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Igor Karpov edited this page Apr 26, 2015 · 1 revision

Note: This binary is outdated. Please use the Linux version. If you manage to compile OpenNERO for Windows, please let us know so we can share it with other users.


Download a Binary

Install Required Software

To check if you have a suitable version of Python and wxPython installed, start Command Prompt (cmd), and type in python. If you get a python >>> prompt, check to see if you have wxPython by typing in:

import wx

If everything is working correctly, you should not see any errors when doing this.

  1. Download and install Python 2.7.2 (win32)
  2. Download and install wxPython (required for the NERO mod).
  3. Add the directory with python.exe (usually C:\Python27) to your PATH environment variable. * Open Control Panel * Search for "Set System Environment Variables" or open the Advanced tab of System Properties. * Edit the "Path" variable value to include the location of your python.exe.
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