api/v2/routing/queues/{queueId}/users | Bulk add or delete up to 100 queue members |
RoutingApi | postRoutingQueueWrapupcodes | POST /api/v2/routing/queues/{queueId}/wrapupcodes | Add up to 100 wrap-up codes to a queue |
RoutingApi | postRoutingQueues | POST /api/v2/routing/queues | Create a queue |
RoutingApi | postRoutingSkills | POST /api/v2/routing/skills | Create Skill |
RoutingApi | postRoutingSmsAddresses | POST /api/v2/routing/sms/addresses | Provision an Address for SMS |
RoutingApi | postRoutingSmsPhonenumbers | POST /api/v2/routing/sms/phonenumbers | Provision a phone number for SMS |
RoutingApi | postRoutingWrapupcodes | POST /api/v2/routing/wrapupcodes | Create a wrap-up code |
RoutingApi | postUserRoutinglanguages | POST /api/v2/users/{userId}/routinglanguages | Add routing language to user |
RoutingApi | postUserRoutingskills | POST /api/v2/users/{userId}/routingskills | Add routing skill to user |
RoutingApi | putRoutingEmailDomainRoute | PUT /api/v2/routing/email/domains/{domainName}/routes/{routeId} | Update a route |
RoutingApi | putRoutingMessageRecipient | PUT /api/v2/routing/message/recipients/{recipientId} | Update a recipient |
RoutingApi | putRoutingQueue | PUT /api/v2/routing/queues/{queueId} | Update a queue |
RoutingApi | putRoutingSmsPhonenumber | PUT /api/v2/routing/sms/phonenumbers/{addressId} | Update a phone number provisioned for SMS. |
RoutingApi | putRoutingUtilization | PUT /api/v2/routing/utilization | Update the utilization settings. |
RoutingApi | putRoutingWrapupcode | PUT /api/v2/routing/wrapupcodes/{codeId} | Update wrap-up code |
RoutingApi | putUserRoutingskill | PUT /api/v2/users/{userId}/routingskills/{skillId} | Update routing skill proficiency or state. |
RoutingApi | putUserRoutingskillsBulk | PUT /api/v2/users/{userId}/routingskills/bulk | Replace all routing skills assigned to a user |
SCIMApi | deleteScimUser | DELETE /api/v2/scim/users/{userId} | Delete a user |
SCIMApi | deleteScimV2User | DELETE /api/v2/scim/v2/users/{userId} | Delete a user |
SCIMApi | getScimGroup | GET /api/v2/scim/groups/{groupId} | Get a group |
SCIMApi | getScimGroups | GET /api/v2/scim/groups | Get a list of groups |
SCIMApi | getScimResourcetype | GET /api/v2/scim/resourcetypes/{resourceType} | Get a resource type |
SCIMApi | getScimResourcetypes | GET /api/v2/scim/resourcetypes | Get a list of resource types |
SCIMApi | getScimServiceproviderconfig | GET /api/v2/scim/serviceproviderconfig | Get a service provider's configuration |
SCIMApi | getScimUser | GET /api/v2/scim/users/{userId} | Get a user |
SCIMApi | getScimUsers | GET /api/v2/scim/users | Get a list of users |
SCIMApi | getScimV2Group | GET /api/v2/scim/v2/groups/{groupId} | Get a group |
SCIMApi | getScimV2Groups | GET /api/v2/scim/v2/groups | Get a list of groups |
SCIMApi | getScimV2Resourcetype | GET /api/v2/scim/v2/resourcetypes/{resourceType} | Get a resource type |
SCIMApi | getScimV2Resourcetypes | GET /api/v2/scim/v2/resourcetypes | Get a list of resource types |
SCIMApi | getScimV2Serviceproviderconfig | GET /api/v2/scim/v2/serviceproviderconfig | Get a service provider's configuration |
SCIMApi | getScimV2User | GET /api/v2/scim/v2/users/{userId} | Get a user |
SCIMApi | getScimV2Users | GET /api/v2/scim/v2/users | Get a list of users |
SCIMApi | patchScimGroup | PATCH /api/v2/scim/groups/{groupId} | Modify a group |
SCIMApi | patchScimUser | PATCH /api/v2/scim/users/{userId} | Modify a user |
SCIMApi | patchScimV2Group | PATCH /api/v2/scim/v2/groups/{groupId} | Modify a group |
SCIMApi | patchScimV2User | PATCH /api/v2/scim/v2/users/{userId} | Modify a user |
SCIMApi | postScimUsers | POST /api/v2/scim/users | Create a user |
SCIMApi | postScimV2Users | POST /api/v2/scim/v2/users | Create a user |
SCIMApi | putScimGroup | PUT /api/v2/scim/groups/{groupId} | Replace a group |
SCIMApi | putScimUser | PUT /api/v2/scim/users/{userId} | Replace a user |
SCIMApi | putScimV2Group | PUT /api/v2/scim/v2/groups/{groupId} | Replace a group |
SCIMApi | putScimV2User | PUT /api/v2/scim/v2/users/{userId} | Replace a user |
ScriptsApi | getScript | GET /api/v2/scripts/{scriptId} | Get a script |
ScriptsApi | getScriptPage | GET /api/v2/scripts/{scriptId}/pages/{pageId} | Get a page |
ScriptsApi | getScriptPages | GET /api/v2/scripts/{scriptId}/pages | Get the list of pages |
ScriptsApi | getScripts | GET /api/v2/scripts | Get the list of scripts |
ScriptsApi | getScriptsPublished | GET /api/v2/scripts/published | Get the published scripts. |
ScriptsApi | getScriptsPublishedScriptId | GET /api/v2/scripts/published/{scriptId} | Get the published script. |
ScriptsApi | getScriptsPublishedScriptIdPage | GET /api/v2/scripts/published/{scriptId}/pages/{pageId} | Get the published page. |
ScriptsApi | getScriptsPublishedScriptIdPages | GET /api/v2/scripts/published/{scriptId}/pages | Get the list of published pages |
ScriptsApi | getScriptsPublishedScriptIdVariables | GET /api/v2/scripts/published/{scriptId}/variables | Get the published variables |
ScriptsApi | getScriptsUploadStatus | GET /api/v2/scripts/uploads/{uploadId}/status | Get the upload status of an imported script |
ScriptsApi | postScriptExport | POST /api/v2/scripts/{scriptId}/export | Export a script via download service. |
SearchApi | getDocumentationGknSearch | GET /api/v2/documentation/gkn/search | Search gkn documentation using the q64 value returned from a previous search |
SearchApi | getDocumentationSearch | GET /api/v2/documentation/search | Search documentation using the q64 value returned from a previous search |
SearchApi | getGroupsSearch | GET /api/v2/groups/search | Search groups using the q64 value returned from a previous search |
SearchApi | getLocationsSearch | GET /api/v2/locations/search | Search locations using the q64 value returned from a previous search |
SearchApi | getSearch | GET /api/v2/search | Search using the q64 value returned from a previous search. |
SearchApi | getSearchSuggest | GET /api/v2/search/suggest | Suggest resources using the q64 value returned from a previous suggest query. |
SearchApi | getUsersSearch | GET /api/v2/users/search | Search users using the q64 value returned from a previous search |
SearchApi | getVoicemailSearch | GET /api/v2/voicemail/search | Search voicemails using the q64 value returned from a previous search |
SearchApi | postDocumentationGknSearch | POST /api/v2/documentation/gkn/search | Search gkn documentation |
SearchApi | postDocumentationSearch | POST /api/v2/documentation/search | Search documentation |
SearchApi | postGroupsSearch | POST /api/v2/groups/search | Search groups |
SearchApi | postLocationsSearch | POST /api/v2/locations/search | Search locations |
SearchApi | postSearch | POST /api/v2/search | Search resources. |
SearchApi | postSearchSuggest | POST /api/v2/search/suggest | Suggest resources. |
SearchApi | postUsersSearch | POST /api/v2/users/search | Search users |
SearchApi | postVoicemailSearch | POST /api/v2/voicemail/search | Search voicemails |
SpeechTextAnalyticsApi | getConversationTranscriptproperty | GET /api/v2/conversations/{conversationId}/transcriptproperties/{communicationId} | Get the pre-signed S3 URL for the transcript of a specific communication of a conversation |
StationsApi | deleteStationAssociateduser | DELETE /api/v2/stations/{stationId}/associateduser | Unassigns the user assigned to this station |
StationsApi | getStation | GET /api/v2/stations/{stationId} | Get station. |
StationsApi | getStations | GET /api/v2/stations | Get the list of available stations. |
StationsApi | getStationsSettings | GET /api/v2/stations/settings | Get an organization's StationSettings |
StationsApi | patchStationsSettings | PATCH /api/v2/stations/settings | Patch an organization's StationSettings |
SuggestApi | getSearch | GET /api/v2/search | Search using the q64 value returned from a previous search. |
SuggestApi | getSearchSuggest | GET /api/v2/search/suggest | Suggest resources using the q64 value returned from a previous suggest query. |
SuggestApi | postSearch | POST /api/v2/search | Search resources. |
SuggestApi | postSearchSuggest | POST /api/v2/search/suggest | Suggest resources. |
TelephonyApi | getTelephonySiptraces | GET /api/v2/telephony/siptraces | Fetch SIP metadata |
TelephonyApi | getTelephonySiptracesDownloadDownloadId | GET /api/v2/telephony/siptraces/download/{downloadId} | Get signed S3 URL for a pcap download |
TelephonyApi | postTelephonySiptracesDownload | POST /api/v2/telephony/siptraces/download | Request a download of a pcap file to S3 |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | deleteTelephonyProvidersEdge | DELETE /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/{edgeId} | Delete a edge. |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | deleteTelephonyProvidersEdgeLogicalinterface | DELETE /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/{edgeId}/logicalinterfaces/{interfaceId} | Delete an edge logical interface |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | deleteTelephonyProvidersEdgeSoftwareupdate | DELETE /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/{edgeId}/softwareupdate | Cancels any in-progress update for this edge. |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | deleteTelephonyProvidersEdgesCertificateauthority | DELETE /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/certificateauthorities/{certificateId} | Delete a certificate authority. |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | deleteTelephonyProvidersEdgesDidpool | DELETE /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/didpools/{didPoolId} | Delete a DID Pool by ID. |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | deleteTelephonyProvidersEdgesEdgegroup | DELETE /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/edgegroups/{edgeGroupId} | Delete an edge group. |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | deleteTelephonyProvidersEdgesExtensionpool | DELETE /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/extensionpools/{extensionPoolId} | Delete an extension pool by ID |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | deleteTelephonyProvidersEdgesOutboundroute | DELETE /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/outboundroutes/{outboundRouteId} | Delete Outbound Route |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | deleteTelephonyProvidersEdgesPhone | DELETE /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/phones/{phoneId} | Delete a Phone by ID |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | deleteTelephonyProvidersEdgesPhonebasesetting | DELETE /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/phonebasesettings/{phoneBaseId} | Delete a Phone Base Settings by ID |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | deleteTelephonyProvidersEdgesSite | DELETE /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/sites/{siteId} | Delete a Site by ID |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | deleteTelephonyProvidersEdgesSiteOutboundroute | DELETE /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/sites/{siteId}/outboundroutes/{outboundRouteId} | Delete Outbound Route |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | deleteTelephonyProvidersEdgesTrunkbasesetting | DELETE /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/trunkbasesettings/{trunkBaseSettingsId} | Delete a Trunk Base Settings object by ID |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getConfigurationSchemasEdgesVnext | GET /api/v2/configuration/schemas/edges/vnext | Lists available schema categories (Deprecated) |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getConfigurationSchemasEdgesVnextSchemaCategory | GET /api/v2/configuration/schemas/edges/vnext/{schemaCategory} | List schemas of a specific category (Deprecated) |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getConfigurationSchemasEdgesVnextSchemaCategorySchemaType | GET /api/v2/configuration/schemas/edges/vnext/{schemaCategory}/{schemaType} | List schemas of a specific category (Deprecated) |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getConfigurationSchemasEdgesVnextSchemaCategorySchemaTypeSchemaId | GET /api/v2/configuration/schemas/edges/vnext/{schemaCategory}/{schemaType}/{schemaId} | Get a json schema (Deprecated) |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getConfigurationSchemasEdgesVnextSchemaCategorySchemaTypeSchemaIdExtensionTypeMetadataId | GET /api/v2/configuration/schemas/edges/vnext/{schemaCategory}/{schemaType}/{schemaId}/{extensionType}/{metadataId} | Get metadata for a schema (Deprecated) |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdge | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/{edgeId} | Get edge. |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgeLine | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/{edgeId}/lines/{lineId} | Get line |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgeLines | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/{edgeId}/lines | Get the list of lines. |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgeLogicalinterface | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/{edgeId}/logicalinterfaces/{interfaceId} | Get an edge logical interface |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgeLogicalinterfaces | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/{edgeId}/logicalinterfaces | Get edge logical interfaces. |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgeLogsJob | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/{edgeId}/logs/jobs/{jobId} | Get an Edge logs job. |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgeMetrics | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/{edgeId}/metrics | Get the edge metrics. |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgePhysicalinterface | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/{edgeId}/physicalinterfaces/{interfaceId} | Get edge physical interface. |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgePhysicalinterfaces | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/{edgeId}/physicalinterfaces | Retrieve a list of all configured physical interfaces from a specific edge. |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgeSetuppackage | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/{edgeId}/setuppackage | Get the setup package for a locally deployed edge device. This is needed to complete the setup process for the virtual edge. |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgeSoftwareupdate | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/{edgeId}/softwareupdate | Gets software update status information about any edge. |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgeSoftwareversions | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/{edgeId}/softwareversions | Gets all the available software versions for this edge. |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgeTrunks | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/{edgeId}/trunks | Get the list of available trunks for the given Edge. |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdges | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges | Get the list of edges. |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgesAvailablelanguages | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/availablelanguages | Get the list of available languages. |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgesCertificateauthorities | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/certificateauthorities | Get the list of certificate authorities. |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgesCertificateauthority | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/certificateauthorities/{certificateId} | Get a certificate authority. |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgesDid | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/dids/{didId} | Get a DID by ID. |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgesDidpool | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/didpools/{didPoolId} | Get a DID Pool by ID. |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgesDidpools | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/didpools | Get a listing of DID Pools |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgesDids | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/dids | Get a listing of DIDs |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgesEdgegroup | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/edgegroups/{edgeGroupId} | Get edge group. |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgesEdgegroupEdgetrunkbase | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/edgegroups/{edgegroupId}/edgetrunkbases/{edgetrunkbaseId} | Gets the edge trunk base associated with the edge group |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgesEdgegroups | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/edgegroups | Get the list of edge groups. |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgesEdgeversionreport | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/edgeversionreport | Get the edge version report. |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgesExtension | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/extensions/{extensionId} | Get an extension by ID. |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgesExtensionpool | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/extensionpools/{extensionPoolId} | Get an extension pool by ID |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgesExtensionpools | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/extensionpools | Get a listing of extension pools |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgesExtensions | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/extensions | Get a listing of extensions |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgesLine | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/lines/{lineId} | Get a Line by ID |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgesLinebasesetting | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/linebasesettings/{lineBaseId} | Get a line base settings object by ID |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgesLinebasesettings | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/linebasesettings | Get a listing of line base settings objects |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgesLines | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/lines | Get a list of Lines |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgesLinesTemplate | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/lines/template | Get a Line instance template based on a Line Base Settings object. This object can then be modified and saved as a new Line instance |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgesLogicalinterfaces | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/logicalinterfaces | Get edge logical interfaces. |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgesMetrics | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/metrics | Get the metrics for a list of edges. |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgesOutboundroute | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/outboundroutes/{outboundRouteId} | Get outbound route |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgesOutboundroutes | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/outboundroutes | Get outbound routes |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgesPhone | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/phones/{phoneId} | Get a Phone by ID |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgesPhonebasesetting | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/phonebasesettings/{phoneBaseId} | Get a Phone Base Settings object by ID |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgesPhonebasesettings | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/phonebasesettings | Get a list of Phone Base Settings objects |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgesPhonebasesettingsAvailablemetabases | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/phonebasesettings/availablemetabases | Get a list of available makes and models to create a new Phone Base Settings |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgesPhonebasesettingsTemplate | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/phonebasesettings/template | Get a Phone Base Settings instance template from a given make and model. This object can then be modified and saved as a new Phone Base Settings instance |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgesPhones | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/phones | Get a list of Phone Instances |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgesPhonesTemplate | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/phones/template | Get a Phone instance template based on a Phone Base Settings object. This object can then be modified and saved as a new Phone instance |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgesPhysicalinterfaces | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/physicalinterfaces | Get physical interfaces for edges. |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgesSite | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/sites/{siteId} | Get a Site by ID. |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgesSiteNumberplan | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/sites/{siteId}/numberplans/{numberPlanId} | Get a Number Plan by ID. |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgesSiteNumberplans | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/sites/{siteId}/numberplans | Get the list of Number Plans for this Site. Only fetches the first 200 records. |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgesSiteNumberplansClassifications | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/sites/{siteId}/numberplans/classifications | Get a list of Classifications for this Site |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgesSiteOutboundroute | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/sites/{siteId}/outboundroutes/{outboundRouteId} | Get an outbound route |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgesSiteOutboundroutes | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/sites/{siteId}/outboundroutes | Get outbound routes |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgesSites | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/sites | Get the list of Sites. |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgesTimezones | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/timezones | Get a list of Edge-compatible time zones |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgesTrunk | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/trunks/{trunkId} | Get a Trunk by ID |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgesTrunkMetrics | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/trunks/{trunkId}/metrics | Get the trunk metrics. |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgesTrunkbasesetting | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/trunkbasesettings/{trunkBaseSettingsId} | Get a Trunk Base Settings object by ID |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgesTrunkbasesettings | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/trunkbasesettings | Get Trunk Base Settings listing |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgesTrunkbasesettingsAvailablemetabases | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/trunkbasesettings/availablemetabases | Get a list of available makes and models to create a new Trunk Base Settings |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgesTrunkbasesettingsTemplate | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/trunkbasesettings/template | Get a Trunk Base Settings instance template from a given make and model. This object can then be modified and saved as a new Trunk Base Settings instance |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgesTrunks | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/trunks | Get the list of available trunks. |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgesTrunksMetrics | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/trunks/metrics | Get the metrics for a list of trunks. |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | getTelephonyProvidersEdgesTrunkswithrecording | GET /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/trunkswithrecording | Get Counts of trunks that have recording disabled or enabled |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | postTelephonyProvidersEdgeLogicalinterfaces | POST /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/{edgeId}/logicalinterfaces | Create an edge logical interface. |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | postTelephonyProvidersEdgeLogsJobUpload | POST /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/{edgeId}/logs/jobs/{jobId}/upload | Request that the specified fileIds be uploaded from the Edge. |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | postTelephonyProvidersEdgeLogsJobs | POST /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/{edgeId}/logs/jobs | Create a job to upload a list of Edge logs. |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | postTelephonyProvidersEdgeReboot | POST /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/{edgeId}/reboot | Reboot an Edge |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | postTelephonyProvidersEdgeSoftwareupdate | POST /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/{edgeId}/softwareupdate | Starts a software update for this edge. |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | postTelephonyProvidersEdgeStatuscode | POST /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/{edgeId}/statuscode | Take an Edge in or out of service |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | postTelephonyProvidersEdgeUnpair | POST /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/{edgeId}/unpair | Unpair an Edge |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | postTelephonyProvidersEdges | POST /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges | Create an edge. |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | postTelephonyProvidersEdgesAddressvalidation | POST /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/addressvalidation | Validates a street address |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | postTelephonyProvidersEdgesCertificateauthorities | POST /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/certificateauthorities | Create a certificate authority. |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | postTelephonyProvidersEdgesDidpools | POST /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/didpools | Create a new DID pool |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | postTelephonyProvidersEdgesEdgegroups | POST /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/edgegroups | Create an edge group. |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | postTelephonyProvidersEdgesExtensionpools | POST /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/extensionpools | Create a new extension pool |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | postTelephonyProvidersEdgesOutboundroutes | POST /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/outboundroutes | Create outbound rule |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | postTelephonyProvidersEdgesPhoneReboot | POST /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/phones/{phoneId}/reboot | Reboot a Phone |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | postTelephonyProvidersEdgesPhonebasesettings | POST /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/phonebasesettings | Create a new Phone Base Settings object |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | postTelephonyProvidersEdgesPhones | POST /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/phones | Create a new Phone |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | postTelephonyProvidersEdgesPhonesReboot | POST /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/phones/reboot | Reboot Multiple Phones |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | postTelephonyProvidersEdgesSiteOutboundroutes | POST /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/sites/{siteId}/outboundroutes | Create outbound route |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | postTelephonyProvidersEdgesSiteRebalance | POST /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/sites/{siteId}/rebalance | Triggers the rebalance operation. |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | postTelephonyProvidersEdgesSites | POST /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/sites | Create a Site. |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | postTelephonyProvidersEdgesTrunkbasesettings | POST /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/trunkbasesettings | Create a Trunk Base Settings object |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | putTelephonyProvidersEdge | PUT /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/{edgeId} | Update a edge. |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | putTelephonyProvidersEdgeLine | PUT /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/{edgeId}/lines/{lineId} | Update a line. |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | putTelephonyProvidersEdgeLogicalinterface | PUT /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/{edgeId}/logicalinterfaces/{interfaceId} | Update an edge logical interface. |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | putTelephonyProvidersEdgesCertificateauthority | PUT /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/certificateauthorities/{certificateId} | Update a certificate authority. |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | putTelephonyProvidersEdgesDid | PUT /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/dids/{didId} | Update a DID by ID. |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | putTelephonyProvidersEdgesDidpool | PUT /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/didpools/{didPoolId} | Update a DID Pool by ID. |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | putTelephonyProvidersEdgesEdgegroup | PUT /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/edgegroups/{edgeGroupId} | Update an edge group. |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | putTelephonyProvidersEdgesEdgegroupEdgetrunkbase | PUT /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/edgegroups/{edgegroupId}/edgetrunkbases/{edgetrunkbaseId} | Update the edge trunk base associated with the edge group |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | putTelephonyProvidersEdgesExtension | PUT /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/extensions/{extensionId} | Update an extension by ID. |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | putTelephonyProvidersEdgesExtensionpool | PUT /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/extensionpools/{extensionPoolId} | Update an extension pool by ID |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | putTelephonyProvidersEdgesOutboundroute | PUT /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/outboundroutes/{outboundRouteId} | Update outbound route |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | putTelephonyProvidersEdgesPhone | PUT /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/phones/{phoneId} | Update a Phone by ID |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | putTelephonyProvidersEdgesPhonebasesetting | PUT /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/phonebasesettings/{phoneBaseId} | Update a Phone Base Settings by ID |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | putTelephonyProvidersEdgesSite | PUT /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/sites/{siteId} | Update a Site by ID. |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | putTelephonyProvidersEdgesSiteNumberplans | PUT /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/sites/{siteId}/numberplans | Update the list of Number Plans. A user can update maximum 200 number plans at a time. |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | putTelephonyProvidersEdgesSiteOutboundroute | PUT /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/sites/{siteId}/outboundroutes/{outboundRouteId} | Update outbound route |
TelephonyProvidersEdgeApi | putTelephonyProvidersEdgesTrunkbasesetting | PUT /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/trunkbasesettings/{trunkBaseSettingsId} | Update a Trunk Base Settings object by ID |
TokensApi | deleteToken | DELETE /api/v2/tokens/{userId} | Delete all auth tokens for the specified user. |
TokensApi | deleteTokensMe | DELETE /api/v2/tokens/me | Delete auth token used to make the request. |
TokensApi | getTokensMe | GET /api/v2/tokens/me | Fetch information about the current token |
UserRecordingsApi | deleteUserrecording | DELETE /api/v2/userrecordings/{recordingId} | Delete a user recording. |
UserRecordingsApi | getUserrecording | GET /api/v2/userrecordings/{recordingId} | Get a user recording. |
UserRecordingsApi | getUserrecordingMedia | GET /api/v2/userrecordings/{recordingId}/media | Download a user recording. |
UserRecordingsApi | getUserrecordings | GET /api/v2/userrecordings | Get a list of user recordings. |
UserRecordingsApi | getUserrecordingsSummary | GET /api/v2/userrecordings/summary | Get user recording summary |
UserRecordingsApi | putUserrecording | PUT /api/v2/userrecordings/{recordingId} | Update a user recording. |
UsersApi | deleteAuthorizationSubjectDivisionRole | DELETE /api/v2/authorization/subjects/{subjectId}/divisions/{divisionId}/roles/{roleId} | Delete a grant of a role in a division |
UsersApi | deleteUser | DELETE /api/v2/users/{userId} | Delete user |
UsersApi | deleteUserRoles | DELETE /api/v2/users/{userId}/roles | Removes all the roles from the user. |
UsersApi | deleteUserRoutinglanguage | DELETE /api/v2/users/{userId}/routinglanguages/{languageId} | Remove routing language from user |
UsersApi | deleteUserRoutingskill | DELETE /api/v2/users/{userId}/routingskills/{skillId} | Remove routing skill from user |
UsersApi | deleteUserStationAssociatedstation | DELETE /api/v2/users/{userId}/station/associatedstation | Clear associated station |
UsersApi | deleteUserStationDefaultstation | DELETE /api/v2/users/{userId}/station/defaultstation | Clear default station |
UsersApi | getAuthorizationDivisionspermittedMe | GET /api/v2/authorization/divisionspermitted/me | Returns whether or not current user can perform the specified action(s). |
UsersApi | getAuthorizationDivisionspermittedSubjectId | GET /api/v2/authorization/divisionspermitted/{subjectId} | Returns whether or not specified user can perform the specified action(s). |
UsersApi | getAuthorizationSubject | GET /api/v2/authorization/subjects/{subjectId} | Returns a listing of roles and permissions for a user. |
UsersApi | getAuthorizationSubjectsMe | GET /api/v2/authorization/subjects/me | Returns a listing of roles and permissions for the currently authenticated user. |
UsersApi | getFieldconfig | GET /api/v2/fieldconfig | Fetch field config for an entity type |
UsersApi | getProfilesUsers | GET /api/v2/profiles/users | Get a user profile listing |
UsersApi | getUser | GET /api/v2/users/{userId} | Get user. |
UsersApi | getUserAdjacents | GET /api/v2/users/{userId}/adjacents | Get adjacents |
UsersApi | getUserCallforwarding | GET /api/v2/users/{userId}/callforwarding | Get a user's CallForwarding |
UsersApi | getUserDirectreports | GET /api/v2/users/{userId}/directreports | Get direct reports |
UsersApi | getUserFavorites | GET /api/v2/users/{userId}/favorites | Get favorites |
UsersApi | getUserGeolocation | GET /api/v2/users/{userId}/geolocations/{clientId} | Get a user's Geolocation |
UsersApi | getUserOutofoffice | GET /api/v2/users/{userId}/outofoffice | Get a OutOfOffice |
UsersApi | getUserProfile | GET /api/v2/users/{userId}/profile | Get user profile |
UsersApi | getUserProfileskills | GET /api/v2/users/{userId}/profileskills | List profile skills for a user |
UsersApi | getUserQueues | GET /api/v2/users/{userId}/queues | Get queues for user |
UsersApi | getUserRoles | GET /api/v2/users/{userId}/roles | Returns a listing of roles and permissions for a user. |
UsersApi | getUserRoutinglanguages | GET /api/v2/users/{userId}/routinglanguages | List routing language for user |
UsersApi | getUserRoutingskills | GET /api/v2/users/{userId}/routingskills | List routing skills for user |
UsersApi | getUserRoutingstatus | GET /api/v2/users/{userId}/routingstatus | Fetch the routing status of a user |
UsersApi | getUserStation | GET /api/v2/users/{userId}/station | Get station information for user |
UsersApi | getUserSuperiors | GET /api/v2/users/{userId}/superiors | Get superiors |
UsersApi | getUserTrustors | GET /api/v2/users/{userId}/trustors | List the organizations that have authorized/trusted the user. |
UsersApi | getUsers | GET /api/v2/users | Get the list of available users. |
UsersApi | getUsersMe | GET /api/v2/users/me | Get current user details. |
UsersApi | getUsersSearch | GET /api/v2/users/search | Search users using the q64 value returned from a previous search |
UsersApi | patchUser | PATCH /api/v2/users/{userId} | Update user |
UsersApi | patchUserCallforwarding | PATCH /api/v2/users/{userId}/callforwarding | Patch a user's CallForwarding |
UsersApi | patchUserGeolocation | PATCH /api/v2/users/{userId}/geolocations/{clientId} | Patch a user's Geolocation |
UsersApi | patchUserQueue | PATCH /api/v2/users/{userId}/queues/{queueId} | Join or unjoin a queue for a user |
UsersApi | patchUserQueues | PATCH /api/v2/users/{userId}/queues | Join or unjoin a set of queues for a user |
UsersApi | patchUserRoutinglanguage | PATCH /api/v2/users/{userId}/routinglanguages/{languageId} | Update routing language proficiency or state. |
UsersApi | patchUserRoutinglanguagesBulk | PATCH /api/v2/users/{userId}/routinglanguages/bulk | Add bulk routing language to user. Max limit 50 languages |
UsersApi | patchUserRoutingskillsBulk | PATCH /api/v2/users/{userId}/routingskills/bulk | Bulk add routing skills to user |
UsersApi | patchUsersBulk | PATCH /api/v2/users/bulk | Update bulk acd autoanswer on users |
UsersApi | postAnalyticsUsersAggregatesQuery | POST /api/v2/analytics/users/aggregates/query | Query for user aggregates |
UsersApi | postAnalyticsUsersDetailsQuery | POST /api/v2/analytics/users/details/query | Query for user details |
UsersApi | postAnalyticsUsersObservationsQuery | POST /api/v2/analytics/users/observations/query | Query for user observations |
UsersApi | postAuthorizationSubjectBulkadd | POST /api/v2/authorization/subjects/{subjectId}/bulkadd | Bulk-grant roles and divisions to a subject. |
UsersApi | postAuthorizationSubjectBulkremove | POST /api/v2/authorization/subjects/{subjectId}/bulkremove | Bulk-remove grants from a subject. |
UsersApi | postAuthorizationSubjectDivisionRole | POST /api/v2/authorization/subjects/{subjectId}/divisions/{divisionId}/roles/{roleId} | Make a grant of a role in a division |
UsersApi | postUserInvite | POST /api/v2/users/{userId}/invite | Send an activation email to the user |
UsersApi | postUserPassword | POST /api/v2/users/{userId}/password | Change a users password |
UsersApi | postUserRoutinglanguages | POST /api/v2/users/{userId}/routinglanguages | Add routing language to user |
UsersApi | postUserRoutingskills | POST /api/v2/users/{userId}/routingskills | Add routing skill to user |
UsersApi | postUsers | POST /api/v2/users | Create user |
UsersApi | postUsersMePassword | POST /api/v2/users/me/password | Change your password |
UsersApi | postUsersSearch | POST /api/v2/users/search | Search users |
UsersApi | putUserCallforwarding | PUT /api/v2/users/{userId}/callforwarding | Update a user's CallForwarding |
UsersApi | putUserOutofoffice | PUT /api/v2/users/{userId}/outofoffice | Update an OutOfOffice |
UsersApi | putUserProfileskills | PUT /api/v2/users/{userId}/profileskills | Update profile skills for a user |
UsersApi | putUserRoles | PUT /api/v2/users/{userId}/roles | Sets the user's roles |
UsersApi | putUserRoutingskill | PUT /api/v2/users/{userId}/routingskills/{skillId} | Update routing skill proficiency or state. |
UsersApi | putUserRoutingskillsBulk | PUT /api/v2/users/{userId}/routingskills/bulk | Replace all routing skills assigned to a user |
UsersApi | putUserRoutingstatus | PUT /api/v2/users/{userId}/routingstatus | Update the routing status of a user |
UsersApi | putUserStationAssociatedstationStationId | PUT /api/v2/users/{userId}/station/associatedstation/{stationId} | Set associated station |
UsersApi | putUserStationDefaultstationStationId | PUT /api/v2/users/{userId}/station/defaultstation/{stationId} | Set default station |
UtilitiesApi | getDate | GET /api/v2/date | Get the current system date/time |
UtilitiesApi | getIpranges | GET /api/v2/ipranges | Get public ip address ranges for PureCloud |
UtilitiesApi | getTimezones | GET /api/v2/timezones | Get time zones list |
UtilitiesApi | postCertificateDetails | POST /api/v2/certificate/details | Returns the information about an X509 PEM encoded certificate or certificate chain. |
UtilitiesApi | postGmscTokens | POST /api/v2/gmsc/tokens | Generate a JWT for use with common cloud. |
VoicemailApi | deleteVoicemailMessage | DELETE /api/v2/voicemail/messages/{messageId} | Delete a voicemail message. |
VoicemailApi | deleteVoicemailMessages | DELETE /api/v2/voicemail/messages | Delete all voicemail messages |
VoicemailApi | getVoicemailGroupMailbox | GET /api/v2/voicemail/groups/{groupId}/mailbox | Get the group's mailbox information |
VoicemailApi | getVoicemailGroupMessages | GET /api/v2/voicemail/groups/{groupId}/messages | List voicemail messages |
VoicemailApi | getVoicemailGroupPolicy | GET /api/v2/voicemail/groups/{groupId}/policy | Get a group's voicemail policy |
VoicemailApi | getVoicemailMailbox | GET /api/v2/voicemail/mailbox | Get the current user's mailbox information |
VoicemailApi | getVoicemailMeMailbox | GET /api/v2/voicemail/me/mailbox | Get the current user's mailbox information |
VoicemailApi | getVoicemailMeMessages | GET /api/v2/voicemail/me/messages | List voicemail messages |
VoicemailApi | getVoicemailMePolicy | GET /api/v2/voicemail/me/policy | Get the current user's voicemail policy |
VoicemailApi | getVoicemailMessage | GET /api/v2/voicemail/messages/{messageId} | Get a voicemail message |
VoicemailApi | getVoicemailMessageMedia | GET /api/v2/voicemail/messages/{messageId}/media | Get media playback URI for this voicemail message |
VoicemailApi | getVoicemailMessages | GET /api/v2/voicemail/messages | List voicemail messages |
VoicemailApi | getVoicemailPolicy | GET /api/v2/voicemail/policy | Get a policy |
VoicemailApi | getVoicemailQueueMessages | GET /api/v2/voicemail/queues/{queueId}/messages | List voicemail messages |
VoicemailApi | getVoicemailSearch | GET /api/v2/voicemail/search | Search voicemails using the q64 value returned from a previous search |
VoicemailApi | getVoicemailUserpolicy | GET /api/v2/voicemail/userpolicies/{userId} | Get a user's voicemail policy |
VoicemailApi | patchVoicemailGroupPolicy | PATCH /api/v2/voicemail/groups/{groupId}/policy | Update a group's voicemail policy |
VoicemailApi | patchVoicemailMePolicy | PATCH /api/v2/voicemail/me/policy | Update the current user's voicemail policy |
VoicemailApi | patchVoicemailMessage | PATCH /api/v2/voicemail/messages/{messageId} | Update a voicemail message |
VoicemailApi | patchVoicemailUserpolicy | PATCH /api/v2/voicemail/userpolicies/{userId} | Update a user's voicemail policy |
VoicemailApi | postVoicemailMessages | POST /api/v2/voicemail/messages | Copy a voicemail message to a user or group |
VoicemailApi | postVoicemailSearch | POST /api/v2/voicemail/search | Search voicemails |
VoicemailApi | putVoicemailMessage | PUT /api/v2/voicemail/messages/{messageId} | Update a voicemail message |
VoicemailApi | putVoicemailPolicy | PUT /api/v2/voicemail/policy | Update a policy |
WebChatApi | deleteWebchatDeployment | DELETE /api/v2/webchat/deployments/{deploymentId} | Delete a WebChat deployment |
WebChatApi | deleteWebchatGuestConversationMember | DELETE /api/v2/webchat/guest/conversations/{conversationId}/members/{memberId} | Remove a member from a chat conversation |
WebChatApi | deleteWebchatSettings | DELETE /api/v2/webchat/settings | Remove WebChat deployment settings |
WebChatApi | getWebchatDeployment | GET /api/v2/webchat/deployments/{deploymentId} | Get a WebChat deployment |
WebChatApi | getWebchatDeployments | GET /api/v2/webchat/deployments | List WebChat deployments |
WebChatApi | getWebchatGuestConversationMediarequest | GET /api/v2/webchat/guest/conversations/{conversationId}/mediarequests/{mediaRequestId} | Get a media request in the conversation |
WebChatApi | getWebchatGuestConversationMediarequests | GET /api/v2/webchat/guest/conversations/{conversationId}/mediarequests | Get all media requests to the guest in the conversation |
WebChatApi | getWebchatGuestConversationMember | GET /api/v2/webchat/guest/conversations/{conversationId}/members/{memberId} | Get a web chat conversation member |
WebChatApi | getWebchatGuestConversationMembers | GET /api/v2/webchat/guest/conversations/{conversationId}/members | Get the members of a chat conversation. |
WebChatApi | getWebchatGuestConversationMessage | GET /api/v2/webchat/guest/conversations/{conversationId}/messages/{messageId} | Get a web chat conversation message |
WebChatApi | getWebchatGuestConversationMessages | GET /api/v2/webchat/guest/conversations/{conversationId}/messages | Get the messages of a chat conversation. |
WebChatApi | getWebchatSettings | GET /api/v2/webchat/settings | Get WebChat deployment settings |
WebChatApi | patchWebchatGuestConversationMediarequest | PATCH /api/v2/webchat/guest/conversations/{conversationId}/mediarequests/{mediaRequestId} | Update a media request in the conversation, setting the state to ACCEPTED/DECLINED/ERRORED |
WebChatApi | postWebchatDeployments | POST /api/v2/webchat/deployments | Create WebChat deployment |
WebChatApi | postWebchatGuestConversationMemberMessages | POST /api/v2/webchat/guest/conversations/{conversationId}/members/{memberId}/messages | Send a message in a chat conversation. |
WebChatApi | postWebchatGuestConversationMemberTyping | POST /api/v2/webchat/guest/conversations/{conversationId}/members/{memberId}/typing | Send a typing-indicator in a chat conversation. |
WebChatApi | postWebchatGuestConversations | POST /api/v2/webchat/guest/conversations | Create an ACD chat conversation from an external customer. |
WebChatApi | putWebchatDeployment | PUT /api/v2/webchat/deployments/{deploymentId} | Update a WebChat deployment |
WebChatApi | putWebchatSettings | PUT /api/v2/webchat/settings | Update WebChat deployment settings |
WidgetsApi | deleteWidgetsDeployment | DELETE /api/v2/widgets/deployments/{deploymentId} | Delete a Widget deployment |
WidgetsApi | getWidgetsDeployment | GET /api/v2/widgets/deployments/{deploymentId} | Get a Widget deployment |
WidgetsApi | getWidgetsDeployments | GET /api/v2/widgets/deployments | List Widget deployments |
WidgetsApi | postWidgetsDeployments | POST /api/v2/widgets/deployments | Create Widget deployment |
WidgetsApi | putWidgetsDeployment | PUT /api/v2/widgets/deployments/{deploymentId} | Update a Widget deployment |
WorkforceManagementApi | deleteWorkforcemanagementManagementunit | DELETE /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{muId} | Delete management unit |
WorkforceManagementApi | deleteWorkforcemanagementManagementunitActivitycode | DELETE /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{muId}/activitycodes/{acId} | Deletes an activity code |
WorkforceManagementApi | deleteWorkforcemanagementManagementunitSchedulingRun | DELETE /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{managementUnitId}/scheduling/runs/{runId} | Cancel a schedule run |
WorkforceManagementApi | deleteWorkforcemanagementManagementunitServicegoalgroup | DELETE /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{managementUnitId}/servicegoalgroups/{serviceGoalGroupId} | Delete a service goal group |
WorkforceManagementApi | deleteWorkforcemanagementManagementunitWeekSchedule | DELETE /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{managementUnitId}/weeks/{weekId}/schedules/{scheduleId} | Delete a schedule |
WorkforceManagementApi | deleteWorkforcemanagementManagementunitWeekShorttermforecast | DELETE /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{managementUnitId}/weeks/{weekDateId}/shorttermforecasts/{forecastId} | Delete a short term forecast |
WorkforceManagementApi | deleteWorkforcemanagementManagementunitWorkplan | DELETE /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{managementUnitId}/workplans/{workPlanId} | Delete a work plan |
WorkforceManagementApi | getWorkforcemanagementAdherence | GET /api/v2/workforcemanagement/adherence | Get a list of UserScheduleAdherence records for the requested users |
WorkforceManagementApi | getWorkforcemanagementAdhocmodelingjob | GET /api/v2/workforcemanagement/adhocmodelingjobs/{jobId} | Get status of the modeling job |
WorkforceManagementApi | getWorkforcemanagementManagementunit | GET /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{muId} | Get management unit |
WorkforceManagementApi | getWorkforcemanagementManagementunitActivitycode | GET /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{muId}/activitycodes/{acId} | Get an activity code |
WorkforceManagementApi | getWorkforcemanagementManagementunitActivitycodes | GET /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{muId}/activitycodes | Get activity codes |
WorkforceManagementApi | getWorkforcemanagementManagementunitAgent | GET /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{managementUnitId}/agents/{agentId} | Get data for agent in the management unit |
WorkforceManagementApi | getWorkforcemanagementManagementunitIntradayQueues | GET /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{muId}/intraday/queues | Get intraday queues for the given date |
WorkforceManagementApi | getWorkforcemanagementManagementunitSchedulingRun | GET /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{managementUnitId}/scheduling/runs/{runId} | Gets the status for a specific scheduling run |
WorkforceManagementApi | getWorkforcemanagementManagementunitSchedulingRunResult | GET /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{managementUnitId}/scheduling/runs/{runId}/result | Gets the result of a specific scheduling run |
WorkforceManagementApi | getWorkforcemanagementManagementunitSchedulingRuns | GET /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{managementUnitId}/scheduling/runs | Get the status of all the ongoing schedule runs |
WorkforceManagementApi | getWorkforcemanagementManagementunitServicegoalgroup | GET /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{managementUnitId}/servicegoalgroups/{serviceGoalGroupId} | Get a service goal group |
WorkforceManagementApi | getWorkforcemanagementManagementunitServicegoalgroups | GET /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{managementUnitId}/servicegoalgroups | Get service goal groups |
WorkforceManagementApi | getWorkforcemanagementManagementunitSettings | GET /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{muId}/settings | Get the settings for the requested management unit. Deprecated, use the GET management unit route instead |
WorkforceManagementApi | getWorkforcemanagementManagementunitShifttradesMatched | GET /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{muId}/shifttrades/matched | Gets a summary of all shift trades in the matched state |
WorkforceManagementApi | getWorkforcemanagementManagementunitShifttradesUsers | GET /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{muId}/shifttrades/users | Gets list of users available for whom you can send direct shift trade requests |
WorkforceManagementApi | getWorkforcemanagementManagementunitUserTimeoffrequest | GET /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{muId}/users/{userId}/timeoffrequests/{timeOffRequestId} | Get a time off request |
WorkforceManagementApi | getWorkforcemanagementManagementunitUserTimeoffrequests | GET /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{muId}/users/{userId}/timeoffrequests | Get a list of time off requests for a given user |
WorkforceManagementApi | getWorkforcemanagementManagementunitUsers | GET /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{muId}/users | Get users in the management unit |
WorkforceManagementApi | getWorkforcemanagementManagementunitWeekSchedule | GET /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{managementUnitId}/weeks/{weekId}/schedules/{scheduleId} | Get a week schedule |
WorkforceManagementApi | getWorkforcemanagementManagementunitWeekScheduleGenerationresults | GET /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{managementUnitId}/weeks/{weekId}/schedules/{scheduleId}/generationresults | Get week schedule generation results |
WorkforceManagementApi | getWorkforcemanagementManagementunitWeekSchedules | GET /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{managementUnitId}/weeks/{weekId}/schedules | Get the list of schedules in a week in management unit |
WorkforceManagementApi | getWorkforcemanagementManagementunitWeekShorttermforecastFinal | GET /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{managementUnitId}/weeks/{weekDateId}/shorttermforecasts/{forecastId}/final | Get the final result of a short term forecast calculation with modifications applied |
WorkforceManagementApi | getWorkforcemanagementManagementunitWeekShorttermforecasts | GET /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{managementUnitId}/weeks/{weekDateId}/shorttermforecasts | Get short term forecasts |
WorkforceManagementApi | getWorkforcemanagementManagementunitWorkplan | GET /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{managementUnitId}/workplans/{workPlanId} | Get a work plan |
WorkforceManagementApi | getWorkforcemanagementManagementunitWorkplans | GET /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{managementUnitId}/workplans | Get work plans |
WorkforceManagementApi | getWorkforcemanagementManagementunits | GET /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits | Get management units |
WorkforceManagementApi | getWorkforcemanagementManagementunitsDivisionviews | GET /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/divisionviews | Get management units across divisions |
WorkforceManagementApi | getWorkforcemanagementNotifications | GET /api/v2/workforcemanagement/notifications | Get a list of notifications for the current user |
WorkforceManagementApi | getWorkforcemanagementSchedulingjob | GET /api/v2/workforcemanagement/schedulingjobs/{jobId} | Get status of the scheduling job |
WorkforceManagementApi | getWorkforcemanagementShifttrades | GET /api/v2/workforcemanagement/shifttrades | Gets all of my shift trades |
WorkforceManagementApi | getWorkforcemanagementTimeoffrequest | GET /api/v2/workforcemanagement/timeoffrequests/{timeOffRequestId} | Get a time off request for the current user |
WorkforceManagementApi | getWorkforcemanagementTimeoffrequests | GET /api/v2/workforcemanagement/timeoffrequests | Get a list of time off requests for the current user |
WorkforceManagementApi | patchWorkforcemanagementManagementunit | PATCH /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{muId} | Update the requested management unit |
WorkforceManagementApi | patchWorkforcemanagementManagementunitActivitycode | PATCH /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{muId}/activitycodes/{acId} | Update an activity code |
WorkforceManagementApi | patchWorkforcemanagementManagementunitSchedulingRun | PATCH /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{managementUnitId}/scheduling/runs/{runId} | Marks a specific scheduling run as applied, allowing a new rescheduling run to be started |
WorkforceManagementApi | patchWorkforcemanagementManagementunitServicegoalgroup | PATCH /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{managementUnitId}/servicegoalgroups/{serviceGoalGroupId} | Update a service goal group |
WorkforceManagementApi | patchWorkforcemanagementManagementunitSettings | PATCH /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{muId}/settings | Update the settings for the requested management unit |
WorkforceManagementApi | patchWorkforcemanagementManagementunitUserTimeoffrequest | PATCH /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{muId}/users/{userId}/timeoffrequests/{timeOffRequestId} | Update a time off request |
WorkforceManagementApi | patchWorkforcemanagementManagementunitWeekSchedule | PATCH /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{managementUnitId}/weeks/{weekId}/schedules/{scheduleId} | Update a week schedule |
WorkforceManagementApi | patchWorkforcemanagementManagementunitWorkplan | PATCH /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{managementUnitId}/workplans/{workPlanId} | Update a work plan |
WorkforceManagementApi | patchWorkforcemanagementTimeoffrequest | PATCH /api/v2/workforcemanagement/timeoffrequests/{timeOffRequestId} | Update a time off request for the current user |
WorkforceManagementApi | postWorkforcemanagementAdherenceHistorical | POST /api/v2/workforcemanagement/adherence/historical | Request a historical adherence report for users across management units |
WorkforceManagementApi | postWorkforcemanagementManagementunitActivitycodes | POST /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{muId}/activitycodes | Create a new activity code |
WorkforceManagementApi | postWorkforcemanagementManagementunitHistoricaladherencequery | POST /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{muId}/historicaladherencequery | Request a historical adherence report |
WorkforceManagementApi | postWorkforcemanagementManagementunitIntraday | POST /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{muId}/intraday | Get intraday data for the given date for the requested queueIds |
WorkforceManagementApi | postWorkforcemanagementManagementunitMove | POST /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{muId}/move | Move the requested management unit to a new business unit |
WorkforceManagementApi | postWorkforcemanagementManagementunitSchedulesSearch | POST /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{muId}/schedules/search | Query published schedules for given given time range for set of users |
WorkforceManagementApi | postWorkforcemanagementManagementunitServicegoalgroups | POST /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{managementUnitId}/servicegoalgroups | Create a new service goal group |
WorkforceManagementApi | postWorkforcemanagementManagementunitTimeoffrequests | POST /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{muId}/timeoffrequests | Create a new time off request |
WorkforceManagementApi | postWorkforcemanagementManagementunitTimeoffrequestsFetchdetails | POST /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{muId}/timeoffrequests/fetchdetails | Gets a list of time off requests from lookup ids |
WorkforceManagementApi | postWorkforcemanagementManagementunitTimeoffrequestsQuery | POST /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{muId}/timeoffrequests/query | Gets the lookup ids to fetch the specified set of requests |
WorkforceManagementApi | postWorkforcemanagementManagementunitWeekScheduleCopy | POST /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{managementUnitId}/weeks/{weekId}/schedules/{scheduleId}/copy | Copy a week schedule |
WorkforceManagementApi | postWorkforcemanagementManagementunitWeekScheduleReschedule | POST /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{managementUnitId}/weeks/{weekId}/schedules/{scheduleId}/reschedule | Start a scheduling run to compute the reschedule. When the scheduling run finishes, a client can get the reschedule changes and then the client can apply them to the schedule, save the schedule, and mark the scheduling run as applied |
WorkforceManagementApi | postWorkforcemanagementManagementunitWeekSchedules | POST /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{managementUnitId}/weeks/{weekId}/schedules | Add a schedule for a week in management unit using imported data. Use partial uploads of user schedules if activity count in schedule is greater than 17500 |
WorkforceManagementApi | postWorkforcemanagementManagementunitWeekSchedulesGenerate | POST /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{managementUnitId}/weeks/{weekId}/schedules/generate | Generate a week schedule |
WorkforceManagementApi | postWorkforcemanagementManagementunitWeekSchedulesPartialupload | POST /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{managementUnitId}/weeks/{weekId}/schedules/partialupload | Partial upload of user schedules where activity count is greater than 17500 |
WorkforceManagementApi | postWorkforcemanagementManagementunitWeekShorttermforecastCopy | POST /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{managementUnitId}/weeks/{weekDateId}/shorttermforecasts/{forecastId}/copy | Copy a short term forecast |
WorkforceManagementApi | postWorkforcemanagementManagementunitWeekShorttermforecasts | POST /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{managementUnitId}/weeks/{weekDateId}/shorttermforecasts | Import a short term forecast |
WorkforceManagementApi | postWorkforcemanagementManagementunitWeekShorttermforecastsGenerate | POST /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{managementUnitId}/weeks/{weekDateId}/shorttermforecasts/generate | Generate a short term forecast |
WorkforceManagementApi | postWorkforcemanagementManagementunitWeekShorttermforecastsPartialupload | POST /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{managementUnitId}/weeks/{weekDateId}/shorttermforecasts/partialupload | Import a short term forecast |
WorkforceManagementApi | postWorkforcemanagementManagementunitWorkplanCopy | POST /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{managementUnitId}/workplans/{workPlanId}/copy | Create a copy of work plan |
WorkforceManagementApi | postWorkforcemanagementManagementunitWorkplans | POST /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits/{managementUnitId}/workplans | Create a new work plan |
WorkforceManagementApi | postWorkforcemanagementManagementunits | POST /api/v2/workforcemanagement/managementunits | Add a management unit |
WorkforceManagementApi | postWorkforcemanagementNotificationsUpdate | POST /api/v2/workforcemanagement/notifications/update | Mark a list of notifications as read or unread |
WorkforceManagementApi | postWorkforcemanagementSchedules | POST /api/v2/workforcemanagement/schedules | Get published schedule for the current user |
WorkforceManagementApi | postWorkforcemanagementTimeoffrequests | POST /api/v2/workforcemanagement/timeoffrequests | Create a time off request for the current user |
- Action
- ActionConfig
- ActionContract
- ActionContractInput
- ActionEntityListing
- ActionInput
- ActionOutput
- Actions
- ActiveAlertCount
- ActivityCode
- ActivityCodeContainer
- AcwSettings
- AdditionalMessage
- Address
- AddressableEntityRef
- AddressableLicenseDefinition
- AdherenceSettings
- Adjacents
- AdminTimeOffRequestPatch
- Agent
- AgentActivity
- AgentActivityEntityListing
- AgentEvaluatorActivity
- AgentTimeOffRequestPatch
- AggregateMetricData
- AggregateViewData
- AggregationRange
- AggregationResult
- AggregationResultEntry
- AnalyticsConversation
- AnalyticsConversationAsyncQueryResponse
- AnalyticsConversationMultiGetResponse
- AnalyticsConversationQueryResponse
- AnalyticsConversationSegment
- AnalyticsEvaluation
- AnalyticsFlow
- AnalyticsFlowOutcome
- AnalyticsMediaEndpointStat
- AnalyticsParticipant
- AnalyticsProperty
- AnalyticsQueryAggregation
- AnalyticsRoutingStatusRecord
- AnalyticsScoredAgent
- AnalyticsSession
- AnalyticsSessionMetric
- AnalyticsSurvey
- AnalyticsUserDetail
- AnalyticsUserDetailsQueryResponse
- AnalyticsUserPresenceRecord
- Annotation
- AnswerOption
- ArchiveRetention
- ArrayNode
- AssignedWrapupCode
- AsyncConversationQuery
- AsyncQueryResponse
- AsyncQueryStatus
- AsyncWeekScheduleResponse
- Attachment
- AttemptLimits
- AttemptLimitsEntityListing
- Attribute
- AttributeFilterItem
- AtzmTimeSlot
- AtzmTimeSlotWithTimeZone
- AuditChange
- AuditEntity
- AuditEntityReference
- AuditFacet
- AuditFilter
- AuditMessage
- AuditQueryResponse
- AuditSearchResult
- AuditUser
- AuthzDivision
- AuthzDivisionEntityListing
- AuthzGrant
- AuthzGrantPolicy
- AuthzGrantRole
- AuthzSubject
- AutomaticTimeZoneMappingSettings
- AvailableLanguageList
- AvailableTopic
- AvailableTopicEntityListing
- AvailableTranslations
- BatchDownloadJobResult
- BatchDownloadJobStatusResult
- BatchDownloadJobSubmission
- BatchDownloadJobSubmissionResult
- BatchDownloadRequest
- BillingUsage
- BillingUsageReport
- BillingUsageResource
- Biography
- Bullseye
- BusinessUnitReference
- Calibration
- CalibrationAssignment
- CalibrationCreate
- CalibrationEntityListing
- Call
- CallBasic
- CallCommand
- CallConversation
- CallConversationEntityListing
- CallForwarding
- CallHistoryConversation
- CallHistoryConversationEntityListing
- CallHistoryParticipant
- CallMediaParticipant
- CallMediaPolicy
- CallMediaPolicyConditions
- CallRecord
- CallRoute
- CallTarget
- CallableContactsDiagnostic
- CallableTime
- CallableTimeSet
- CallableTimeSetEntityListing
- CallableWindow
- Callback
- CallbackBasic
- CallbackConversation
- CallbackConversationEntityListing
- CallbackIdentifier
- CallbackMediaParticipant
- Campaign
- CampaignDiagnostics
- CampaignDivisionView
- CampaignDivisionViewListing
- CampaignEntityListing
- CampaignInteraction
- CampaignInteractions
- CampaignProgress
- CampaignRule
- CampaignRuleAction
- CampaignRuleActionEntities
- CampaignRuleCondition
- CampaignRuleEntities
- CampaignRuleEntityListing
- CampaignRuleParameters
- CampaignSchedule
- CampaignSequence
- CampaignSequenceEntityListing
- CampaignStats
- CampaignTimeSlot
- Category
- CategoryEntityListing
- Certificate
- CertificateAuthorityEntityListing
- CertificateDetails
- Change
- ChangeMyPasswordRequest
- ChangePasswordRequest
- Channel
- ChannelEntityListing
- ChannelTopic
- ChannelTopicEntityListing
- Chat
- ChatConversation
- ChatConversationEntityListing
- ChatMediaParticipant
- ChatMediaPolicy
- ChatMediaPolicyConditions
- ChatMessage
- ChatMessageUser
- ClientApp
- ClientAppConfigurationInfo
- ClientAppEntityListing
- CobrowseConversation
- CobrowseConversationEntityListing
- CobrowseMediaParticipant
- Cobrowsesession
- CommandStatus
- CommandStatusEntityListing
- Condition
- ConnectRate
- ConsultTransfer
- ConsultTransferResponse
- ConsultTransferUpdate
- ConsumedResourcesEntityListing
- ConsumingResourcesEntityListing
- Contact
- ContactAddress
- ContactCallbackRequest
- ContactColumnTimeZone
- ContactColumnToDataActionFieldMapping
- ContactList
- ContactListDivisionView
- ContactListDivisionViewListing
- ContactListEntityListing
- ContactListFilter
- ContactListFilterClause
- ContactListFilterEntityListing
- ContactListFilterPredicate
- ContactListFilterRange
- ContactListing
- ContactPhoneNumberColumn
- ContactSort
- ContentAttributeFilterItem
- ContentFacetFilterItem
- ContentFilterItem
- ContentQueryRequest
- ContentSortItem
- Conversation
- ConversationAggregateDataContainer
- ConversationAggregateQueryClause
- ConversationAggregateQueryFilter
- ConversationAggregateQueryPredicate
- ConversationAggregateQueryResponse
- ConversationAggregationQuery
- ConversationAggregationView
- ConversationAssociation
- ConversationBasic
- ConversationChat
- ConversationDeletionProtectionQuery
- ConversationDetailQueryClause
- ConversationDetailQueryFilter
- ConversationDetailQueryPredicate
- ConversationDivisionMembership
- ConversationEntityListing
- ConversationProperties
- ConversationQuery
- ConversationRoutingData
- CopyShortTermForecastRequest
- CopyVoicemailMessage
- CopyWeekScheduleRequest
- CopyWorkPlan
- CoverSheet
- CreateActivityCodeRequest
- CreateAdminTimeOffRequest
- CreateAgentTimeOffRequest
- CreateCallRequest
- CreateCallResponse
- CreateCallbackCommand
- CreateCallbackOnConversationCommand
- CreateCallbackResponse
- CreateEmailRequest
- CreateIntegrationRequest
- CreateManagementUnitApiRequest
- CreateManagementUnitSettings
- CreateOutboundMessagingConversationRequest
- CreateQueueMediaAssociationRequest
- CreateQueueRequest
- CreateSecureSession
- CreateServiceGoalGroupRequest
- CreateShareRequest
- CreateShareRequestMember
- CreateShareResponse
- CreateUser
- CreateWebChatConversationRequest
- CreateWebChatConversationResponse
- CreateWebChatMessageRequest
- CreateWebChatRequest
- CreateWorkPlan
- CreateWorkPlanActivity
- CreateWorkPlanShift
- Credential
- CredentialInfo
- CredentialInfoListing
- CredentialSpecification
- CredentialType
- CredentialTypeListing
- CurrentUserScheduleRequestBody
- CustomerInteractionCenter
- DIDEntityListing
- DIDPool
- DIDPoolEntityListing
- DataActionConditionPredicate
- DataSchema
- DataTable
- DataTableRowEntityListing
- DataTablesDomainEntityListing
- DateRange
- DefaultGreetingList
- DeletableUserReference
- DeleteRetention
- Dependency
- DependencyObject
- DependencyObjectEntityListing
- DependencyStatus
- DependencyType
- DependencyTypeEntityListing
- Destination
- Detail
- DialerAction
- DialerAuditRequest
- DialerContact
- DialerContactId
- DialerEventEntityListing
- DialerPreview
- DialerRule
- DialogflowAgent
- DialogflowAgentSummary
- DialogflowAgentSummaryEntityListing
- DialogflowIntent
- DialogflowParameter
- DialogflowProject
- DigitLength
- Digits
- DirectoryUserDevicesListing
- DisconnectReason
- Division
- DncList
- DncListCreate
- DncListDivisionView
- DncListDivisionViewListing
- DncListEntityListing
- Document
- DocumentAttribute
- DocumentAudit
- DocumentAuditEntityListing
- DocumentEntityListing
- DocumentThumbnail
- DocumentUpdate
- DocumentUpload
- DocumentationResult
- DocumentationSearchCriteria
- DocumentationSearchRequest
- DocumentationSearchResponse
- DomainCapabilities
- DomainCertificateAuthority
- DomainEdgeSoftwareUpdateDto
- DomainEdgeSoftwareVersionDto
- DomainEdgeSoftwareVersionDtoEntityListing
- DomainEntity
- DomainEntityListing
- DomainEntityListingEvaluationForm
- DomainEntityListingQueryResult
- DomainEntityListingSurveyForm
- DomainEntityRef
- DomainLogicalInterface
- DomainNetworkAddress
- DomainNetworkCommandResponse
- DomainNetworkRoute
- DomainOrgRoleDifference
- DomainOrganizationProduct
- DomainOrganizationRole
- DomainOrganizationRoleCreate
- DomainOrganizationRoleUpdate
- DomainPermission
- DomainPermissionCollection
- DomainPermissionPolicy
- DomainPhysicalCapabilities
- DomainPhysicalInterface
- DomainResourceConditionNode
- DomainResourceConditionValue
- DomainRole
- DomainSchemaReference
- DownloadResponse
- DraftValidationResult
- DurationCondition
- Edge
- EdgeAutoUpdateConfig
- EdgeEntityListing
- EdgeGroup
- EdgeGroupEntityListing
- EdgeInterface
- EdgeLine
- EdgeLineEntityListing
- EdgeLogsJob
- EdgeLogsJobFile
- EdgeLogsJobRequest
- EdgeLogsJobResponse
- EdgeLogsJobUploadRequest
- EdgeMetrics
- EdgeMetricsDisk
- EdgeMetricsMemory
- EdgeMetricsNetwork
- EdgeMetricsProcessor
- EdgeMetricsSubsystem
- EdgeRebootParameters
- EdgeServiceStateRequest
- EdgeTrunkBase
- EdgeVersionInformation
- EdgeVersionReport
- EffectiveConfiguration
- EmailAddress
- EmailAttachment
- EmailConversation
- EmailConversationEntityListing
- EmailMediaParticipant
- EmailMediaPolicy
- EmailMediaPolicyConditions
- EmailMessage
- EmailMessageListing
- EmailSetup
- EmbeddedIntegration
- EmergencyCallFlow
- EmergencyGroup
- EmergencyGroupListing
- EmployerInfo
- EncryptionKey
- EncryptionKeyEntityListing
- Endpoint
- Entity
- Entry
- ErrorBody
- ErrorDetails
- EstimatedWaitTimePredictions
- Evaluation
- EvaluationAggregateDataContainer
- EvaluationAggregateQueryClause
- EvaluationAggregateQueryFilter
- EvaluationAggregateQueryPredicate
- EvaluationAggregateQueryResponse
- EvaluationAggregationQuery
- EvaluationAggregationView
- EvaluationAssignment
- EvaluationDetailQueryClause
- EvaluationDetailQueryFilter
- EvaluationDetailQueryPredicate
- EvaluationEntityListing
- EvaluationForm
- EvaluationFormAndScoringSet
- EvaluationFormEntityListing
- EvaluationQuestion
- EvaluationQuestionGroup
- EvaluationQuestionGroupScore
- EvaluationQuestionScore
- EvaluationScoringSet
- EvaluatorActivity
- EvaluatorActivityEntityListing
- EventEntity
- EventLog
- EventMessage
- ExecuteRecordingJobsQuery
- ExpansionCriterium
- ExportScriptRequest
- ExportScriptResponse
- ExportUri
- Extension
- ExtensionEntityListing
- ExtensionPool
- ExtensionPoolEntityListing
- ExternalContact
- ExternalDataSource
- ExternalOrganization
- ExternalOrganizationListing
- FacebookId
- FacebookIntegration
- FacebookIntegrationEntityListing
- FacebookIntegrationRequest
- FacebookScopedId
- Facet
- FacetEntry
- FacetInfo
- FacetKeyAttribute
- FacetStatistics
- FacetTerm
- FailedObject
- FaxDocument
- FaxDocumentEntityListing
- FaxSendRequest
- FaxSendResponse
- FaxStatus
- FaxSummary
- FeatureState
- FieldConfig
- FieldConfigs
- FieldList
- Filter
- FilterPreviewResponse
- Flow
- FlowAggregateDataContainer
- FlowAggregateQueryClause
- FlowAggregateQueryFilter
- FlowAggregateQueryPredicate
- FlowAggregateQueryResponse
- FlowAggregationQuery
- FlowAggregationView
- FlowDiagnosticInfo
- FlowDivisionView
- FlowDivisionViewEntityListing
- FlowEntityListing
- FlowObservationDataContainer
- FlowObservationQuery
- FlowObservationQueryClause
- FlowObservationQueryFilter
- FlowObservationQueryPredicate
- FlowObservationQueryResponse
- FlowOutcome
- FlowOutcomeListing
- FlowVersion
- FlowVersionEntityListing
- ForecastGenerationResult
- ForecastGenerationRouteGroupResult
- ForecastResultResponse
- ForecastSourceDayPointer
- ForecastTimeSeriesResult
- FreeSeatingConfiguration
- GDPRJourneyCustomer
- GDPRRequest
- GDPRRequestEntityListing
- GDPRSubject
- GDPRSubjectEntityListing
- GKNDocumentationResult
- GKNDocumentationSearchCriteria
- GKNDocumentationSearchRequest
- GKNDocumentationSearchResponse
- GSuite
- GenerateShortTermForecastRequest
- GenerateShortTermForecastResponse
- GenerateWeekScheduleRequest
- GenerateWeekScheduleResponse
- Geolocation
- GeolocationSettings
- Greeting
- GreetingAudioFile
- GreetingListing
- GreetingMediaInfo
- GreetingOwner
- Group
- GroupContact
- GroupCreate
- GroupEntityListing
- GroupMembersUpdate
- GroupProfile
- GroupProfileEntityListing
- GroupSearchCriteria
- GroupSearchRequest
- GroupUpdate
- GroupsSearchResponse
- GuestMemberInfo
- HeadcountForecast
- HeadcountInterval
- HelpLink
- HistoryEntry
- HistoryListing
- HomerRecord
- IVREntityListing
- IdentityNow
- IgnoredActivityCategories
- ImportScriptStatusResponse
- ImportShortTermForecastRequest
- ImportStatus
- ImportWeekScheduleRequest
- InboundDomain
- InboundDomainEntityListing
- InboundMessageRequest
- InboundRoute
- InboundRouteEntityListing
- InitiateScreenRecording
- Integration
- IntegrationConfiguration
- IntegrationConfigurationInfo
- IntegrationEntityListing
- IntegrationEvent
- IntegrationEventEntityListing
- IntegrationExport
- IntegrationStatusInfo
- IntegrationType
- IntegrationTypeEntityListing
- InteractionStatsAlert
- InteractionStatsAlertContainer
- InteractionStatsRule
- InteractionStatsRuleContainer
- IntradayDataGroup
- IntradayForecastData
- IntradayHistoricalAgentData
- IntradayHistoricalQueueData
- IntradayMetric
- IntradayPerformancePredictionAgentData
- IntradayPerformancePredictionQueueData
- IntradayQueryDataCommand
- IntradayQueue
- IntradayResponse
- IntradayScheduleData
- IpAddressRange
- IpAddressRangeListing
- JourneyAction
- JourneyActionMap
- JourneyContext
- JourneyCustomer
- JourneyCustomerSession
- JsonNode
- JsonNodeSearchResponse
- JsonSchemaDocument
- KeyRotationSchedule
- Keyword
- KeywordSet
- KeywordSetEntityListing
- Language
- LanguageEntityListing
- LanguageOverride
- LanguageReference
- LexBot
- LexBotAlias
- LexBotAliasEntityListing
- LexBotEntityListing
- LexIntent
- LexSlot
- Library
- LibraryEntityListing
- LicenseAssignmentRequest
- LicenseBatchAssignmentRequest
- LicenseDefinition
- LicenseOrgToggle
- LicenseUpdateStatus
- LicenseUser
- Line
- LineBase
- LineBaseEntityListing
- LineEntityListing
- LineId
- LineIntegration
- LineIntegrationEntityListing
- LineIntegrationRequest
- LineStatus
- LineUserId
- ListWrapperForecastSourceDayPointer
- ListWrapperShiftStartVariance
- ListWrapperWfmForecastModification
- LocalEncryptionConfiguration
- LocalEncryptionConfigurationListing
- LocalEncryptionKeyRequest
- Location
- LocationAddress
- LocationAddressVerificationDetails
- LocationCreateDefinition
- LocationDefinition
- LocationEmergencyNumber
- LocationEntityListing
- LocationImage
- LocationSearchCriteria
- LocationSearchRequest
- LocationUpdateDefinition
- LocationsSearchResponse
- LockInfo
- LogicalInterfaceEntityListing
- ManagementUnit
- ManagementUnitListing
- ManagementUnitSettings
- Manager
- MaxParticipants
- MediaEndpointStatDetailQueryClause
- MediaEndpointStatDetailQueryFilter
- MediaEndpointStatDetailQueryPredicate
- MediaParticipantRequest
- MediaPolicies
- MediaResult
- MediaSetting
- MediaSummary
- MediaSummaryDetail
- MediaTranscription
- MemberEntity
- Message
- MessageConversation
- MessageConversationEntityListing
- MessageData
- MessageDetails
- MessageEvaluation
- MessageInfo
- MessageMedia
- MessageMediaAttachment
- MessageMediaData
- MessageMediaParticipant
- MessageMediaPolicy
- MessageMediaPolicyConditions
- MessageSticker
- MessageStickerAttachment
- MessagingIntegration
- MessagingIntegrationEntityListing
- MessagingSticker
- MessagingStickerEntityListing
- MetaData
- Metabase
- MeteredAssignmentByAgent
- MeteredEvaluationAssignment
- ModelEmpty
- ModelingProcessingError
- ModelingStatusResponse
- MoveManagementUnitRequest
- MoveManagementUnitResponse
- NTPSettings
- NamedEntity
- Note
- NoteListing
- NotificationsResponse
- Number
- NumberPlan
- NumericRange
- OAuthClient
- OAuthClientEntityListing
- OAuthClientListing
- OAuthClientRequest
- OAuthProvider
- OAuthProviderEntityListing
- ObservationMetricData
- ObservationValue
- Okta
- OneLogin
- Operation
- OrgMediaUtilization
- OrgOAuthClient
- OrgUser
- OrgWhitelistSettings
- Organization
- OrganizationFeatures
- OrganizationPresence
- OrganizationPresenceEntityListing
- OrganizationProductEntityListing
- OrganizationRoleEntityListing
- OrphanRecording
- OrphanRecordingListing
- OrphanUpdateRequest
- OutOfOffice
- OutboundRoute
- OutboundRouteBase
- OutboundRouteBaseEntityListing
- OutboundRouteEntityListing
- OutboundSettings
- PINConfiguration
- Page
- PagingSpec
- Parameter
- ParsedCertificate
- PartialUploadResponse
- Participant
- ParticipantAttributes
- ParticipantBasic
- PatchUser
- PermissionCollectionEntityListing
- Permissions
- Phone
- PhoneBase
- PhoneBaseEntityListing
- PhoneCapabilities
- PhoneColumn
- PhoneEntityListing
- PhoneMetaBaseEntityListing
- PhoneNumber
- PhoneNumberColumn
- PhoneNumberStatus
- PhoneStatus
- PhonesReboot
- Photo
- PhysicalInterfaceEntityListing
- PingIdentity
- PlanningPeriodSettings
- Policy
- PolicyActions
- PolicyConditions
- PolicyCreate
- PolicyEntityListing
- PolicyErrorMessage
- PolicyErrors
- PostActionInput
- PostInputContract
- PostOutputContract
- PredictionResults
- PresenceDefinition
- PresenceDetailQueryClause
- PresenceDetailQueryFilter
- PresenceDetailQueryPredicate
- Prompt
- PromptAsset
- PromptAssetCreate
- PromptAssetEntityListing
- PromptEntityListing
- PropertyIndexRequest
- ProvisionInfo
- PublishDraftInput
- PublishForm
- PublishedSurveyFormReference
- PureCloud
- PureEngage
- QualityAudit
- QualityAuditPage
- QueryDivision
- QueryFacetInfo
- QueryRequest
- QueryResult
- QueryResults
- Queue
- QueueEmailAddress
- QueueEntityListing
- QueueMediaAssociation
- QueueMember
- QueueMemberEntityListing
- QueueMessagingAddresses
- QueueObservationDataContainer
- QueueObservationQuery
- QueueObservationQueryClause
- QueueObservationQueryFilter
- QueueObservationQueryPredicate
- QueueObservationQueryResponse
- QueueReference
- QueueRequest
- QueueUtilizationDiagnostic
- Reaction
- RecallEntry
- Recipient
- RecipientListing
- Recording
- RecordingEmailMessage
- RecordingJob
- RecordingJobEntityListing
- RecordingJobsQuery
- RecordingMessagingMessage
- RecordingMetadata
- RecordingSettings
- RegionTimeZone
- Relationship
- RelationshipListing
- ReplaceRequest
- ReplaceResponse
- ReplacementTerm
- ReportMetaData
- ReportMetaDataEntityListing
- ReportRunEntry
- ReportRunEntryEntityDomainListing
- ReportSchedule
- ReportScheduleEntityListing
- ReportingExportJobListing
- ReportingExportJobRequest
- ReportingExportJobResponse
- RequestConfig
- RescheduleRequest
- RescheduleResult
- ReschedulingOptionsResponse
- ResourceConditionNode
- ResourceConditionValue
- ResourcePermissionPolicy
- Response
- ResponseConfig
- ResponseEntityList
- ResponseEntityListing
- ResponseFilter
- ResponseQueryRequest
- ResponseQueryResults
- ResponseSet
- ResponseSetEntityListing
- ResponseSubstitution
- ResponseText
- RestErrorDetail
- RetentionDuration
- ReverseWhitepagesLookupResult
- Ring
- RoleDivision
- RoleDivisionGrants
- RoleDivisionPair
- RouteGroup
- RouteGroupAttributes
- RouteGroupList
- RoutingData
- RoutingRule
- RoutingSkill
- RoutingSkillReference
- RoutingStatus
- RoutingStatusDetailQueryClause
- RoutingStatusDetailQueryFilter
- RoutingStatusDetailQueryPredicate
- RuleSet
- RuleSetDiagnostic
- RuleSetEntityListing
- RunNowResponse
- SIPSearchPublicRequest
- SMSAvailablePhoneNumberEntityListing
- Salesforce
- Schedule
- ScheduleEntityListing
- ScheduleGenerationWarning
- ScheduleGroup
- ScheduleGroupEntityListing
- ScheduleInterval
- SchedulingProcessingError
- SchedulingRunListResponse
- SchedulingRunResponse
- SchedulingSettings
- SchedulingStatusResponse
- SchemaCategory
- SchemaCategoryEntityListing
- SchemaReferenceEntityListing
- ScimConfigResourceType
- ScimConfigResourceTypeSchemaExtension
- ScimConfigResourceTypesListResponse
- ScimEmail
- ScimError
- ScimGroupListResponse
- ScimMetadata
- ScimPhoneNumber
- ScimServiceProviderConfig
- ScimServiceProviderConfigAuthenticationScheme
- ScimServiceProviderConfigBulkFeature
- ScimServiceProviderConfigFilterFeature
- ScimServiceProviderConfigSimpleFeature
- ScimUserListResponse
- ScimV2CreateUser
- ScimV2EnterpriseUser
- ScimV2Group
- ScimV2GroupReference
- ScimV2MemberReference
- ScimV2PatchOperation
- ScimV2PatchRequest
- ScimV2User
- ScorableSurvey
- ScoredAgent
- ScreenRecordingSession
- ScreenRecordingSessionListing
- ScreenRecordingSessionRequest
- Screenshare
- Script
- ScriptEntityListing
- SearchAggregation
- SearchCriteria
- SearchRequest
- SearchSort
- Section
- SecureSession
- SecureSessionEntityListing
- SecurityProfile
- SecurityProfileEntityListing
- Segment
- SegmentDetailQueryClause
- SegmentDetailQueryFilter
- SegmentDetailQueryPredicate
- SelectedColumns
- SequenceSchedule
- ServerDate
- ServiceContext
- ServiceGoalGroup
- ServiceGoalGroupGoals
- ServiceGoalGroupList
- ServiceLevel
- SetUuiDataRequest
- SetWrapperDayOfWeek
- Share
- ShareEntityListing
- SharedEntity
- SharedResponse
- ShiftStartVariance
- ShiftTradeActivityRule
- ShiftTradeListResponse
- ShiftTradeMatchesSummaryResponse
- ShiftTradeNotification
- ShiftTradeResponse
- ShiftTradeSettings
- ShortTermForecast
- ShortTermForecastListItemResponse
- ShortTermForecastListResponse
- ShortTermForecastReference
- ShortTermForecastResponse
- ShortTermForecastingSettings
- ShrinkageOverride
- ShrinkageOverrides
- SignedUrlResponse
- SipDownloadResponse
- SipSearchResult
- Site
- SiteEntityListing
- SkillEntityListing
- SkillsToRemove
- SmsAddress
- SmsAddressEntityListing
- SmsAddressProvision
- SmsAvailablePhoneNumber
- SmsPhoneNumber
- SmsPhoneNumberEntityListing
- SmsPhoneNumberProvision
- SocialExpression
- SocialHandle
- SortItem
- Station
- StationEntityListing
- StationSettings
- StatisticalResponse
- StatisticalSummary
- StreetAddress
- SubjectDivisionGrants
- SubjectDivisionGrantsEntityListing
- SubjectDivisions
- SubscriberResponse
- SubscriptionOverviewUsage
- SuggestSearchCriteria
- SuggestSearchRequest
- Survey
- SurveyAggregateDataContainer
- SurveyAggregateQueryClause
- SurveyAggregateQueryFilter
- SurveyAggregateQueryPredicate
- SurveyAggregateQueryResponse
- SurveyAggregationQuery
- SurveyAggregationView
- SurveyAssignment
- SurveyDetailQueryClause
- SurveyDetailQueryFilter
- SurveyDetailQueryPredicate
- SurveyErrorDetails
- SurveyForm
- SurveyFormAndScoringSet
- SurveyFormEntityListing
- SurveyQuestion
- SurveyQuestionGroup
- SurveyQuestionGroupScore
- SurveyQuestionScore
- SurveyScoringSet
- SystemPresence
- SystemPrompt
- SystemPromptAsset
- SystemPromptAssetEntityListing
- SystemPromptEntityListing
- TagQueryRequest
- TagValue
- TagValueEntityListing
- TermAttribute
- TestExecutionOperationResult
- TestExecutionResult
- TextMessageListing
- Ticker
- TimeAllowed
- TimeInterval
- TimeOffRequestEntityList
- TimeOffRequestList
- TimeOffRequestLookup
- TimeOffRequestLookupList
- TimeOffRequestNotification
- TimeOffRequestQueryBody
- TimeOffRequestResponse
- TimeOffRequestSettings
- TimeSlot
- TimeZone
- TimeZoneEntityListing
- TimeZoneMappingPreview
- Token
- TokenInfo
- TranscriptProperty
- TransferRequest
- Trunk
- TrunkBase
- TrunkBaseAssignment
- TrunkBaseEntityListing
- TrunkConnectedStatus
- TrunkEntityListing
- TrunkErrorInfo
- TrunkErrorInfoDetails
- TrunkMetabaseEntityListing
- TrunkMetrics
- TrunkMetricsCalls
- TrunkMetricsNetworkTypeIp
- TrunkMetricsOptions
- TrunkMetricsQoS
- TrunkMetricsRegisters
- TrunkRecordingEnabledCount
- TrustCreate
- TrustEntityListing
- TrustGroup
- TrustMemberCreate
- TrustRequest
- TrustRequestCreate
- TrustUser
- TrustUserDetails
- TrustUserEntityListing
- Trustee
- TrusteeAuditQueryRequest
- TrusteeAuthorization
- TrusteeBillingOverview
- Trustor
- TrustorAuditQueryRequest
- TrustorEntityListing
- TtsEngineEntity
- TtsEngineEntityListing
- TtsSettings
- TtsVoiceEntity
- TtsVoiceEntityListing
- TwitterId
- TwitterIntegration
- TwitterIntegrationEntityListing
- TwitterIntegrationRequest
- UnreadMetric
- UnreadStatus
- UnscheduledAgentWarning
- UpdateActionInput
- UpdateActivityCodeRequest
- UpdateDraftInput
- UpdateManagementUnitRequest
- UpdateNotificationResponse
- UpdateNotificationsRequest
- UpdateNotificationsResponse
- UpdateSchedulingRunRequest
- UpdateUser
- UpdateWeekScheduleRequest
- Usage
- UsageItem
- User
- UserActionCategory
- UserActionCategoryEntityListing
- UserAgentInfo
- UserAggregateDataContainer
- UserAggregateQueryClause
- UserAggregateQueryFilter
- UserAggregateQueryPredicate
- UserAggregateQueryResponse
- UserAggregationQuery
- UserAggregationView
- UserAuthorization
- UserConversationSummary
- UserDetailQueryClause
- UserDetailQueryFilter
- UserDetailQueryPredicate
- UserDetailsQuery
- UserDevice
- UserEntityListing
- UserExpands
- UserImage
- UserLanguageEntityListing
- UserLicenses
- UserLicensesEntityListing
- UserListScheduleRequestBody
- UserMe
- UserObservationDataContainer
- UserObservationQuery
- UserObservationQueryClause
- UserObservationQueryFilter
- UserObservationQueryPredicate
- UserObservationQueryResponse
- UserParam
- UserPresence
- UserProfile
- UserProfileEntityListing
- UserQueue
- UserQueueEntityListing
- UserRecording
- UserRecordingEntityListing
- UserReference
- UserRoutingLanguage
- UserRoutingLanguagePost
- UserRoutingSkill
- UserRoutingSkillPost
- UserSchedule
- UserScheduleActivity
- UserScheduleAdherence
- UserScheduleContainer
- UserScheduleFullDayTimeOffMarker
- UserScheduleShift
- UserSchedulesPartialUploadRequest
- UserSearchCriteria
- UserSearchRequest
- UserSkillEntityListing
- UserStation
- UserStations
- UsersSearchResponse
- Utilization
- ValidateAddressRequest
- ValidateAddressResponse
- VendorConnectionRequest
- Video
- ViewFilter
- VisibilityCondition
- VmPairingInfo
- Voicemail
- VoicemailCopyRecord
- VoicemailGroupPolicy
- VoicemailMailboxInfo
- VoicemailMediaInfo
- VoicemailMessage
- VoicemailMessageEntityListing
- VoicemailOrganizationPolicy
- VoicemailRetentionPolicy
- VoicemailSearchCriteria
- VoicemailSearchRequest
- VoicemailUserPolicy
- VoicemailsSearchResponse
- WebChatConfig
- WebChatConversation
- WebChatDeployment
- WebChatDeploymentEntityListing
- WebChatGuestMediaRequest
- WebChatGuestMediaRequestEntityList
- WebChatMemberInfo
- WebChatMemberInfoEntityList
- WebChatMessage
- WebChatMessageEntityList
- WebChatRoutingTarget
- WebChatSettings
- WebChatTyping
- WeekSchedule
- WeekScheduleGenerationResult
- WeekScheduleListItemResponse
- WeekScheduleListResponse
- WeekScheduleReference
- WeekScheduleResponse
- WeekShiftTradeMatchesSummaryResponse
- WfmAbandonRate
- WfmAgent
- WfmAverageSpeedOfAnswer
- WfmForecastModification
- WfmForecastModificationAttributes
- WfmForecastModificationIntervalOffsetValue
- WfmHistoricalAdherenceQuery
- WfmHistoricalAdherenceQueryForUsers
- WfmHistoricalAdherenceResponse
- WfmIntradayQueueListing
- WfmServiceLevel
- WfmTimeZone
- WfmUserEntityListing
- WfmUserNotification
- WfmVersionedEntityMetadata
- WhatsAppId
- WhatsAppIntegration
- WhatsAppIntegrationEntityListing
- WhatsAppIntegrationUpdateRequest
- WidgetClientConfig
- WidgetClientConfigThirdParty
- WidgetClientConfigV1
- WidgetClientConfigV1Http
- WidgetClientConfigV2
- WidgetDeployment
- WidgetDeploymentEntityListing
- WorkPlan
- WorkPlanActivity
- WorkPlanListItemResponse
- WorkPlanListResponse
- WorkPlanReference
- WorkPlanShift
- Workspace
- WorkspaceCreate
- WorkspaceEntityListing
- WorkspaceMember
- WorkspaceMemberEntityListing
- WorkspaceSummary
- WrapUpCodeMapping
- WrapUpCodeReference
- Wrapup
- WrapupCode
- WrapupCodeEntityListing
- WritableDialerContact
- WritableDivision
- WritableEntity
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Authorization
- Location: HTTP header
- Type: OAuth
- Flow: implicit
- Authorization URL: https://login.mypurecloud.com/authorize
- Scopes:
- all: All the scopes