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Jacob Robertson edited this page Aug 31, 2015 · 2 revisions

Note: This binary has been tested on Mac OS X 10.0.3 (Yosemite), although it may work with earlier versions

Mac OS X

Download a Binary

Install Required Software

Installation of required software can be simplified by Homebrew with the following formulae


Python is usually already installed on Mac OS X. To check if you have a suitable version of Python and wxPython installed, start Terminal, and type in python.

If you get a python >>> prompt, check to see if you have wxPython by typing in:

import wx

If everything is working correctly, you should not see any errors when doing this. If you do get errors, go to the wxpython site and get the wx version that matches your python version and install it. Then start python and import wx again.

On 64-bit versions of Mac OS X, you may also need to tell Python to run in 32-bit mode by default (from Terminal):

defaults write Prefer-32-Bit -bool yes
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