Releases: nnguyen259/KuroTools
Releases · nnguyen259/KuroTools
KuroTools v1.3
KuroTools v1.2.2
Reversed JUMPIFTRUE/JUMPIFFALSE and JumpWhenTrue/JumpWhenFalse, otherwise some portions of the decompiled code made no sense. Thanks to Dhurv for pointing it out.
KuroTools v1.2.1
- Fixed the extraction of a few mdl files using some unknown quantity for their animation (didn't really bother to see what that was)
- Fixed a problem with animation duration. It's actually a problem in assimp so I recompiled the exe with a modified assimp for the time being.
Note that rare animations can show a gimbal lock in Maya (and not in Blender), you fix that using the Graph Editor > Euler Filter
KuroTools v1.2.0
Added a new tool for assets extraction in C++ with decryption. Still experimental, might not work on some models.
KuroTools v1.1.0
- All TBL with schemas are almost perfect matches to their original ones, except a few from CLE that have padded zeros at the end after decryption/decompression (no incidence in game or anything)
- Scripts use function names rather than "ID" (which didn't exist in the first place in fact, it was just an index). So function creation is easier.
- CRC32 (JAMCRC) has been included to the tools to compute the hash of each header (in tbl) and functions (in scripts).
KuroTools 1.01
Last working version before the "set_current_function(id = x)" that will make the old script format obsolete.
Note: doesn't allow adding custom functions yet, but still fine for simple value editing and adding commands and function calls in existing functions